Latest Shadyside Podcast Episodes

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Why Sundays Matter

Shadyside Church of Christ - July 07, 2024 16:00 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Many believers today are skipping the Sunday assembly of the saints in favor of virtual meetings or just being "spiritual."  But the early church met on the first day of the week, and there were several reasons they did so.  If these first disciples saw the need to meet on the first day of the w...

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Living in Babylon

Shadyside Church of Christ - July 01, 2024 01:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Babylon was a very rich and imposing world power.  When Daniel and the other captives were led there in chains, they faced many pressures to abandon their heritage and faith, and to conform to Babylonian culture.  But Daniel and his three companions remained faithful, and God blessed them greatl...

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Is Today the Day?

Shadyside Church of Christ - June 16, 2024 18:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
We humans are good at procrastinating.  Whether it's something in our every day affairs or our spiritual lives, we delay in doing things which we know we need to do.  Putting things off just keeps us mired in a place which we know we don't want to be.  So, is today the day for you to make those ...

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Daily Blessings of Our Walk with God

Shadyside Church of Christ - June 10, 2024 01:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Too often, we Christians tend to focus on the blessings of the next life and overlook the blessings promised in our daily walk with God.  These blessings are given by our Lord to help us face the rigors of life with peace and joy, so as not to get distracted by the troubles in the world and fall...

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God of Life

Shadyside Church of Christ - June 02, 2024 19:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
God is a God of life.  He made the earth to be inhabited by all sorts of living things from vegetation to fish to birds to creatures of all kinds.  The pinnacle of His creation was humankind for which He planned a truly great blessing - life eternal!  God is all about life, both of the body and ...

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The Kingdom of God (pt 2)

Shadyside Church of Christ - May 28, 2024 04:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Despite demonstrating authority over everything on earth and even death and demons, Jesus was rejected by His own and crucified.  He had forewarned of this often and even told a parable about His being rejected as King.  Jesus still invites people to serve Him in His kingdom, but scripture indic...

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The Kingdom of God (pt 1)

Shadyside Church of Christ - May 13, 2024 02:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
When Jesus came proclaiming a kingdom of God, He was speaking of more than a new religious body.  Through the many miracles and wonders which God performed through Him, He demonstrated that the rule of God had come, and in some ways had returned to the world.  Jesus showed power over every facet...

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God of Power and Wonders

Shadyside Church of Christ - April 28, 2024 04:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
 Because of all the trouble and chaos in the world today, some people are beginning to wonder if God is really there, or if He is, whether He can handle all that's going on! Let's meet someone who heard of God's mighty works and believed in Him because of what she heard. Those mighty works are s...

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The Outrage of Grace

Shadyside Church of Christ - April 21, 2024 19:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
It is a good thing for us all to be reminded that everyone who is saved is saved by the grace of God in Jesus Christ.  His grace is amazing, but it's also outrageous.  That God would offer forgiveness and a place in His eternal kingdom to the vilest of sinners is an incredible thing.  But such i...

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The Gospel and the Church

Shadyside Church of Christ - April 14, 2024 20:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
The church is called by its Lord to do good works. But the church should beware of getting so involved in doing good works of all kinds that it forgets the primary purpose and mission which Jesus has given to it. And that would be to proclaim the gospel to a lost world. Many groups and agencies ...

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What is Love?

Shadyside Church of Christ - April 08, 2024 01:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
By and large, people do not understand love as God does. The world sees love as a warm feeling which, in turn, doesn't want to hurt the feelings of others. God says: I love you just the way you are, but I love you too much to let you stay that way. God has our best interests at heart - our etern...

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To Believe or Not Believe

Shadyside Church of Christ - April 01, 2024 03:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Long ago, Job wondered that if a person died would they live again.  Resurrection of the dead is difficult to believe in.  It just goes against the reality which we know.  Even some of those present on the very day of Jesus' resurrection would not believe it happened.  Yet, others rejoiced that ...

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Everyday, Boring Christianity

Shadyside Church of Christ - March 24, 2024 19:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
We often make the mistake, and it's too often been implied that Christianity is about doing the "big" things, you know - mission trips, seminars, Bible camps, etc. Although these have a place and serve a purpose, we don't see them emphasized in the scriptures. The Spirit spends more instructiona...

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Dead Man's Faith

Shadyside Church of Christ - March 10, 2024 21:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Regarding faith, Abraham is called "the father of us all" by Paul.  If we consider the many events in his life, we must marvel that he continued to believe in God despite the opposing and contrary circumstances he faced.  What are the key elements of such a faith as Abraham's?

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Tale of Two Kings

Shadyside Church of Christ - March 03, 2024 23:00 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
The word of God can penetrate deep into the heart and soul to reveal our thoughts and intents. A person can respond to the word with belief and humble obedience, or they can disbelieve, resist and turn away from the truth of God. Two kings of Judah illustrate these two responses for us quite wel...

