Latest New leadership podcast Podcast Episodes

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7 Building Blocks Of A Rock-Solid Family

JUST LEAD Podcast - March 01, 2023 10:00 - 27 minutes
Can we be honest? Your family may be the most challenging organization you'll ever lead. Sure, all the leadership podcasts, motivational YouTube videos, and the next guy selling their masterclass might equip you with "leadership knowledge." But all of the hype often goes out the window when we s...

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When Your Co-Worker Becomes Your Boss

JUST LEAD Podcast - February 15, 2023 10:00 - 25 minutes
It's not uncommon over time to build close relationships with your co-workers. However, in a rapidly changing marketplace, how do you handle it when a trusted co-worker and even confidant, becomes your boss? YIKES! Now, the relationship is different. You used to always catch lunch on Friday, tal...

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Under New Management: Can Millennials Overcome The Stereotypes & Shine Bright In Leadership Roles?

JUST LEAD Podcast - February 01, 2023 10:00 - 21 minutes
The reality is, Millennials are no longer the “new kids on the block” in the workforce. They are the majority, and even mid-career. Millennial are ages 27-43, prime ages to take on new managerial and leadership roles. It’s the “earning years” if you will. However, over the past decade, the conve...

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New Release Schedule!

JUST LEAD Podcast - January 25, 2023 10:00 - 1 minute
Just a quick update on our release schedule moving forward. As leaders, we know that consistency matters & it’s important to know exactly WHEN episodes will drop here on the podcast. That way you can build it into your schedule and never be left guessing if there’s something new on the way. So h...

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The Big Question On Campus: Is College Actually Worth It?

JUST LEAD Podcast - January 18, 2023 10:00 - 25 minutes
The branding of “dream college” is a lucrative one. Many students are sold grand ideas of campus life with vast social life, student perks, world-class dorms, football teams, and the messaging that says if you wear these colors, you are somebody. This is all propelled by a very competitive acade...

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Stop Using The "B-Word!": Moving From "Busy" To Wild Success | with Todd Hopkins, Founder & Chief Visionary Officer of Office Pride

JUST LEAD Podcast - January 11, 2023 10:00 - 36 minutes
This week's episode features special guest, Todd Hopkins. Todd Hopkins is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services, an award-winning janitorial franchising company and one of the most respected brands in its industry. Office Pride, with headquarters in...

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The Introverted Leader: Unleashing Quiet Confidence In A Noisy World

JUST LEAD Podcast - January 04, 2023 10:00 - 23 minutes
In all our years developing leaders, one of the biggest misconceptions is that leadership is reserved for the extroverts. You get it --- loud, boisterous, large and in-charge. And many introverts who would make PHENOMENAL leaders disqualify themselves. Some of our introvert friends have even rep...

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Merry Christmas! See You January 4th.

JUST LEAD Podcast - December 21, 2022 10:00 - 59 seconds
Merry Christmas! We hope you’re surrounded by friends, family, Christmas decorations, and maybe even enjoying a cup of hot chocolate right now. As you lean into what matters most this Christmas season, we want to encourage you to slow down & enjoy the holidays. Everything that needs to get done ...

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No More Stage Fright! Conquering The Common Fear of Public Speaking

JUST LEAD Podcast - December 14, 2022 10:00 - 22 minutes
A talented franchisee, small-business owner is asked to give a keynote at their annual company event. They’re new to public speaking, and though talented at what they do, they’re apprehensive about speaking on stage. Many new leaders find themselves in situations just like this where they are as...

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No-Fail Habits & Goals: Setting The Course Now To Make 2023 The Best Year Ever

JUST LEAD Podcast - December 07, 2022 10:00 - 22 minutes
As one year comes to a close and another is around the corner, maybe you're looking back & seeing where you fell short. Sometimes life happens outside of our control - losing a job, health declined, or some other unexpected fallout. So how do we respond & move forward with a clean slate? Rather ...

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Happy Thanksgiving! See You December 7th

JUST LEAD Podcast - November 23, 2022 10:00 - 40 seconds
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! We hope you’re surrounded by friends, family, and a whole spread of food — Turkey, Ham, Baked Ziti, whatever your flavor is. In that spirit, we just want to say THANK YOU for being part of our leadership community. We’ll be taking a break the next two weeks to enjoy the holid...

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The Upswing: How To Lead When You're Not In Charge

JUST LEAD Podcast - November 16, 2022 10:00 - 19 minutes
By nature, leaders like to take action! But in most cases, their desire to take action outpaces the authority they have been given to make decisions. In other words, you may have a boss, director, team captain, parent, teacher, coach or someone else that’s in charge. How do you influence in a po...

