Latest Resilient enterprise Podcast Episodes

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How Is Telecom Building Resiliency and Reliability through COVID-19?

Designing Industries of Tomorrow - September 09, 2020 16:23 - 4 minutes
Connectivity is the bedrock of our personal and professional lives in these exceptional times. Pari Natarajan, CEO of Zinnov, shares his perspective on how communications service providers are building network resilience to address ever-changing user demands better.

Designing Industries of Tomorrow artwork

What the Future Holds for Power and Utility Companies

Designing Industries of Tomorrow - September 09, 2020 16:20 - 3 minutes
Utility companies are witnessing a paradigm shift in consumer behavior. Industrial usage has shrunk, while retail consumption has shot up. This is a significant disruption for an industry that is typically slow to respond. How are they coping? Find out in this thought-provoking conversa...

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Scaling Aftermarket Services

Designing Industries of Tomorrow - September 09, 2020 16:15 - 3 minutes
Tune in to a conversation between Pari Natarajan, CEO of Zinnov, and Karthikeyan Natarajan, COO of Cyient, on how businesses are scaling aftermarket services in a scenario where new orders are disrupted, and capital spending is in doubt.

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What Lies Ahead for Telecom, MedTech, and Manufacturing Sectors

Designing Industries of Tomorrow - September 09, 2020 16:11 - 4 minutes
Surviving and thriving in challenging times demands building deep resilience, learning new skills, and letting go of limiting features and mindsets. Business models are changing; industries are reassessing and reimagining their consumption, supply, interaction, and productivity. Tune in...

Designing Industries of Tomorrow artwork

Reimagining Business Paradigms

Designing Industries of Tomorrow - September 09, 2020 16:07 - 19 minutes
Surviving and thriving in a global pandemic demands building deep resilience, learning new skills, and letting go of limiting features and mindsets. Business models are changing; industries are reassessing and reimagining their consumption, supply, interaction, and productivity. Tune in...

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