Latest Okrs Podcast Episodes

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Prepare for Q2 with Sara Lobkovich and No-BS OKRs

Thinkydoers - March 13, 2024 00:02 - 8 minutes
Are you ready to create big, bold goals for Q2 and beyond, and achieve remarkable results? In this Thinkydoers Short, I'm sharing a slew of resources to help you get ready for Q2 -- whether you have a budget or not, and whether you are excited to get visionary and curious and plan your Q2, or ...

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Stress and Resilience with Dat Tran

Thinkydoers - December 05, 2023 13:00 - 38 minutes
The long-term stress sustained during and since the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a serious impact on our collective wellbeing. The American Psychological Association’s annual “Stress in America” report this year shared that “APA psychologists widely agreed there is mounting evidence that...

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OKRs in Context: Do OKRs co-exist with other methodologies?

Thinkydoers - October 31, 2023 09:00 - 24 minutes
One of the first jobs to be done when implementing (or rebooting) OKRs is to identify how they fit into an organization’s existing planning “stack” and get clear about what job they’re being hired to do. This episode is based on chapter three of Sara Lobkovich’s upcoming book, The Evolution...

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Playbook Chapter Two - What are Objectives and Key Results OKRs

Thinkydoers - August 29, 2023 11:00 - 25 minutes
We're excited to share Chapter Two of our work-in-progress Evolutionary OKRs Playbook with you. This chapter re-introduces Objectives and Key Results for people who may be less familiar with traditional approaches, and then shifts into the unique elements of the Evolutionary OKR model (which we'...

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The Evolutionary OKRs Playbook Chapter One: How did we get here?

Thinkydoers - August 15, 2023 12:00 - 16 minutes
After years of writing alone and then sharing my work on the Evolutionary OKRs Playbook with (wonderful, patient) beta readers, with this rewrite I’m doing something different. It’s time to write (and read) in public.  Certain chapters of the book are being shared via our email newsletter fi...

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When "OKRs Don't Work"

Thinkydoers - June 13, 2023 11:00 - 25 minutes
Fun fact: While I am an OKR activist, I'm not an OKR dogmatist. If OKRs "aren't working" in your organization, I'll be the first to support your decision to change course to an approach that works better for your organization. Frequently, though, I see organizations reach a stage where they'...

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KPIs vs. OKRs: What's the difference between KPIs and Key Results?

Thinkydoers - May 16, 2023 19:42 - 18 minutes
What's the difference between a KPI and an OKR? And specifically, what's the difference between a KPI and a Key Result? Here's a simple answer, with examples, to help make this concept easy to understand. You’ll find out what defines KPIs, KRs, stretch goals, and commits, what they mean, how t...

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Introducing Evolutionary OKRs

Thinkydoers - March 08, 2023 13:14 - 22 minutes
Today, we take a step back and answer the obvious question: what are Evolutionary Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) and why are they important? OKRs are a method for setting collaborative, objectively measurable goals made popular by the book Measure What Matters, which creates enormous excite...

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Architecting Change: Rethinking the role of goals in achieving necessary change

Thinkydoers - December 08, 2022 17:50 - 29 minutes
We talk a lot around here about Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), and in this episode, we dive into an adjacent topic: the role that goal setting can play in making a case for and achieving important change in our organizations. The audio for this episode is from a LinkedIn Live that I hosted r...

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Now waitlisting: No BS OKRs short course

Thinkydoers - October 12, 2022 22:47 - 8 minutes
We're closing enrollment on Friday for next week's Coaching Evolutionary OKRs course, so if you're looking for OKR Coach training before the end of the year, act quickly (or drop me a note, and I'll let you know when we plan our next cohort). And if a short course is more your style, that's comi...

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The Goal-ification of OKRs

Thinkydoers - August 25, 2022 15:31 - 22 minutes
When the book Measure What Matters was published in 2018, it created a lot of excitement about Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs. Unfortunately, the book provided little practical information about implementing them, and many organizations have struggled to actually make OKRs work in the wild....

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What we can learn during the annual goals "silly season"

Thinkydoers - August 05, 2022 18:01 - 20 minutes
This time of year is called the "silly season" in motorsports because we're in the literal middle of our racing season AND we're all already operating in the 2023 season: planning partnerships, talent moves, and logistics for the year we won't start for another six months.  Every summer I see ...

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Replacing "managing up" with a culture of self-management

Thinkydoers - May 03, 2022 12:00 - 28 minutes
In our last episode, our host Sara Lobkovich took the antiquated concept of "managing up" to task. This episode is part two in this two-part series, where we dive into why and how organizations can replace "managing up" with building a culture of self-management. With norms established around ex...

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The downsides of "managing up"

Thinkydoers - April 19, 2022 12:00 - 27 minutes
This is the first in a two-part series about why we work with clients to uncover and unlearn the behavior of "managing up," and replace it with a culture of self-management. It IS necessary to carefully and intentionally manage our relationships at work (up, down, and across), but the way managi...

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Are your goals for the new year on track?

Thinkydoers - February 01, 2022 20:56 - 30 minutes
By this point in the year -- 1/3 of the way through Q1 -- many of us have already abandoned any New Years Resolutions we set -- and in our work lives, we may still be digging out from year-end, having missed a month of achievement toward our 2022 goals. We're not going to start with goal-setting...

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From Think to Do Episode Zero

Thinkydoers - June 01, 2019 03:33 - 31 seconds
Thinky-doers are those of us whose work spans the spaces between thought, through the messy middle, into doing. I'm a thinky-doer, and I'm here to help others create less friction, and more flow in our work.

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Thinkydoers: From Think to Do Episode Zero

Thinkydoers - June 01, 2019 03:33 - 31 seconds
Thinky-doers are those of us whose work spans the spaces between thought, through the messy middle, into doing. I'm a thinky-doer, and I'm here to help others create less friction, and more flow in our work.

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