Latest Old testament women Podcast Episodes

All God's Women artwork


All God's Women - March 10, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Herodias was the granddaughter of Herod the Great, the Herod who had all the baby boys killed in Bethlehem. This was the same Herod who murdered his wife and three of his sons.  Herodias married Herod’s son Philip, her uncle. They had a daughter named Salome. One day Philip’s half brother, Hero...

All God's Women artwork

The Bleeding Woman

All God's Women - March 09, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
The story of the bleeding woman is a story within a story. As Jesus went with Jairus to heal his daughter, a crowd formed around him. In that crowd was a woman who’d been bleeding for twelve years. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated ...

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Jairus's Daughter

All God's Women - March 08, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Jairus’s daughter’s story is told by Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They each tell us that Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, approached Jesus and begged for healing for his dying young daughter. He said He knew that if Jesus would just lay His hands on her, she would be healed and live. So Jesus follo...

All God's Women artwork

Peter's Mother-in-Law

All God's Women - March 07, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Jesus and his disciples left the synagogue and went to Peter’s house for a time of rest, but when they got there, they discovered Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a high fever. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where w...

All God's Women artwork

Peter's Wife

All God's Women - March 06, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
We don’t usually think of impulsive and impetuous Simon Peter as being a married man, but he was. We know this because one of Jesus’s first miracles was healing Peter’s wife’s mother.  All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show wh...

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Women of Samaria

All God's Women - March 03, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
The Old Testament prophets told it like it was. In Amos 4 the prophet Amos addresses the women of Samaria. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible one woman's story at a time. If you enjoy lea...

All God's Women artwork

Belshazzar's Mother

All God's Women - March 02, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Though others had forgotten Daniel, this Babylonian queen had not. She knew that he had something the magicians and astrologers lacked. She may not have understood Daniel nor known much about his God, but she knew he was the one to call in time of trouble. All God's Women is a daily devotional...

All God's Women artwork


All God's Women - March 01, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Hosea the prophet and Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, had three children. The first child was a son, and God told Hosea to call him Jezreel which means “God sowed”. Next, they had a daughter they named Lo-Ruhamah, which means “no mercy” and a son named Lo-Ammi which means “not my people”.   Th...

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All God's Women - February 28, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Hosea met and married Gomer, and they had three children, two boys and a girl. Then Gomer abandoned her family to chase after other men. Before long, she was turned into a slave. Though she’d committed adultery and deserted Hosea, God told Hosea to go after her. All God's Women is a daily devot...

All God's Women artwork

Ezekiel's Wife

All God's Women - February 27, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Ezekiel spoke to a people who didn’t want to hear what he was saying. He warned the Israelites of the destruction of Jerusalem. Then, in Ezekiel 24:16-17, God gave Ezekiel a personal message that he didn’t want to hear. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and inter...

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False Prophets

All God's Women - February 24, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Ezekiel had no patience for false prophets. In Ezekiel 13:17-18 he warned against them.  “And you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people, who prophesy out of their own hearts. Prophesy against them and say, Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the women who sew magic bands up...

All God's Women artwork

Careless Women

All God's Women - February 23, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
In Isaiah 32:9-20. Isaiah addressed Hebrew women who were living carelessly.  He begins by telling the women who are at ease to rise up, hear his voice, and pay attention to what he has to say. Then he warns them that soon they’ll be troubled when their world falls apart. All God's Women is a ...

All God's Women artwork

Isaiah's Wife

All God's Women - February 22, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
You would think considering Isaiah was such a prominent figure in the Bible and the book of Isaiah is one of the longest books in the Bible with 66 chapters, that there would be plenty of coverage of Isaiah's wife. In fact, though, she is mentioned only once. All God's Women is a daily devotio...

All God's Women artwork

Zion's Daughters

All God's Women - February 21, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Isaiah warned the Israelites of what was to come in the days ahead because of their wickedness. He specifically addressed the wealthy and those in positions of leadership because they were the ones who were living in luxury while oppressing the poor. Isaiah began with condemning the men, then i...

All God's Women artwork

Women as Snares and Nets

All God's Women - February 20, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
In Ecclesiastes 7:26 we find a symbolic group of women who are referred to as snares and nets to unsuspecting men. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible one woman's story at a time. If you e...

