Latest Scary facts Podcast Episodes

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Cromwell House of Horrors: Rose West

Female Killers Podcast - August 13, 2019 15:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
In this week’s episode, Shevonne talks about serial killer and rapist Rose West who is currently serving a life sentence in the UK.  She is a woman who killed her own daughter and step-daughter.  Also, helped her husband sexually abuse numerous young girls, as well as murder them.  Does this wom...

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Peterborough Ditch Murders, Joanna Dennehy

Female Killers Podcast - July 30, 2019 12:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
A misconception that many people have is that a good upbringing and keeping a child busy with activities will help prevent her from going the wrong way. However, this is not usually the case. Joanna Dennehy had a normal childhood until she decided to leave her family at the age of 16. After that...

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When Two Serial Killers Meet

Female Killers Podcast - July 23, 2019 12:00 - 5 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
What would happen if two female serial killers meet? Would they become fast friends? Start comparing their vicious acts? Or stay away from each other? This is what happened last week.  Rose West and Joanna Dennehy met and it was not good.  

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Baba Yaga: Tamara Samsonova

Female Killers Podcast - July 16, 2019 13:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
One of the scariest books that I ever read was a children’s book named “Bony-Legs” by Joanna Cole.  I remember that I couldn’t sleep for a couple of days because I was afraid that the witch Baba Yaga would come after me.  It scared me because she would eat children and then use their bones to ma...

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The Tigress: Idoia López Riaño

Female Killers Podcast - July 05, 2019 16:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
A woman using her sexual magnetism to lure police officers and killing their colleagues all for a terrorist group that has killed over 800 people. 

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Olivia and Yasmine, Anonymous Teenage Killers

Female Killers Podcast - June 27, 2019 15:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
What would cause 13 and 14 year old teenage girls to torture and murder a woman who offered to help them? Should they be allowed to remain anonymous after committing this vicious act? In this episode, we will be talking about the case and you tell me if you think they should be allowed to remain...

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Pig Farm Killer: Susan Monica

Female Killers Podcast - June 20, 2019 22:00 - 8 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
They say that creative works sometimes get the ideas from true events. Pigs have been featured in a few true crime shows and films.  One of the first time I saw pigs in a farm eating human flesh was in “Hannibal.” It was pretty graphic with the pigs tearing the man limb by limb.  I also saw pigs...

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Linda Roberts and Mary-Beth Tomaselli, Sisters in Murder

Female Killers Podcast - June 14, 2019 12:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
What do people do when they commit the perfect murder? Do they keep it to themselves? In many of the crimes that I have read books or watched documentaries about, people tend to make others aware of how they got away with murder. We will meet two sisters who got away with killing her dad? How di...

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Suitcase Killer: Heather Mack

Female Killers Podcast - June 07, 2019 18:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
A tragic death of a loved one is traumatic for the people they leave behind.  But enough to cause a daughter to viciously abuse her mother and later kill her? This is what Heather Mack did alongside her boyfriend. What’s worse they stuffed her mother’s body in a suitcase hoping to inherit her mo...

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Child Murderer: Mary Bell

Female Killers Podcast - May 31, 2019 13:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
What were you doing when you were 11 years old?  I was doing gymnastics on the field with my friends, and still playing with dolls with my little sister all the time.  Even if she was doing those things, Mary Bell also had another extracurricular activity that she was doing.  She was murdering b...

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Deadly Love Triangle: The Murder of Stacey Hanna

Female Killers Podcast - May 24, 2019 19:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
A group of people will do acts that the individuals within it usually wouldn’t do it if were just them. This is what happened on July 27, 1997.  Four friends got together to give her beating, but it quickly escalated to a more severe encounter that resulted in the death of Stacy Hanna.  

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America's First Female Serial Killer: Lavinia Fisher

Female Killers Podcast - May 17, 2019 20:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
America’s first female serial killer.  How does a woman get credited with that?  Lavinia Fisher did it by using her beauty and charm to captivate men and lure them to their deaths.  If you have ever seen the movie “White Oleander” with Michelle Pfeiffer, you know how dangerous these beautiful fl...

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Munchausen de Proxy: Gypsy Rose Blanchard

Female Killers Podcast - May 08, 2019 21:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
Gypsy Rose Blanchard spent years believing she was dying and had numerous diseases due to her mother Dee Dee. What is a child or adult to do when she finds out the years of abuse that they were succumbed to? Should it be ok if they hurt, abandon that person? How about kill? 

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Three's a Crowd: Shelia Eddy and Rachel Shoaf

Female Killers Podcast - May 02, 2019 23:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
The expression “three’s a crowd” has a lot of truth, especially in female friendships. Two girls being friends worked, but add a third one and usually, one gets left out. When my daughter was a tween, she was the one who got pushed to the side when a third girl moved into the neighborhood and be...

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The Death Shift: Genene Jones

Female Killers Podcast - April 26, 2019 21:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
When we think about a nurse, we think about a person who wants to help us get better.  Nurses are part of the medical team that we should trust.  We have already met a sexually-deprived nurse who lost that trust when she killed many patients. Now, we will be talking about a second one who is jus...

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Curry Poisoner: Masumi Hayashi

Female Killers Podcast - April 20, 2019 14:00 - 7 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
Summer festivals are a time for people to get together, be happy celebrating the summer, being with family and friends, or just enjoying the festivities.  It’s great for people to come together in their community.  Expecting a tragedy to occur during a summer festival is not something that comes...

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Heavenly Creatures: Pauline Parker & Juliet Hulme

Female Killers Podcast - April 11, 2019 04:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
If you haven’t seen the movie Heavenly Creatures, then I can’t recommend it enough.   You can judge for yourself if it was an obsessive friendship or the two were lovers.  Either way, Pauline and Juliet lived in a fantasy world where they were better than others and only were happy together.  Wh...

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Greedy Poisoner: Martha Marek

Female Killers Podcast - April 05, 2019 04:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.  It is an insatiable longing for an tangible item.  Usually when people think of greed, money is what comes to mind. As Eartha Kitt was once quoted with saying, “Greed is so destructive. It destroys everything. “ In today’s episode, we will find woman who a...

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Monsters of Ecatepec: Patricia Martinez

Female Killers Podcast - March 28, 2019 04:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
Cannibalism is taboo.  To eat human flesh is something that humans should not be allowed to do. However, there are a few who get a taste for it.  Even worse, they torture and kill those that they eat. Patricia Martinez, half of the Monsters of Ecatepec duo, committed heinous acts towards other w...

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Angel of Mercy: Jane Toppan

Female Killers Podcast - March 14, 2019 04:00 - 10 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
Jane Toppan was an Angel of Death who killed over 31 people, but it is thought it was more to the hundreds.  She created her own concoction of morphine and atropine, and that became her poison of choice.  This was a female serial killer like no other. She would get sexually gratification from se...

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The Blood Countess: Elizabeth Bathory

Female Killers Podcast - March 07, 2019 05:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★ - 38 ratings
One of the most prolific serial killers of all time was a woman. Her name was Elizabeth Bathory, also known as the Blood Countess.  The reason she was called that was because it was told that she would bathe in the blood of her victims, who were usually young female virgins.

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