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The Wise Men Visit Jesus

Mountain Valley Church of God - December 05, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea The wise men did not arrive until after the birth of Jesus.  But, just how soon after Jesus’ birth their visit occurred is a matter of ______________.  (see Leviticus 12:1-4).  It took a full forty days before her purification would have been compl...

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The Hope of Christmas

Mountain Valley Church of God - November 28, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
1 Peter 1:10-12 speaks of God revealing the circumstances of the birth of the Messiah to His _______________.  As Christians, followers of Christ, we are __________________ of all the prophets hoped and prayed for.  It is this hope of the ages, the ____________ of the Messiah, which we celebrate ...

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Matthew 6:24 pt. 2–You cannot serve God and Wealth.

Mountain Valley Church of God - November 21, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Our King _______________ division of our loyalties.  WE have ________ soul, and we cannot have two master passions of our life.  The interests of God and the other master passion would soon come into ____________, and as Exodus 34:14 says 14 —for you shall not worship any other god, because the L...

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Matthew 6:24: No-one can serve two masters (Part 1)

Mountain Valley Church of God - November 14, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Matthew 6:24:  No-one can serve two masters  (Part 1) 24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Last week we talked about how easily we depart from the path of […]

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Matthew 6:22-23: Keep your Eyes on Jesus

Mountain Valley Church of God - November 07, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Jesus is drawing the disciples’ attention to the fact that there is more to life than the accumulation of riches and understand the eternal perspective; as Colossians 3:2 says, to “set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”  22 “The eye is the lamp of the body; so t...

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Store up Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:19-21

Mountain Valley Church of God - October 31, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, Jesus is drawing the disciples’ attention to the fact that there is more to life than the accumulation of riches. He’s trying to get them to understand the eternal perspective, rather than focus all their resources on something that will only...

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Fasting and Prayer Matthew 6:16-18

Mountain Valley Church of God - October 24, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Jesus’ words on fasting, reveal how God intended this practice to be, and how we, like the Pharisees, can mess it up in our flesh. Jesus looks at sincerity in the conduct of spiritual disciplines, using the example of fasting. 16 “Now whenever you fast, do not make a gloomy face as the hypocrites...

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Matthew 6:13 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Mountain Valley Church of God - October 10, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
The Lord’s Prayer begins and ends with the worship of God, and His Glory.  In giving God the Glory, we are reminded why we pray – we do it because the kingdom and the power and the glory are God’s, and that’s what gives us the confidence that our prayers are in safe hands. God […]

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Matthew 6:13: And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Mountain Valley Church of God - October 03, 2021 15:23 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Matthew 6:13 includes the last two petitions in the Lord’s Prayer.  Do not lead us into temptation. The Greek word here is:  peirasmós and can mean temptation, in the negative sense of being tempted to do evil, or in a positive sense, as in “to test”, in the sense of proving something’s worth or ...

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Forgive us as we Forgive – Matthew 6:12, 14-15

Mountain Valley Church of God - September 26, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors Forgive us Why is forgiveness necessary? God is just (see Deut 10:17-18, Gen 18:25, etc.). God loves mankind, and all people are guilty of sinning against God (Rom 3:28, Psalm 51:4).   All are are accountable to God.  Rom 3:19-20. ...

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Our Daily Bread – Matthew 6:11

Mountain Valley Church of God - September 19, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Jesus’ petition for bread is a call to for God to provide in meeting our basic human needs.  Matthew says give us this day our daily bread, and Luke in 11:3 says Give us each day our daily bread.  Bread God commanded that only unleavened bread would be eaten during the Passover to commemorate the...

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Your Kingdom Come – In our lives

Mountain Valley Church of God - September 12, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
In our lives When we pray “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, it also means we’re praying that God’s will is done in our own lives.  We want to be in charge.  We want to be in charge.  We want to be in the driver’s seat.   We […]

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Your kingdom Come

Mountain Valley Church of God - September 05, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Matthew 6:10 It’s important to understand the meaning of the phrase “The Kingdom of God”, because it was central theme of Jesus Christ’s preaching and teaching.  The phrase ‘Kingdom of God’ (also ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ or ‘Kingdom of Light’) appears more than 80 times in the New Testament.  Origin &...

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Hallowed Be Your Name Pt 2 – Matthew 6:9

Mountain Valley Church of God - August 29, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Jehova-rophe Jehova-rophe (ro’-phay) means Jehovah Heals.  And it’s not just healing like we often think of it—a healing of some physical or mental malady.  It’s a word that means to restore, cure or heal not only in the physical sense, but in the spiritual and moral sense as well.  We read in Ex...

