Latest The transformation tribe Podcast Episodes

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041: Can You Lose Weight & Still Have Fun?

The Transformation Tribe - August 06, 2020 00:00 - 15 minutes
"You're not drinking??? You're boring!" Have you ever had your friends say that to you or have you said that to a friend yourself? Today we talk about the misconception that you can't be both fun and healthy at the same time. Hit the play button... Thank you for listening to today's episode...

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040: I've Been Good...I've Been Bad!

The Transformation Tribe - July 30, 2020 00:00 - 9 minutes
Do you ever say... "I've been good today" or "I've been bad today" Head Coach Ash explains why this mentality could be killing your results long and short term. Hit the play button... Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It O...

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039: Should I Track Everything To Lose Weight?

The Transformation Tribe - July 29, 2020 00:00 - 9 minutes
Losing weight can be complicated... Counting calories, weighing food, macros...what's the right thing to do??? Head Coach Ash dials this information you today to make it super simple... Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It O...

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038 - What Exercise Should I Do To Lose Weight?

The Transformation Tribe - July 28, 2020 00:00 - 21 minutes
This is one of the biggest questions we get as coaches... So we do our absolute best to answer it today as so many ladies get stuck in a rut not knowing what to do! Get the answers by clicking the play button... Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10l...

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037: How To Maintain Weight Loss

The Transformation Tribe - July 01, 2020 00:00 - 20 minutes
So many woman lose weight but only a tiny fraction manage to keep it off.. Why is that? We dig deeper into this subject and talk about a huge change and shake up that is needed. Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For L...

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036: I Burnt Out!

The Transformation Tribe - June 30, 2020 00:00 - 8 minutes
I fell into the trap and I burnt myself out! I put wayyyy to much on my plate and this is what a lot of people do when trying to get results. It's a recipe for today I discuss what happened and how I'll make sure it won't happen again! Thank you for listening to today's episode. ...

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035: Lose Weight By Sleeping!?

The Transformation Tribe - June 29, 2020 00:00 - 16 minutes you get enough? Or are you starring at the ceiling at 2am? So many ladies struggle with sleep at night and it's such an important part of losing weight and getting results. Head Coach Ashley talks about what could be causing your lack of sleep and what you can do to change it. Th...

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034: How To Always Stay Motivated

The Transformation Tribe - June 23, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes
I've been struggling with motivation recently, but I share how I always stay motivated to get results and hit my goals. Enjoy.... Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" go here >>>

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033: I Can't Afford A Personal Trainer!

The Transformation Tribe - June 22, 2020 00:00 - 20 minutes
Can't afford a personal trainer? Today we tell you "yes you can!" and how to reframe the investment in your mind. Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" go here >>> To join ou...

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032: Remember Who You Are!

The Transformation Tribe - June 19, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes
Completely off the cuff this episode after a breakthrough workout in the gym for me personally. This is pure positive energy ready to fire you into action today! Let's go! Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" ...

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031: Are You A Coffee Addict?

The Transformation Tribe - June 18, 2020 00:00 - 16 minutes
Do you love coffee like we love coffee? It tastes so good right? But are you drinking too much? Is it having an effect on your ability to lose weight? We reveal all in todays episode! Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It ...

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030: Are You A Night Time Fridge Raider?

The Transformation Tribe - June 17, 2020 00:00 - 15 minutes
Find yourself looking for sugary or savoury snacks after dinner? This is such a common thing and it has such disastrous damage on your weight loss journey. So what do you need to do to curve the crave? Head Coach Ashley joins me to give us the lowdown... Thank you for listening to today's e...

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029: What's The Catch?

The Transformation Tribe - June 16, 2020 00:00 - 8 minutes
Why are we offering a FREE book? Why are we offering our 14-day challenge at just £10? There must be a catch right? Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" go here >>> To join ou...

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028: Talk Yourself Thin!

The Transformation Tribe - June 15, 2020 00:00 - 19 minutes
Today myself and Ashely go into the most important conversation you will have... The one with yourself. It will really does make a huge part in your success when it comes to weight loss. If you tend to speak negatively about yourself in your own head and out loud..this is for you! Thank you ...

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027: How To Not Binge On The Weekend!

The Transformation Tribe - June 14, 2020 00:00 - 8 minutes
So it's a Sunday. A day for me in the past where I would relax off my training, eat some crappy food and sit in front of the TV. To be fair this would happen all weekend. And it massively effected my results in past. But I recently came up with a little trick to stop doing this and it's ma...

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026: Are You Scared Of Weight Loss Failure?

The Transformation Tribe - June 13, 2020 00:00 - 12 minutes
Do you feel like you've let yourself down on a number of occasions and now don't trust yourself or have the confidence to succeed? Do you feel stuck but don't want to go through the disappointment AGAIN?! If that's too! And thing is it's very common. I discuss this today and how you ...

