Latest Tammy rucker Podcast Episodes

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True Freedom Means Never Being Dependent on Government

The Morning Sentinel - May 20, 2022 15:43 - 16 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
There's a difference between depending on someone and being dependent. As humans, we should be able to depend on the people around us to help us when we need, just as they should be able to depend on us when we are needed. There's nothing wrong with depending on family and friends. Even our neigh...

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This show is moving to NOQ Report!

The Morning Sentinel - March 23, 2021 12:04 - 3 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
We are pleased to announce that we're consolidating the various podcasts that JD and Tammy Rucker do regarding politics to the NOQ Report Podcast! Please be sure to find us and subscribe there. Easiest way is to find us at

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In Covid vaccine push, Franklin Graham claims Jesus would have taken vaccines if they were available

The Morning Sentinel - March 22, 2021 12:02 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
The famed religious leader is all in for Covid vaccines. He participated in a sales push by ABC News to get more Evangelicals and Catholics to get the jabs. But in doing so, he went a bit too far in his claims of knowing how Jesus Christ would have reacted to Covid-mania.

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Evidence points to Covid-19 leaking from experiments on an ANTIDOTE for their bioweapon

The Morning Sentinel - March 22, 2021 10:26 - 15 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Various reports, most of which have been buried, combine to paint a very evil picture of the true origins of Covid-19. As the original Covid-19 origin investigator for the federal government, David Asher, noted recently, the disease has all the hallmarks of being experimented on to develop an ant...

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State Dept intentionally blew the China meeting so Joe Biden wouldn't meet with Xi Jinping

The Morning Sentinel - March 19, 2021 13:15 - 18 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
We didn't have high hopes in the Biden administration's ability to deal with China, but what we saw yesterday is being characterized by even friendly leftist and international news outlets as a disaster. This seems to be more than just bad diplomacy. It seems very likely intentional.

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Biden's border crisis: 2021 on pace for more unaccompanied children than Trump's four years combined

The Morning Sentinel - March 15, 2021 13:12 - 18 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
2019 was the worst year on record for UACs (Unaccompanied Alien Children). At the pace that UACs are flooding across the border today, the Biden administration will blow that number out of the water. In fact, he's on pace for TRIPLING the worst year ever.

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Desperate Gavin Newsom tells lie after lie in 'State of the State' appeal to save his job

The Morning Sentinel - March 11, 2021 01:29 - 7 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
California's besieged governor used his platform during the "State of the State" address to try to make people believe he's not one of the worst leaders in America. He wants us to think he isn't the least effective governor in California state history. But his message fell short and he must be re...

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Biden administration blatantly hiding border crisis numbers because they're just that bad

The Morning Sentinel - March 08, 2021 15:40 - 18 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Anecdotal data shows the surge at the southern border may be the worst influx of illegal aliens the nation has ever seen. Unfortunately, anecdotal data is all we have since the Biden administration refuses to give us actual numbers. They're even silencing employees of Homeland Security, making it...

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Ten reasons Biden hasn't made his State of the Union address, in no particular order

The Morning Sentinel - March 08, 2021 01:49 - 9 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
While we wait to see if "President" Joe Biden is going to hold a State of the Union Address or even take questions at some point from reporters, we can speculate about the reasons he hasn't done it yet. NOQ Report author Chris Hernandez has some ideas.

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After huge fundraising year, Michael Brown Sr asks BLM, 'Where is all that money going?'

The Morning Sentinel - March 04, 2021 15:51 - 14 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
The father of a man whose death sparked the launch of Black Lives Matter wonders what happened to the organization. It's been nearly seven years since his son's death in Ferguson and he claims the BLM movement is raking in the dough without dishing it out appropriately. Now, he wants them to pay ...

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Epic troll on fellow Congresswoman shows we need more like Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Morning Sentinel - February 25, 2021 14:07 - 21 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene isn't afraid of a little controversy. When her fellow Capitol Hill neighbor, Marie Newman, decided to start a troll war, MTG fought back in epic fashion. But this draws us into a deeper issue with transgender supremacy.

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We looked at Dinesh D'Souza's proposal for virtual college to fight leftist indoctrination. It checks out.

The Morning Sentinel - February 23, 2021 02:27 - 12 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
The conservative commentator, movie producer, and generally smart guy has an idea for how to combat the radical progressive indoctrination that happens in American higher education. His proposal makes sense across the board.

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Leftist reactions to Rush Limbaugh's death are truly depraved

The Morning Sentinel - February 17, 2021 18:56 - 10 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
There's a stark difference in the way the left reacts to conservative icons dying and the way the right reacts to progressive icons who die. This was put on full display today as Rush Limbaugh's death brought out the ugliest side of "Blue Checkmark Twitter."