Mountain Valley Church of God artwork

Hallowed Be Your Name – Mathew 6:9

Mountain Valley Church of God - August 22, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Hallowed be Your Name The word hallow means to sanctify or to revere.  To regard as pure, consecrated, venerated.  It is the Jewish practice to omit the name of God in oral speech, so as not to take His name in vain (and so to obey the 3rd commandment, in Exodus 20:7) or without the […]

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Our Model Prayer to Our Father

Mountain Valley Church of God - August 15, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
9 “Pray, then, in this way:  ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Prayer is our biggest need after Salvation, since it’s how we communicate with God.  It is also the highest activity that we can be engaged in, since it is God with Whom we are communicating.  We are at our best, […]

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He Knows Before you Ask (Matthew 6:5-8)

Mountain Valley Church of God - August 08, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
As we look at Matthew chapter 6 verse 5-8 today, we find Jesus continuing to instruct His disciples on how they are to conduct themselves as Citizens of Heaven in their relationship with God.  He begins, just as He did last week, with a word of warning about bad habits that they should not pick […]

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Give Alms in Secret

Mountain Valley Church of God - August 01, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
As we begin Mathew Chapter 6 we examine what a proper relationship with God looks like in our actions.  We’ll examine how our actions in serving God demonstrate the quality of our relationship with God.  We’ll look at examples of practicing righteousness, and we’ll see how God intended them to be...

Mountain Valley Church of God artwork

True sons of the Father

Mountain Valley Church of God - July 18, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Even the tax collectors, do they not do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Even the Gentiles, do they not do the same? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenl...

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Love your Enemies Matthew 5:43-45

Mountain Valley Church of God - July 11, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons […]

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Turn The Other Cheek – Matt. 5:39-42

Mountain Valley Church of God - July 04, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
39 But I say to you, do not show opposition against an evil person; Literally, this says:“you are not to set yourself against one who does evil”.  We are not supposed to seek our own retribution against them, or insist on it (Rom 12:17-21).  How we exceed the requirements of the law is by doing […]

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An Eye for an Eye—Mathew 5:38

Mountain Valley Church of God - June 27, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
An Eye for an Eye—Mathew 5:38 38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ This saying, “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” cuts to the heart of fallen human nature. God’s law is perfect, and needs no revision, but we tend to misapply […]

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A Father’s Faith

Mountain Valley Church of God - June 20, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
A Father’s Faith; John 4:46-54: Most of the crowd would not receive His witness that He was the Messiah.  Instead of believing, they just followed Jesus around for the spectacle of the signs and wonders they’d seen Him do at the Passover feast in Jerusalem, hoping that they would see Him perform ...

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Walk in Truth, Walk with God-Matt. 5:33-37

Mountain Valley Church of God - June 13, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
33 “Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not make false vows, but shall fulfill your vows to the Lord.’ 34 But I say to you, take no oath at all, neither by heaven, for it is the throne of God, 35 nor by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet, nor by Jerusalem, fo...

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Marriage Ordained from the Beginning and Fulfilled in Christ

Mountain Valley Church of God - June 06, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
31 “Now it was said, ‘Whoever sends his wife away is to give her a certificate of divorce’; 32 but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. Jesus ________________...

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Body or Soul? Mathew 5:29-30

Mountain Valley Church of God - May 30, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
29 Now if your right eye is causing you to sin, tear it out and throw it away from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand is causing you to sin, cut it off and throw it away […]

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Lust of the Eye

Mountain Valley Church of God - May 23, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
Mathew 5:27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’; 28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. You have heard that it was said Jesus is going to correct and clarify the […]

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Reconcile While There is Time Matthew 5:25-26

Mountain Valley Church of God - May 16, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
 25Come to good terms with your accuser quickly, while you are with him on the way to court, so that your accuser will not hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you will not be thrown into prison. 26 Truly I say to you, you will not come out of there until you […]

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Exodus 2:1-10 A Few Good Women

Mountain Valley Church of God - May 09, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
What began as fear of the large population of Israelites in the land of Goshen, within the Egyptian’s borders had turned to panic.  God was fulfilling His promise to Abraham to make his descendants “as numerous as the stars or the sands of the sea”.  God’s fulfillment is the very rationale that t...

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Ministry of Reconciliation Mathew 5:23-24

Mountain Valley Church of God - May 02, 2021 15:00 - application/pdf ★★★★★ - 1 rating
23 Therefore, if you are presenting your [n]offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your [o]offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your [p]offering. 23 Therefore, Last week,...

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