Latest Radiodocumentary Podcast Episodes

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DocArchive (1980): Great Art Beaten Down

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 13, 2018 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Hugh Lane amassed a collection of pictures with his brilliant eye for art. A man whose life was surrounded by the sort of controversy which was only equalled by his untimely death onboard the Lusitania in 1915. The fate of 39 paintings has been a bone of contention between British and Irish gover...

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638: Rom-Com

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 11, 2018 23:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
The one thing you know for sure when you're watching a romantic comedy is that it's going to turn out okay in the end. When you're living one? Not so much. This week for Valentine's Day, stories that unfold like rom-coms.

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Radio Doc: Opgejaagd # 2. Een veredelde parkeerplaats | Plots - Naar bed | 11-02-2018

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 11, 2018 20:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Opgejaagd # 2. Een veredelde parkeerplaats: Hoe ziet ons onderwijssysteem en de kinderopvang eruit als je kijkt door de ogen van iemand uit Scandinavië? Documentairemaker Jennifer Pettersson woont al 20 jaar in Nederland en voelde zich hier altijd thuis. Maar sinds ze kinderen heeft, is dat veran...

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Radiologische Lesung 5 - Absichtslose Zusammenkunft

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 11, 2018 18:30 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Opgejaagd # 2. Een veredelde parkeerplaats: Hoe ziet ons onderwijssysteem en de kinderopvang eruit als je kijkt door de ogen van iemand uit Scandinavië? Documentairemaker Jennifer Pettersson woont al 20 jaar in Nederland en voelde zich hier altijd thuis. Maar sinds ze kinderen heeft, is dat veran...

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Del 2/2. Hempas kamp – Den nya njuren

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 11, 2018 14:03 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Kalle bestämmer sig för att donera en njure till Hempa. En gåva som kan ge barndomsvännen livet åter. Men för Kalles del går det inte riktigt som han föreställt sig. Kampen mot smärtan blir svår. Sepsis förstörde Hempas njurar och trots mer än 20 timmar i dialys varje vecka är han alltid trött...

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China's Generation Gap: Beijing

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 11, 2018 05:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Chinese reporter Haining Liu travels to Beijing and finds out what it was like for people who grew up during the Cultural Revolution and how those who lived under strict communism relate to their children who have had much more material, individualistic lives. And she hears about new attitudes to...

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Little Mouse in the Corner

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 09, 2018 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Being a shy person is often seen as something that you will overcome as you get older. Many introverts feel that there is something wrong with them. Being an introvert is perfectly normal and defining it as something you lack doesn't seem fair. Pauline Dunne decided to challenge the common percep...

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Madness of War

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 09, 2018 10:19 ★★★ - 119 ratings
In a small cold courtyard in Herat in Afghanistan, two former enemies sit chained together. One is a former warlord, the other a Taliban fighter. Both men are dangerous. Both men are suffering from severe psychiatric conditions. The courtyard is where all 300 inmates of Afghanistan’s only secure ...

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Re:sound #250 Our 250th Show

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 09, 2018 06:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
This hour, we look back on some of our favorite moments from the past 14 years of Re:sound. With former producers Katia Dunn, Roman Mars, Delaney Hall and Katie Mingle, we listen to excerpts of memorable Re:sound moments and episodes: The Karaoke Tupperware Show The Confessions Show The P...

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Her Story Made History: Monica McWilliams

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 07, 2018 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Monica McWilliams was one of only two local women who were at the table during negotiations which led to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. BBC Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet visits Belfast to hear her story.

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Three Pillars of Trump: Healthcare Reform

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 06, 2018 15:34 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Donald Trump campaigned on numerous issues, but when it came time for action in the early days of his administration, healthcare reform was his top legislative priority. “Repealing and replacing” the Democrats’ Obamacare system has proven harder than it seems. Time and time again the Republican-c...

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DocArchive(1998): God's Own Farmers

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 06, 2018 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Cistercian bells have been ringing across Europe since 1098. This religious order created the continent's first farmlands. In 1998, they celebrated 900 yrs of prayer and farming. Arriving in Ireland in 1142, their architecture is seen in the picturesque ruins of their abbeys. What influence did t...

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637: Words You Can't Say

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 04, 2018 23:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
In this politically charged climate, it feels like you have to be super careful with your language, no matter who you are or what side you're on. Stories about people who say the “wrong” thing and suffer the consequences, including a very conservative Republican from Louisiana who's lambasted for...

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Radio Doc: Opgejaagd #1. De Schoonmaakmoeder | Vensters | 04-02-2018

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 04, 2018 20:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Opgejaagd #1. De Schoonmaakmoeder: Hoe goed is het Nederlandse systeem van kinderopvang en basisscholen? Dat vraagt devan oorsprong Zweedse Jennifer Pettersson zich af in de 8-deligeserie Opgejaagd. Radio Doc zendt de komende weken de eerste drie delen uit van deze podcast.Sinds Jennifer kinderen...

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Dödsmisshandeln av Riccardo Campogiani

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 04, 2018 17:03 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Riccardo och hans bästa vän Filippo ska åka hem från en 15-årsfest i centrala Stockholm. Men ett bråk startar och slutar med att 16-åriga Riccardo ligger medvetslös på trottoaren. Närmre hundra glada tonåringar är bjudna till en 15-årsfest på Kungsholmen i centrala Stockholm. Klockan är runt ...

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Del 1/2. Hempas kamp – Blodförgiftningen

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 04, 2018 14:03 ★★★ - 119 ratings
40-årige Henrik Hempa Posse får feber. Det som familjen tror är en vanlig förkylning, visar sig vara en livshotande form av sepsis, blodförgiftning. Följ Hempas blodiga kamp för att överleva. Sepsis gör att immunförsvaret attackerar Hempas egen kropp. Läkarna tvingas amputera både armar och be...

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A Man Out Of Time

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 02, 2018 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Fr. Pat Noise died when his carriage plunged into the Liffey in 1919. His death is commemorated by a plaque on O'Connell Bridge, installed without permission by a mysterious group. This was also where the Millennium Clock was lowered into the Liffey before disappearing after a few months. Was it ...

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Escape from Croatia’s Asylums

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - February 01, 2018 13:45 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Unlike many other nations of Europe, thousands of people with mental illness still live in asylums in Croatia. But not in Osijek… In this small city in the far east, dozens of people have moved from mental institutions into regular apartments in the community. One of the asylums has closed comple...

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Moving Pictures: The Temptation of Saint Anthony by Joos van Craesbeeck

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - January 31, 2018 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
Explore the dark, demonic landscape of a 17th Century Flemish masterpiece - The Temptation of Saint Anthony - by Joos van Craesbeeck (Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe). A giant screaming head dominates the painting; from its mouth pour tiny devils and the forehead has been peeled back to reveal a ...

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DocArchive (1985): East Germany Today

IFC Podcast -Latest Radio Docs - January 03, 1985 12:00 ★★★ - 119 ratings
This 1985 documentary provides an insight into the former East German state, hearing from families and their opinions on a wide range of topics from housing and transport needs to holidays, education, entertainment and religion. The programme was first broadcast in May 1985, compiled and presente...

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