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Lifting Up Hands

Shadyside Church of Christ - February 25, 2024 21:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
 When Amalek attacked Israel in the wilderness, God told Moses for them to fight back. Up on the hill overlooking the battle, Moses held up the staff of God. When he did so, Israel prevailed over Amalek. But when he dropped his hands, Amalek would have the upper hand. So, Moses got help in holdi...

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What Really is the Gospel Message?

Shadyside Church of Christ - February 18, 2024 19:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
A careful look at scriptures which detail the gospel reveals that each one contains some different truths not found in the others.  The church has probably been guilty of shrinking the gospel message into a "neat little package" and not presenting its many and rich truths for people to make an i...

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Trusting in the Lord

Shadyside Church of Christ - February 11, 2024 05:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Most Christians would say they trust the Lord, but when things get tough, do we trust Him or look to something else? David had trusted the Lord all his life, but turned his heart elsewhere in a weak moment. It caused a lot of trouble for Israel and cost many lives. What can we learn?

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Is My Life Worth Living?

Shadyside Church of Christ - February 04, 2024 22:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Suicide rates continue to rise in this country as more and more people find life has nothing to offer them any more. Even if suicide is not contemplated, many people in different situations find that life is meaningless and that they are just hanging around waiting to die. What is the answer? Is...

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Ready or Not

Shadyside Church of Christ - January 28, 2024 21:00 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
We have all learned the importance of being ready for significant events - a test, an interview, a wedding, etc. In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, Jesus teaches us the importance of being ready for the next greatest event on this earth - His return for His bride, the church. The st...

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Jesus Was Not For Sale

Shadyside Church of Christ - January 21, 2024 21:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
When Jesus faced off with the devil in the wilderness, a lot was going on.  God had never been tempted before, but now the Son of God in a human body was on enemy turf.  The devil tried to bribe Jesus and buy Him off in order to divert Him from His mission, but Jesus would have none of it - He w...

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It's a Supernatural World

Shadyside Church of Christ - January 07, 2024 21:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Much of the world denies the supernatural.  Such folks argue that all that exists is matter and energy.  Yet, many people pursue the paranormal and are thrilled with a Harry Potter book or movie.  Wonder why that is?  The Bible affirms the existence of the supernatural.  From God Himself who is ...

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Wise or Foolish?

Shadyside Church of Christ - December 31, 2023 05:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
In another of those "either - or" pairs found in scripture, we are challenged by God to be either wise or foolish in our living.  Those who are wise in God's eyes will believe the "foolishness" of the cross and turn to Jesus for salvation and life.  Those who are foolish in God's eyes will choos...

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To Celebrate or Not?

Shadyside Church of Christ - December 24, 2023 05:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
More people "stress out" over Christmas than you might think.  No, not about buying gifts, baking cookies and getting visits from distant in-laws.  They don't know what to do with it!  Should they celebrate it as Christ's birth?  After all, Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible nor is the cele...

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Joy in Sowing and Reaping

Shadyside Church of Christ - December 17, 2023 21:00 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
One of the joys of being a Christian is sowing the seed of God's word and helping it grow in people. It grows at different rates in different folks, and there is usually the need to keep watering and cultivating for the tender plant to truly take root and thrive on its own. This is joyful work i...

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So Great a Salvation

Shadyside Church of Christ - December 10, 2023 18:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
The author of Hebrews cautions his readers about drifting way from "so great a salvation."  What makes this salvation in Christ so great?  Has even the church today lost sight of salvation's greatness and substituted some "soft sell" message to get people in the pews?

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The Healing Power of the Tongue

Shadyside Church of Christ - November 27, 2023 00:00 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
The scriptures have a lot to say about what we say!  The tongue can do a lot of damage to people, or it can do a lot of good.  The Holy Spirit affirms there is great healing power in the tongue - how our words can encourage, uplift and comfort others at different times in life.  We all need to l...

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There's a Great Day is Coming!

Shadyside Church of Christ - November 12, 2023 22:00 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
It will be a great and marvelous day when Jesus comes back at the end of earth time.  Many things will happen then which will make it a great day.  What will take place on that day?  Jesus said that no man, not even the angels, but only the Father knows when He will return.  So Jesus' word to al...

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The Flesh and the Spirit

Shadyside Church of Christ - November 05, 2023 04:00 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
In Gethsemane, Jesus warned the disciples that the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. To what was He referring? And how was this spirit v flesh struggle being played out on a life and death scale at that very time? How does all this affect us today?

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Hannah, Woman of Faith

Shadyside Church of Christ - October 29, 2023 18:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 2 ratings
Hannah is a powerful example for us on how to live by faith. She had several problems in her life - she was childless and had difficulties within her family. Instead of taking matters into her own hands, she entrusted God with her troubles, and He blessed her. She kept her word to the Lord, and ...

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