Latest Religious life Podcast Episodes

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Psalms Lesson 12, Chapters 146-150

Highland Views - December 05, 2020 14:00 - 29 minutes
Levi concluded this series on Psalms with the final 5 songs in the book: chapters 146-150. These chapters wrap up the book with songs that are very fitting for this first week of Advent. Humans tend to visualize God in distorted ways. Whereas someone might be thinking of God as a stern and serio...

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Psalms Lesson 11, chapters 135-145

Highland Views - November 23, 2020 14:00 - 46 minutes
As our study of Psalms nears its conclusion, Levi covers chapters 135-145. These ancient songs represent both major types of psalms: praises and laments. Listen as Levi explores these 11 psalms with their ups and downs, mimicking our everyday lives.

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Psalms Lesson 10, Section 5d, Song of Ascents

Highland Views - November 23, 2020 13:00 - 21 minutes
This section of Psalms is called the Songs of Ascent. In ancient times, the temple had 15 steps. As the priest went up each of the steps, he would read/sing one of these 15 psalms. This represented the journey of all Jews up to the temple mount to meet God on the mountaintop. 

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Psalm 119

Highland Views - November 17, 2020 13:00 - 39 minutes
Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem. That means each section is keyed to a single letter of the Hebrew alphabet, starting with "aleph". The poetic mechanism doesn't happen when the chapter is translated, but it is interesting to know this fact about the original psalm. This is the longest chapter in t...

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Psalms (L8) Section 5b, The Hallel

Highland Views - November 04, 2020 13:00 - 18 minutes
This 8th lesson from Psalms focuses on a section known as The Hallel, chapters 113-118. This section makes up the second portion of the 5th "book" in Psalms. Here are links to relevant websites for further exploration of the information Levi shared. 1) Hallel reading (12 minutes): https://youtu....

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Psalms (L7), Section 5A

Highland Views - October 30, 2020 13:00 - 23 minutes
We continued learning about the book of Psalms, and Levi began with Psalms' 5th section. This part of Psalms includes chapters 107 to the end. Although Levi spent one week each on the first four sections of Psalms, he decided to teach several lessons on this portion of this beautiful book. In th...

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Psalms (L6) Section 4

Highland Views - October 29, 2020 14:00 - 24 minutes
Levi talked about Psalms' fourth internal section, chapters 90-106. He used the English Standard Version (ESV) to read key chapters. He highlighted these: 90, 91-95, 98, 100, 102-03, 105 and 106. 

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Psalms (L5): The Third Section

Highland Views - October 11, 2020 22:00 - 34 minutes
Today Levi surveyed the third section of the book of Psalms (chapters 73-89). Levi read several key songs from this section which emphasize the theme of being alone, distanced and apart from loved ones and friends. This is a section that speaks to the troubles we have faced so far in 2020: pande...

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God Can Redeem (even 2020)

Highland Views - October 05, 2020 20:00 - 22 minutes
Jesus and his apostles were walking through the countryside and came to Jacob's well. There Jesus sent his apostles off to get some food. While he waited, he met a woman at the well. They talked and Jesus told her things about her life that a normal stranger would not have known. Jason then took...

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Psalms (Lesson 3) - Section 1

Highland Views - September 23, 2020 22:00 - 34 minutes
A brief look at Levi's favorite chapters from Psalms section 1. This portion of the book of Psalms begins in chapter 3 and goes through chapter 41.

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Psalms (Lesson 2) - Introduction

Highland Views - September 23, 2020 21:00 - 25 minutes
Psalms is a collection of songs, poetry, prayers, chants, etc. They were written by inspired men including David, Moses and others. They are organized in a specific order. Chapters 1 and 2 are an introduction to the five divisions of the book. Today, we take a look at this introduction in Psalms...

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God's Steadfast Love

Highland Views - September 09, 2020 21:00 - 19 minutes
This lesson's theme is the joy of RETURNING (in person following COVID-19 closure) to our wonderful family joined spiritually in God's church. Psalm 100 extols God's steadfast love that endures forever. The author of this Psalm is giving thanks for this, God's love for us, and for His majesty. A...

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Reassembling In Person

Highland Views - August 30, 2020 18:00 - 21 minutes
Levi gives information on our plans to begin meeting in person again next Sunday, September 6, at 10:30A EDT. Here are some guidelines: Wear masks.  Enter in via front door or the covered side entrance (Office side)  Pick up a communion packet for when we partake together of the Lord's Supper.  ...

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What Does a Christian Look Like? (3) Changed--Yet Imperfect

Highland Views - August 30, 2020 18:00 - 31 minutes
Do Christians look like perfect people? No. We have to sincerely try our best to live as Christ would have us live, but we are not able to be perfect at doing that. Read Romans 8  - we have to be different from the person we were when we put on Christ in baptism. Now we are held to a standard --...

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What Does a Christian Look Like (2) in Anger

Highland Views - August 16, 2020 17:00 - 37 minutes
John 2:13 and following tells us of a time when Jesus took action to restore honesty and dignity to the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus was filled with righteous anger because of how some people in the temple grounds were behaving in His Father's house. He sat down and fashioned a whip to drive the a...

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What Does a Christian Look Like?