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Washington gave ALL of the 358 Covid grants to 'BIPOC' non-profits

The Morning Sentinel - February 16, 2021 02:36 - 21 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
A story from last December is finally starting to make its rounds. Most didn't notice it when it happened. Some of those who did ignored it over the implications. We're reporting it now.

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The minimum wage hike is more than a job-killer. It's a nation killer.

The Morning Sentinel - February 09, 2021 00:35 - 26 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
If you thought the report that a minimum wage hike would cost 1.4 million jobs was bad, consider the other effects that will fundamentally change this nation. We are heading towards Marxism if this becomes a reality.

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U.S. Navy's 'UFO Patents' were tested and apparently they worked

The Morning Sentinel - February 05, 2021 23:26 - 12 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Concepts like portable fusion reactors and controlled gravitational waves are the stuff of science fiction. At least they used to be. According to the "UFO Patents" filed by the U.S. Navy and vetted by their scientists, the future is already here.

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The GameStop fiasco, explained. No, this isn't a bad thing.

The Morning Sentinel - January 28, 2021 14:14 - 22 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Some are trying to position the GameStop populist uprising as something bad, even a "Ponzi Scheme." It's not. This is part of the game, and just because it's a new component doesn't make it any worse than what hedge fund managers do.

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Georgia 'flips' to Joe Biden

The Morning Sentinel - November 06, 2020 15:38 - 12 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
The race is over... at least that's what the Democrats, mainstream media, Big Tech, and the other forces of evil want us to believe.

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If lockdowns work against COVID-19, why is Sweden winning and everyone else is losing?

The Morning Sentinel - September 22, 2020 02:51 - 12 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Sweden has leveled off almost completely while the rest of the world has had second and third COVID-19 spikes. Now, their death rates are lower than ever.

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#BlueLivesMatter hashtag following LA ambush gets desecrated by radical leftists

The Morning Sentinel - September 14, 2020 04:57 - 9 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
It's bad enough that two cops got shot in the head in Los Angeles. To make matters worse, Black Lives Matter "activists" decided to try to storm their hospital, then went on social media to proclaim they hoped the victims would die.

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Will law enforcement stop Daniel Prude riots before they swell up?

The Morning Sentinel - September 04, 2020 04:25 - 15 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Police and politicians let the George Floyd and Jacob Blake riots get out of hand. Will they learn their lesson and stop the coming Daniel Prude riots before they turn violent?

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Kamala Harris on BLM riots: 'They're not going to let up, and they should not'

The Morning Sentinel - August 28, 2020 20:47 - 41 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
The Democrats' vice presidential nominee fully supports Black Lives Matter riots and warns that they will last beyond the election.

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No, terrorism in Kenosha is NOT justified by police shooting of Jacob Blake

The Morning Sentinel - August 24, 2020 21:52 - 18 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
When are riots acceptable? Almost never. They weren't justified following George Floyd's death and they're not justified now.

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Netflix 'Cuties' is fodder for child sexual predators

The Morning Sentinel - August 20, 2020 16:55 - 15 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
A movie about 11-year-old girls finding their femininity by "twerking" is just the latest reason to cancel Netflix immediately.

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AOC nominates Bernie at DNC

The Morning Sentinel - August 19, 2020 08:05 - 5 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
As I've long said, the radical left does NOT want Joe Biden to win.

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New COVID-19 data from Sweden shows why the left stopped talking about it

The Morning Sentinel - August 17, 2020 18:35 - 16 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
The Swedish model worked, though they made one major mistake. It's not too late to do it here with the flaw in their system fixed.

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Insanity: 9/11 'Tribute in Light' canceled to protect crew from coronavirus

The Morning Sentinel - August 14, 2020 17:22 - 14 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
New York City has its priorities so skewed, the entire city is operating from a state of lunacy.

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Agenda-driven media suppression of 5-yr-old Cannon Hinnant's murder is absolutely disgusting

The Morning Sentinel - August 13, 2020 16:40 - 17 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Mainstream media does some pretty bad things on a daily basis, but this may be the worst suppression of news I've seen in my life.

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#SaveTheChildren hashtag filtered on Facebook over 'crotch button' on Hasbro toy?

The Morning Sentinel - August 06, 2020 18:23 - 17 minutes ★★★★ - 5 ratings
Of all the hashtags for Facebook to filter, why did they have to do one that is used to spread awareness about protecting children?

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