Latest Slovene Podcast Episodes

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Kaj So Znani Slovenci Delali v Izolaciji?

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - July 11, 2020 19:01 - 44 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Kaj So Znani Slovenci Delali v Izolaciji? Smo bili vsi doma, mnogi s otrocami. Kako je bilo, kako bo naprej? Kdo je ferbicen? (Jaz pa sem, ziher). Smo govorili s Leo in Albertom Mrgole, Bostjan Gorenc-Pizama, Ajda Vucajnk, Kamenko Kesar, Aljaz kdo mogoce koga vec, sem pozab...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Intervu: Andreja Skrabec in Slastni Svet Fizola

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 25, 2020 12:33 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Nova epizoda ima poseben gost. Andreja Skrabec je kuharica in avtorica uspesna kuharska knjiga o Fizola. Smo govorili o kuhanje, Ribnica in svet fizola.

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Intervu: Barbi in Marijan Mocivnik, o vino na slovenskem

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 24, 2020 12:43 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Kako spoznamo vina? Kako jih pravilno poskušamo in okušamo? V tokratnem epizode bo Noah Charney gostil Barbi in Marijana Močivnik, urednika in lastnika revije Vino, glavne revije o vinu pri nas. Spoznali bomo, kako strokovnjaki ocenjujejo vino, kako ga pravilno poskušamo in kaj vse la...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Interview with Kjara Wurst on Dance and Slovenian-American "Relations"

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 23, 2020 12:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Kjara Wurst is the best. She's the founder of Kjara's Dance Project, a wonderful dancer, and she divides her time between Ljubljana and Washington, DC where she lives with her husband, who worked in the US Embassy in Ljubljana. We met up this summer to talk about dance, her new projects...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

How To "Travel" with Your Kids During Isolation Time

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 22, 2020 11:56 - 8 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Now, in isolation time, and with many more hours to fill with my girls, I’ve shifted to a version of “traveling” on gently educational virtual trips as a way to engage, teach and expand the feeling of the limited floor space that we can navigate. This episode will look at how you can "t...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

A (Sort of) Local's Guide to Ljubljana

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 21, 2020 11:54 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
How many times can a city be called a ‘hidden gem’ and still remain hidden? This is the question for Ljubljana, which these days is packed with enthusiastic tourists, yet still feels to each of them like a secret wonderland they’ve just discovered. Ljubljana means ‘beloved’, and it’s ea...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

I Love Luka Doncic

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 20, 2020 11:51 - 6 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
I’ll confess that I love a man named Luka. It’s a platonic love, but it’s a type of love all the same. Luka Dončič, whom I’ve never met, brings sunshine and joy into my life. When he performs well, my day is brighter. When he has an off night (or if, as is the case while I’m writing thi...

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Corona Prepping

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 19, 2020 09:47 - 5 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
It’s prime Corona time and that means preparing for not going out into crowded spaces, like grocery stores, for…well, as long as possible. I should say that I am normally the least neurotic person I know when it comes to health issues…or even the news. I know everything that is happenin...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Writing for Publication - Kako Pisemo in Izdajamo Knjige in Clanki (in English in tudi v Slovenscini)

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 14, 2020 12:06 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
This episode is drawn from a workshop I teach on writing for publication. How do you find an agent, get a publisher, write a book proposal, all the nuts and bolts that are rarely taught about the mechanics of being a writer, whether dealing with books or articles. But this was a special...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Peter Zajc in Dr Katja Rebolj: Zelisce, Rozice, Rastline

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - July 07, 2019 09:42 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moja gosta sta bila Peter Zajc in Dr Katja Rebolj, strokovnjaka na divje zelisce, rastline in roze. "Lovijo" rastline za najboljse Slovenski kuhari (i...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Uros Stefelin: Gorenjski Sef

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - June 29, 2019 09:09 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moj gost je bil Uros Stefelin, eno izmed najbolj znane slovenski kuhari. Danes vodi Vila Podvin v Radovljici, in tudi je velikokrat na televizije, je ...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Zare Kerin & Manca Jevscek: Dizajn, Fotografiranje Hrano in Kuharske Knjige

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - June 23, 2019 09:54 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moja gosta sta Zare Kerin, nestetokrat nagrajen dizajner, in Manca Jevscek, food photographer. Skupaj smo sodelovali pri kuharske knjige JB-ja. Podpir...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Eva Kreslin, Ivana Gradisek, Tina Deu: Vzgoja Otrok

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - June 21, 2019 08:03 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moji tri gosti so bile Eva Kreslin (direktorica Male Ulice v Ljubljani), Ivana Gradisek (direktorica FamilyLab Slovenija), in Tine Deu (blogerka)--vsi...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On Translation with Roman Vucajnk, Rawley Grau and Mojca Medvescek

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - May 26, 2019 21:07 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, the English episodes, continues with a special episode on the art of translation, featuring Roman Vucajnk (who translates from English to Slovenian and vice versa), American Rawley Grau (who translates from Slovenian into English) and Mojca Medvescek (who transl...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Ivan Mitrevski, Matej de Cecco in Polona Polona: O Ilustracije, Karikature in Svet Rizbice

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 21, 2019 10:14 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Sem imel tri goste za dogodek: Polona Polona, Ivan Mitrevski in Matej de Cecco, tri izjemne ilustratori. Kako je zivljenje in delo ilustratori? Kako s...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Dr Saso Rebolj: O Zdravje, Zdravniki in Zdravstveni Sistem

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 14, 2019 10:07 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moj gost je Dr Saso Rebolj, direktor Zdravstenega Doma Kamnik. Kako je biti zdravnik v Sloveniji? Imamo res tako super-duper zdravstveni sistem? Bomo ...