All God's Women artwork

King Lemuel's Mother

All God's Women - February 17, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Thank you, King Lemuel, for passing on the words of your mother so that men and women forevermore might learn from them. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible one woman's story at a time. If...

All God's Women artwork

Job's New Daughters

All God's Women - February 16, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Jemimah, Keziah, and Keren-happuch were said to be the most beautiful women throughout the land. Jemimiah means “fair as the day”. Keziah was a much prized spice. And Keren-happuch refers to a horn of paint which produced a dye used by women on their eyelids to create a look of beauty. All God...

All God's Women artwork

Job's Wife

All God's Women - February 15, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
God kept Job’s wife in the picture. He blessed her future along with Job’s. Though she failed, God was still there for her. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible one woman's story at a time...

All God's Women artwork

Job's Daughters

All God's Women - February 14, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Job had seven sons and three daughters. His sons and daughters had a close relationship and enjoyed spending time together. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible one woman's story at a time....

All God's Women artwork


All God's Women - February 13, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Poor Zeresh had to watch her husband impaled by the gallows pole she conceived. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible one woman's story at a time. If you enjoy learning about women in the B...

All God's Women artwork

Esther Saves the Jews

All God's Women - February 10, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Esther had a choice to make. Though no one in the palace knew she was a Jew, she knew the time had come to reveal her heritage and save her people.  Esther instructed Mordecai to gather up all the Jews and have them fast for three days, and she and her attendants would do the same. At the end o...

All God's Women artwork

Esther and Mordecai

All God's Women - February 09, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Esther’s cousin Mordecai overheard a plot to kill the king. He sent word to Esther, and the king’s life was saved. The guilty parties were punished. The event was recorded. Then it was forgotten. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated ra...

All God's Women artwork

Esther Crowned Queen

All God's Women - February 08, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
A decree was sent out with the king’s commandment that all beautiful young women be brought to the palace to compete for the title of queen. One of those women brought to compete was Esther, a Hebrew orphan being raised by her cousin Mordecai. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible...

All God's Women artwork


All God's Women - February 07, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
We all know the story of Esther, but if not for the actions of Vashti, there would be no Queen Esther. Vashti was the original wife of King Ahasuerus. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we journey through the Bible o...

All God's Women artwork

Wives from Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab

All God's Women - February 06, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
After the completion of the wall, Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to evaluate the situation. Unfortunately, he found much that disturbed him including Jewish men who had married wives from Ashdod, Ammon, and Moab. Nehemiah lamented because the children of these mixed marriages could only speak t...

All God's Women artwork

Shallum's Daughters

All God's Women - February 03, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Shallum the son of Hallohesh, ruler of half the district of Jerusalem, repaired, he and his daughters.” As ruler, Shallum would have had servants and officials who he could have assigned to do the work. Instead, he did it himself and even involved his daughters. And we can assume the daughters ...

All God's Women artwork

Daughter of Barzillai

All God's Women - February 02, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Barzillai the Gileadite was a prominent ally of David. He was a rich and noble man, and his daughters inherited his estate. One of his daughters married a Levite, but instead of her taking his name, he took hers. The problem was that it caused confusion when his name was not listed among the Lev...

All God's Women artwork


All God's Women - February 01, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Ephraim's daughter Sheerah  built Lower and Upper Beth-horon, and Uzzen-sheerah.” Some Bible scholars say Sheerah built, rebuilt, or restored the cities, or that she designed the structures and layout. Some scholars think she may have fortified or enlarged existing cities. Others say she may h...

All God's Women artwork

Mother of Jabez

All God's Women - January 31, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Though the mother of Jabez suffered a difficult delivery, she must have instilled in Jabez a godly heritage because in verse 1 Chronicles 4: 10, we see that he knew how to pray. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and internationally syndicated radio show where we...

All God's Women artwork


All God's Women - January 30, 2023 06:00 - 2 minutes
Nehushta was the daughter of Elnathan from Jerusalem. She became the wife of Jehoiakim, a wicked king of Judah, and they had a son named Jehoiachin, also known as Coniah, who reigned as king after the death of his father. All God's Women is a daily devotional women's Bible study podcast and in...

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