Highland Views - August 09, 2020 23:00 - 37 minutes
Levi reviewed the following verses with the focus on "What Does a Christian Look/Act Like? Romans 6:1ff 2 Peter 1:3ff   Ephesians 4:17-24 Gal. 4 :8-9 Gal. 2:17-20 Romans 12:1-3 These verses tell us that our former lives (prior to choosing God's will and putting Christ on in baptism) are gone. We...

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Fallacy of Fairness

Highland Views - August 02, 2020 16:00 - 49 minutes
The text for this sermon is Matthew 20, a parable of Jesus about vineyard workers hired at different times of the day. Levi discussed how the modern American concept of fairness is more akin to envy or coveting. Levi delves into the idea of "begrudging" the good fortune of another, feeling envio...

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Love One Another (6)

Highland Views - August 02, 2020 15:00 - 35 minutes
Levi urged us to read the following scriptures: John 13:34-35; John 15;  Rom. 13:8-14; 1 Thes. 3:11-13; 1 Thes. 4:9: 1 Peter 4:8-10; 1 John 3:11, 3:23-24, 4:7-21; 2 John. 5;  In the first of these (John 13:3-35), Jesus washed the disciples' feet. Loving each other in the Lord is the main charact...

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Praying for, Confessing to One Another (5)

Highland Views - July 21, 2020 21:00 - 40 minutes
Levi opened today contemplating that the disciples walked and talked daily with Jesus in the 3 years of his public ministry. Did that mean they were not praying since they were in God’s presence? (Acts 1:12ff) In the heart of the message, Levi read from James 5. Here, we learn of the power and p...

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One Another in Scripture

Highland Views - July 12, 2020 21:00 - 27 minutes
There are about 100 uses of "one another" in the Bible. About 50% of those concern the family of God, the church of Jesus Christ. The information God gives us about relationships in our physical family are the same as for our church family. In this sermon, Levi briefly reviews Bible passages tha...

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Choose Joy

Highland Views - July 06, 2020 18:00 - 19 minutes
These are such challenging times that we can all use an uplifting message. Levi Dodd answers this need today with a lesson on JOY! In fact, a Christian has the power to choose joy, regardless of anything else that is occurring in life. Romans 15 is a wonderful treatise on this. Christians can de...

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Serve One Another (3)

Highland Views - June 29, 2020 01:00 - 41 minutes
Levi continues the series entitled "One Another" by reviewing the three "puts" God teaches us: things we must put on, put off, put to death. Galatians 5 tells about these things in terms of works of the FLESH (put off/put to death) and fruits of the SPIRIT (put on). The fruits that you allow in ...

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One Another (2) - Bear with

Highland Views - June 21, 2020 21:00 - 45 minutes
This sermon explores the parable sometimes known as "The Unmerciful Servant" from Matthew 28:31-35. Jesus taught that we were to bear with (forgive) one another, being kind-hearted. Forgiveness is a difficult concept--easy to define but difficult to achieve. To bear with one another, we have to ...

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One Another (1) - Encouragement

Highland Views - June 16, 2020 12:00 - 34 minutes
Levi launched a new series called, "One Another." There are around 100 uses of this term in the Bible. This first lesson focuses on "Encourage!" Hebrews 3 and also 10 tell us to encourage one another, to spur one another on to faith and good works. This is a term emphasizing the necessity of bei...

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Even When It Hurts (8) - God's Fault?

Highland Views - June 09, 2020 16:00 - 41 minutes
In this life, there are difficult things--even tragic things! We ask, "why?" Levi explores the idea of people blaming God for these evil things. No, because even when it hurts, God is there for us and our response can be to recognize that God is taking care of our "foreverness." And in the middl...

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Even When It Hurts 7, These Turbulent Times

Highland Views - May 31, 2020 21:00 - 37 minutes
Today we are a nation in turmoil, and God calls us to peace in unity. Levi talks about how important God's call for unity is to bring us all into peace. And in these times, "Even When It Hurts", we can count on God and His Holy Spirit.  Text: Exodus 22:21-24. You shall not wrong or oppress a res...

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Even When It Hurts, 6 - King David

Highland Views - May 25, 2020 16:00 - 37 minutes
Long ago, as recorded in the Hebrew Bible, God loved King David. David was called a "man after God's own heart!" And yet, he fell from grace at a time of temptation. The story is well-known. David saw Bathsheba and desired her. He sinned with her, and when a child was conceived, David was terrif...

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Even When It Hurts 5 - Peter Forgiven

Highland Views - May 25, 2020 00:00 - 40 minutes
After Jesus' resurrection, Peter and some of the disciples returned to Galilee and went back to fishing. There were no fish in their nets. Jesus came to the shore and called out to them, repeating his first miracle with these men at the beginning of their following discipleship. Jesus made break...

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Even When It Hurts (4) Mary and Martha

Highland Views - May 11, 2020 15:00 - 43 minutes
In Genesis 3-5, we learn that God spoke the truth to Adam and Eve when He said that if they sinned, "You shall surely die." Satan's lie to them was, "You shall not surely die." Death came as a result of humanity's leap into sin. It hurts to lose someone--God had planned for us to live without de...

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Even When It Hurts (3) Good Samaritan

Highland Views - May 03, 2020 21:00 - 39 minutes
Jesus told a story (parable) in Luke 10 about a wounded traveler on a road. The traveler was from a country that most Jewish people hated, known as Samaria. Jesus spoke this famous parable, known as the "Good Samaritan", to answer a question from a lawyer in his audience. The lesson to us today ...

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