Latest Youth culture today Podcast Episodes

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

What Teens Wish Their Parents Knew 2

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 25, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Researcher Ellen Galinsky has released a brand new book about teenagers. It’s called “The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens”, and it includes five things teens wish their parents and other adults knew about them. All this week, we’re looking at what Galins...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

What Teens Wish Their Parents Knew 1

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 24, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Researcher Ellen Galinsky has released a brand new book about teenagers. It’s called “The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens”, and it includes five things teens wish their parents and other adults knew about them. All this week, I want to look at what Galin...

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The Effects of Social Media on Kids

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 21, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
There’s a growing amount of research pointing to the fact that  smartphones and social media are undermining the well-being of our kids when borders, boundaries, and safeguards are not enacted. Recently, the American Psychological Association released a report on the science of how social media ...

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God's Plan for Gender

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 20, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
As followers of Jesus, we must go to and trust God’s Word as the spotlight that shines truth on our understanding of gender. God, the Creator of all things, pronounced everything He created as “good!” But when He finished creating humans He said “very good!’ And what He pronounced as “very good!...

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Parenting in Anti-Christian Times

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 19, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
When Christian missionaries go through training, they spend lots of time learning their message. Missionary training is centered on learning the Gospel so that it might be shared correctly. But the message is not the only thing they learn. They also go through lots of learning about the culture ...

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How to Talk about Sex and Gender

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 18, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
When one of our kids came home from school and announced that he learned on the school playground where babies come from, I asked him what he had learned and from who. Not surprisingly, what he had learned didn’t even come close to the truth, so it afforded us an opportunity to tell him the trut...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Pushing Back on Teen Anxiety

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 17, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Last month, I read social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s new book, “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.” Over the past few years, I have found Haidt to be a trustworthy voice of reason regarding those issues that foster healthy gro...

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Fathers As Leaders

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 14, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
On this weekend when we look forward to celebrating Father’s Day, I want to remind the fathers who are listening of their greatest responsibility in life. In Ephesians six four we read this: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of t...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Fat, Sugar and the Young Brain

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 13, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
You’ve no doubt heard the phrase, “Garbage in, garbage out.” I remember my own youth pastor telling us that a car has been created with great care to run smoothly on the right kind of fuel. He used the illustration of what happens to car when someone maliciously pours sugar into the gas tank. It...

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Helping Kids See Their Sin

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 12, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Advances in neurological science point to the amazing complexity of our God-made brains. Because their brains are still developing, our children, teens, and even young adults have what is called an underdeveloped impulse control. This makes them less prone to resist behavioral impulses and more ...

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A Detransitioner Speaks

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 11, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In a world where our kids are hearing that there is no such thing as the creational gender binary of male and female, and where they are hearing that they have the power to choose their gender based on their personal feelings and desires, there are a growing number of young voices who hope to tu...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Youth Sports as Idol

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 10, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Earlier this morning, I went online and purchased a book with a title that grabbed my attention. The book is Linda Flanagan’s “Back in the Game: How Money and Mania Are Ruining Kids’ Sports – and Why It Matters.” While I have yet to read the book, the overview describes how Flanagan lists some w...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Marijuana Use

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 07, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
“We did it, and we turned out ok.” Perhaps you’ve heard that line of reasoning from other parents regarding today’s teens and marijuana use. In fact, a government survey indicates that since 2015, the number of parents who believe there is a risk of harm from using marijuana has dropped, from ju...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

God's Rainbow and Human Pride

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 06, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In the story of Noah, a righteous man who walked blamelessly with God, we see God’s grief over humankind’s sin. And while God chooses to cleanse the earth through a flood, he also chooses to make a covenant with humanity to never again destroy the earth through a flood. The mark of this gracious...

