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Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series artwork

Fantastic Four (2015)

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series - August 11, 2015 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
It's been 20 years since Roger Corman first made (but never released) the world's first Fantastic Four film, and now we get our fourth. Gone is the humor of the Tim Story duology; instead, Chronicle director Josh Trank created a grim and gritty version of Marvel's First Family, more based on the...

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series artwork

The Incredibles -- A Now Playing Bonus Review

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series - February 27, 2015 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Pixar films including Toy Story, Monsters Inc., and Finding Nemo, had been smash hits. But could this success that worked on toys, fish, bugs, and beasts, work for a movie starring a roster of human characters? That was the risk they took with The Incredibles -- Pixar's first superhero film. T...

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series artwork

Join us at for our Fast and Furious Retrospective Series!

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series - February 24, 2015 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
An undercover police officer infiltrates a group of thieves, but can he resist the lure of the subculture and do his duty? No, we're not talking the Keanu Reeves/Patrick Swayze film Point Break--we're reviewing the 2001 car racing film The Fast and The Furious. Starring Vin Diesel, fresh off th...

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series artwork

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series - July 26, 2011 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
The first Fantastic Four film was never released. The second time, the film was released to modest box office and poor reviews. But now Marvel's first family is back, and they've brought friends--fan favorite The Silver Surfer and his master, the world-eater Galactus. With these new characters...

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series artwork

Fantastic Four

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series - July 19, 2011 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
After over 20 years of trying, the Fantastic Four have finally arrived on the big screen in this big budget blockbuster! Made by 20th Century Fox, they obviously hoped to have a franchise to alternate between X-Men films, and what better than another team of super powered beings from the Marvel ...

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series artwork

The Fantastic Four

Now Playing Presents the Fantastic Four Movie Retrospective Series - July 12, 2011 06:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
In this first installment, the Now Playing hosts watch a film never meant to be seen -- 1994's Fantastic Four. Made on the cheap and possibly never intended for release, this film has become legend to comic book lovers and film lovers alike. Why was this film never released? Did it deserve its fa...

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