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Mali Grad in Hopsbrew: O Pivo, Mikropivovarne in (Nas) Zdravje

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - April 07, 2019 10:44 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Epizoda gre v svet mikropivovarni. Ekipa iz Pivovarna Hopsbrew prihajajo iz Rusije in zivijo v Domzalah. Ekipa iz Pivovarna Mali Grad delajo v Kamniku...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Peter Krecic in Peter Senk: O Plecnik, Arhitektura in Kritike

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - March 31, 2019 10:21 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moja gosta sta bila kritik in bivse dirketor Arhitekturni Muzej v Grad Fuzine, Peter Krecic, in professor in arhitekt, Peter Senk. Dr Krecic je specia...

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Miha Mazzini: O Knjige, Slovenci in Izbrisani

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - March 24, 2019 11:34 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moj gost je Miha Mazzini, najbolj priljubljen kolumnist v slovenscini, nagrajen pisec vspecnice, reziser film Izbrisani, in mnogi se. Dobrodosli poslu...

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Mario Galunic: O Televizijo, Estrado in Lingvistiko

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - March 17, 2019 14:52 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moj gost je Mario Galunic, televizijska zvezda, bivsi urednik za razvedrilni programi na RTV, voditelj, student lingvistike in super clovek. Dobrodosl...

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Peter Hajdu: O BBQ, Dim in Amerisko Hrano

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - March 10, 2019 10:39 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moj gost je Peter Hajdu, Slovenski strokovnjak Ameriskega BBQ. Kako kuhamo s dimom? Kaj je najbolj Amerisko nacin hrano? Sem bil pri Petru za eno dela...

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Radovan Hrast: O Prezivetje na Golem Otoku

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - March 03, 2019 11:06 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Moj gost je Radovan Hrast, skoraj 90 let-star bivse Partisan kdo je bil dvakrat zapornik na Golem Otoku. Je avtor uspesniski zivljenepis "Cas, ki ga n...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Natasa Djuric in Anita Sumer: O Drozmi, Kruh, Potica in Peka

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - February 24, 2019 11:27 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Gosta sta bila Natasa Djuric, biologinja in pekovka pri Hisi Franko (sodeluje s Ano Ros), avtorica knjige o drozmi, in Anita Sumer, tudi specialist s ...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

Dr Janez Bogataj: O Kulinaricni Tradiciji in Hrani

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - February 17, 2019 10:06 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, oz. Podcast Slovenologija, se nadaluje, in za nasledne epizode bo v slovenscini (oz. Noahov nacin slovenscini). Dr Janez Bogataj je moj gost in smo snemali v zivo v Knjiznici Kamnik (torej se opravicujem ce zvoka ni idealna). Sva govorila o kulinaricni tradiciji...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On Being American in Slovenia with Chris Eckman and Erica Johnson Debeljak

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - February 10, 2019 10:46 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Slovenology the Podcast, the English episodes, continues with guest American expats in Slovenia. Along with expat host Noah Charney, we're joined by Erica Johnson Debeljak, a writer from San Francisco who has lived in Slovenia for decades and raised grown children here, and Chris Eckman...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On American and Slavic Mythology with Svetlana Slapsak

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - February 03, 2019 11:01 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
This week's episode of Slovenology the Podcast stars Svetlana Slapsak, one of the most accomplished women in the world. Author of over 80 books, she is a professor of the classical world and was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Don't step to Svetlana! We discussed mythology, fr...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On Running and "Dober Tek" with Urban and Jasmina Praprotnik

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - January 27, 2019 11:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
The latest interview episode in English features Urban Praprotnik and Jasmina Kozina Praprotnik, a couple who are both running coaches. They lead guided tours of Slovenia in which guests run between sites, are leaders of a popular running club, write for newspapers and magazines, and mu...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On Food, Coffee and Cookbooks with Luka Novak, Valentina Smej Novak, Lior Kochavy and Alexander Nino Ruiz

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - January 20, 2019 11:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
The latest interview episode in English features Ljubljana food gurus. Luka and Valentina Novak are cookbook authors, publishers and hosts of a popular cooking TV show, Ljubezen Gre Skozi Zelodec. Lior Kochavy is an Israeli expat who founded Odprta Kuhna, the hugely popular Friday lunch...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On Being American in Slovenia with Michael Manske

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - January 14, 2019 11:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
Michael Manske is a radio journalist from the United States who has been living in Maribor, Slovenia for more than a decade. What happens when two American expats in love with Slovenia (and with their Slovenians wives) hang out for the first time? This episode is part of a series of in...

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country artwork

On Comedy & Basketball with Perica Jerkovic

Slovenology: Life and Travel in Slovenia, the World's Best Country - January 06, 2019 11:00 - 40 minutes ★★★★★ - 6 ratings
In this English language episode of Slovenology, host Noah Charney interviews stand-up comic Perica Jerkovic about comedy, what Slovenians find funny, and watching basketball in the Luka Doncic era.

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