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025: Just Do It!

The Transformation Tribe - June 12, 2020 22:43 - 4 minutes
Short and sweet message today, no messing about! Just do it! >>> Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" go here >>>

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024: Are Slimming Clubs Keep you Stuck?

The Transformation Tribe - June 11, 2020 00:00 - 22 minutes
Slimming clubs...many of our clients have used them in the past and they provide a great service for many women. But me and Ashley have started to see a pattern in the mentality of a small minority of women we look after. This mentality does not breed success or results of any kind. We discu...

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024: Are Slimming Clubs Keeping You Stuck?

The Transformation Tribe - June 11, 2020 00:00 - 22 minutes
Slimming clubs...many of our clients have used them in the past and they provide a great service for many women. But me and Ashley have started to see a pattern in the mentality of a small minority of women we look after. This mentality does not breed success or results of any kind. We discu...

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023: What Will It Take?!

The Transformation Tribe - June 10, 2020 00:00 - 17 minutes
So yesterday I had to ring the fire brigade. A small fire had started across the river bank where I was walking my little dog Scruffy. Most people where walking by ignoring it but I almost felt silly calling the fire service because the fire wasn't that big which sounds crazy now! But I did...

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022: Do You Compare Yourself To Other Women?

The Transformation Tribe - June 09, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes
Do you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to other women? Let me tell you now this is a recipe for failure (along with feeling quite low). Here's what to do you can start moving forward! Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10l...

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021: How To Never Fail Again!

The Transformation Tribe - June 08, 2020 00:00 - 15 minutes
A few podcasts ago me and Ashley discussed how to set a goal and understand you vision so you feel motivated to make it happen. Now Ash has a solo podcast today talking about putting your vision into ACTION so you can make it a reality rather than just an idea or dream. I think you'll enjoy t...

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020: Not Everyday Will Feel A Good Day To Lose Weight

The Transformation Tribe - June 07, 2020 00:00 - 10 minutes
Today was a drag for me...a lack of sleep left me in a place of not wanting to workout and get it done. But sometimes you just gotta grind it out...let me explain. Thank you for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" go here >...

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019: Are You Petrified To Enter A Gym?

The Transformation Tribe - June 06, 2020 00:00 - 12 minutes
Does the thought of entering a gym fill you with dread? Believe me you're not alone, sooooo many women go through this common worry. Even I went through it too. I discuss this issue today and give you some guidance on how to deal with it so you can start losing weight and changing your life....

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018: You Don't Have To Give Up The Food You Love To Lose Weight!

The Transformation Tribe - June 05, 2020 00:00 - 7 minutes
I'm about to crack open a bottle of beer and some nachos... Yes play and find out why I'm allowed and so are you! Thanks for listening to today's episode. To get our FREE book "How To Lose 10lb In 14 days And Keep It Off For Life" go here >>> ...

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017: Are You A Quick-Fix Addict?

The Transformation Tribe - June 04, 2020 00:00 - 24 minutes
Do you tend to fall victim to the next fad diet or quick-fix to try and lose weight? Then if you do lose weight you end up putting it back on (and plus more!). ...and the cycle continues. If you do, don't worry so many women are on the quick fix merry-go-round and it's so hard to get off if...

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016: Is Lower Back Pain Stopping You From Losing Weight?

The Transformation Tribe - June 03, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes
Ash hurt his back in training this injury to our head trainer is very rare. But it's common in the ladies that come to us. But we talk about how lower back pain is stopping women from exercising and losing the weight they desperately want. If you are a women struggling with lower...

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015: Do You Give Up If You Don't See Results Quick Enough?

The Transformation Tribe - June 02, 2020 00:00 - 13 minutes
We all want stuff on instant demand...and our patience as human-beings is globally running out. But when it comes to weight loss nothing is going to be on demand. If it was every women would be walking round with toned flat tummy. So I share some words of encouragement today to help you see i...

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014: Do This ONE Thing To Create Your Perfect Body

The Transformation Tribe - June 01, 2020 17:31 - 21 minutes
It's 1st of June... What a great day to get yourself on track again and start moving towards your goals! Today myself & head coach Ashley go through the ONE thing you need to do before anything else... If you want to create your dream body. Make sure you don't miss this critical step! Thank...

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013: Perfection Is The Enemy For Weight Loss

The Transformation Tribe - May 31, 2020 00:00 - 11 minutes
Firstly apologies for the bad audio in this episode, please bare with it as I share such an important message! Do you find yourself a bit of a perfectionist like me? Always like things in order? Waiting for the perfect time? Struggle when your routine has been turned upside down? Well this epis...

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