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A Compelling Witness for our Kids

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 05, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In his book, “The Patient Ferment of the Early Church”, Alan Kreider offers an explanation of how Christianity took root and grew in the Roman Empire, even though the church was marginalized, despised, and discriminated against. The parallels to the world we find ourselves inhabiting as Christia...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Neurological Science and Screen Time

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 04, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Advances in neurological science point to the amazing complexity of our God-made brains, and inform us about how best we can parent our kids in ways that lead to their healthy growth and development. Recently, the American Psychological Association released a report which reminds us that startin...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

God, Sex, and Gender

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - June 03, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
As our culture continues to promote ideologies that leave so many questioning their gender and sexuality, it’s important that we as parents and the church continually remind our kids of God’s good and glorious creational design as put forth in Genesis one and two. God made humanity in His image,...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

How Music Has Changed

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 30, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
If you’re like me and you lament the decline in the quality of popular music since the days when you were a teenager, there’s actually some new research indicating that your lament is not simply based on your personal listening preferences. Rather, there has been a change in popular music that’s...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Teaching Discernment

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 29, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to develop the skill of knowing, understanding, and applying the truths of God’s Word to all of life, so that we might distinguish truth from error, wisdom from foolishness, and right from wrong. And, as we develop discernment, we must also guide our i...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Should Phones Be Banned in School?

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 28, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In his recent book, “The Anxious Generation,” social psychologist Jonathan Haidt recommends that our schools ban smartphones. It’s a common-sense move that at the very least would answer the concerns of just all about all teachers regarding how smartphone presence has diminished the willingness ...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Remember and Tell

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 27, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
On this Memorial Day holiday, we are encouraged to remember those who have gone before us, sacrificing their lives so that we might experience life in a free country. As you speak to your kids about the meaning of Memorial Day, use it also as an occasion to remind them that it is important to en...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 24, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
I remember my Dad uttering a saying that history tells us was already deeply entrenched in American culture in the late eighteen-hundreds. That saying was this: “Monkey see, monkey do.” While the saying pointed to the mimicry evident among monkeys as they would watch humans, the 1968 movie “Plan...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Teen Smartphones - Yes or No

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 23, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
A friend recently told me about a conversation about smartphones that happened at her family dinner table. She and her husband had established a wise policy for their son and daughter: you cannot have a phone until you turn fifteen. Their son, age seventeen, had had his smartphone for two years....

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Be True to Who?

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 22, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
In his wonderful little book for teenagers, “Do Not Be True To Yourself,” Kevin DeYoung quotes a bit of advice Pulitzer Prize winning writer Anna Quindlen once gave to a group of graduating seniors. Quindlen said, “Each of you is as different as your fingertips. Why should you march to any locks...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Wizz App

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 21, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
Recently, the Canadian Center for Child Protection issued a warning to parents regarding an app called Wizz. . . that’s spelled W-I-Z-Z. The app bills itself as the ultimate online platform for connecting young people from all over the world. It’s a place of self-expression, camaraderie, and gen...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Am I Who I Decide to Be?

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 20, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
When I was in college, I took as many Anthropology classes as I could. Simply stated, Anthropology is the discipline that studies the nature of humanity, including human biology and behavior. As Christians, we should be embracing a biblical anthropology, which is the study of our humanity as it ...

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Helping Hurting Kids 5

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 17, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
This week we’ve been looking at some of Dr. Marv Penner’s strategies and skills for helping hurting kids. Marv has developed a set of skills based on the acronym L.O.V.E. The letter E calls us to quick action, by taking steps to eliminate immediate dangers. Many hurting kids are involved in beha...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Helping Hurting Kids 4

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 16, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
This week we’re looking at some of Dr. Marv Penner’s strategies and skills for helping hurting kids. Marv has developed a set of skills based on the acronym L.O.V.E. The letter V calls us to validate what’s happening in the lives of hurting teenagers. Many kids in pain have been told that their ...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Helping Hurting Kids 3

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 15, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
This week we’re looking at some of Dr. Marv Penner’s strategies and skills for helping hurting kids. Marv has developed a set of skills based on the acronym L.O.V.E. The letter O refers to what we offer students who choose to risk sharing their hearts with us. They’ve come to us because they bel...

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller artwork

Helping Hurting Kids 2

Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller - May 14, 2024 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 9 ratings
This week we’re looking at some of Dr. Marv Penner’s strategies and skills for helping hurting kids. Marv has developed a set of skills based on the acronym L.O.V.E. The letter L concerns listening, the most fundamental skill needed by anyone working with wounded kids. Many teenagers are convinc...

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