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Debunking Sexual Health Myths

Sexual Health Matters - March 11, 2021 03:30 - 17 minutes
You know those wild stories you hear from your friends and you're not sure if they're actually true. We've all heard the outrageous myth that you can get an STI from a toilet seat! So, in this episode we decided to 'debunk' some of the most commonly asked sexual health questions. 

Sexual Health Matters artwork

Debunking Sexual Health Myths

Sexual Health Matters - March 11, 2021 03:30 - 17 minutes
You know those wild stories you hear from your friends and you're not sure if they're actually true. We've all heard the outrageous myth that you can get an STI from a toilet seat! So, in this episode we decided to 'debunk' some of the most commonly asked sexual health questions. 

Sexual Health Matters artwork

Netflix and Chill - and Chlamydia!

Sexual Health Matters - January 04, 2021 23:30 - 7 minutes
Do you keep hearing about chlamydia but not sure what it is? Listen to this short, informative podcast to update yourself on the basics of this common sexually transmitted infection and find out why you are all encouraged to test for it.

Sexual Health Matters artwork

Sex After Having a Baby Part 2 - Surrogacy

Sexual Health Matters - October 12, 2020 06:30 - 15 minutes
People enter parenthood in different ways and each family is unique.  In this second of our series of podcasts discussing sex after having a baby from a variety of perspectives, we speak with Puff who recalls her experience of surrogacy and motherhood while navigating a new relationship.  Puff's...

Sexual Health Matters artwork

Taking the Mystery out of a Sexual Health Check

Sexual Health Matters - August 26, 2020 21:30 - 10 minutes
We all know that having sex can lead to getting an STI (sexually transmitted infection).  Many STIs have no symptoms so having a regular sexual health check is the best way to know that you are healthy 'down there'!  But what is a sexual health check?  What questions are asked and do you have to...

Sexual Health Matters artwork

Let's Talk Hepatitis B & C

Sexual Health Matters - July 27, 2020 04:30 - 21 minutes
‘Let’s Talk Hep’ is the theme for the 2020 Australian World Hepatitis Day campaign. World Hepatitis Day is observed on July 28 every year and aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis. Join us to learn all you ever wanted to know about Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, as Sexual Health Nurse Paulin...

Sexual Health Matters artwork

Sex After Having a Baby

Sexual Health Matters - July 21, 2020 06:30 - 16 minutes
It is a common experience for new parents to feel uncertain about becoming sexually active again after having their baby.  This is the first of a series of podcasts discussing sex after having a baby from a variety of perspectives.  In this episode, we speak with mother of two "Cazzy", about her...

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