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The World-Class Leadership Culture of the Toronto Blue Jays with Steve Rassel

JUST LEAD Podcast - November 09, 2022 10:00 - 1 hour
This week, we sat down with Steve Rassel, Assistant Director of High Performance with the Toronto Blue Jays. We recently got a tour of their world-class training facility in Tampa Bay, FL, and were blown away by their team values, culture, approach to leadership development, and the mindset they...

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The Ultimate Morning Routine Is The One That Works

JUST LEAD Podcast - November 02, 2022 09:00 - 18 minutes
"Win the morning, win the day!" Maybe you've heard all the motivational quotes, and certainly there's a deep well of productivity tools, day planners, apps, and millionaire morning routines out there that all promise to make us more effective. But how do you find something that works (really wor...

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Blindsided: What To Do When An Employee Suddenly Quits

JUST LEAD Podcast - October 26, 2022 09:00 - 17 minutes
Picture this. You’re in the middle of a productive team meeting, when all of a sudden, someone at the table quits. No, not after the fact. No, not a resignation letter. No, not a private conversation. Just, “I’m OUT!...” in the middle of the meeting. Yikes! What would you do? What would you say?...

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BUCKLE UP! It’s Time For A Tough Conversation With Your Teenager

JUST LEAD Podcast - October 19, 2022 09:00 - 13 minutes
The most challenging leadership conversations are usually not in the workplace, but sitting across from your teenager. Sound scary? It can be, but trust us – on the other side of a tough conversation is a rich, meaningful relationship. As parents, how do we set boundaries, define values, create ...

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NEW JOB? How To Crush It In Your First 90 Days!

JUST LEAD Podcast - October 12, 2022 09:00 - 14 minutes
50 million people in the US will change jobs this year, nearly a 30% turnover rate in the total workforce. HR pros agree that the first 90 days (maybe even less!) is major when it comes to starting a new job. But what's the best way to approach it? How can we score critical early wins, build inf...

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NOOOOO!!! Flexing Your “No” Muscle

JUST LEAD Podcast - October 03, 2022 09:00 - 17 minutes
Believe it or not, “No” is a complete sentence. But it’s one that takes courage, clarity, strength, & tact to use effectively on a daily basis. But once you understand the power of a “no,” it creates space for the best opportunities that deserve your “yes.” LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Pastor Q on...

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35,000 Decisions: Here’s How To Get At Least One Of Them Right!

JUST LEAD Podcast - September 26, 2022 09:00 - 25 minutes
Today you’ll make 35,000+ decisions; hopefully brushing your teeth is one of them. Seriously though, that’s a lot to think through and we need a filter to help us make the best call. Use these pro tips to knock your next decision out of the park. LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Pastor Q on Instagram ...

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Where’s The Secret Sauce? What To Do When The Growth Strategy Fails

JUST LEAD Podcast - September 19, 2022 09:00 - 17 minutes
We all want to grow; and there’s a MILLION “secret sauce” hacks out there that promise results for your life & organization. But what happens when even THAT doesn’t work? LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Pastor Q on Instagram (@markquattrochi) Leave a Review Privacy Policy JUST LEAD PODCAST: On Wedne...

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Check Your Credibility Score!

JUST LEAD Podcast - September 12, 2022 09:00 - 10 minutes
Leaders love vision! But without credibility, even the most compelling vision will fall flat. Want to find the way forward & grow like never before? It's simple - do what you say you're going to do! LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Pastor Q on Instagram (@markquattrochi) ARC Churches Leave a Review Pr...

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Everybody Talks! But Can You Connect?

JUST LEAD Podcast - September 05, 2022 09:00 - 17 minutes
Everybody talks, but only the best know how to communicate effectively & connect with others. Effective communication is crucial to gaining influence with any size audience and in any sphere of life. Lean in! FEATURED RESOURCE: Everyone Communicates, Few Connect by John Maxwell LINKS & RESOURC...

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Is There A Such Thing As A "Born Leader?"

JUST LEAD Podcast - August 29, 2022 14:44 - 14 minutes
Drop into this week's conversation as we catch up with Pastor Q on a wide array of topics. Are people "born leaders?" Why is experience so necessary for next-generation leaders? How does leadership act as the X factor in any organization? Lean in!  To learn more about theChapel Leadership Inter...

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Why Every Leader Needs A Sabbath | Rest, Replenishment, & Knowing What Time It Is

JUST LEAD Podcast - August 22, 2022 09:00 - 9 minutes
Believe it or not – rest, replenishment, & even a Sabbath is a discipline. And it’s one that’s NOT an option for a healthy leader. In this week’s episode, we talk about why replenishment is so necessary in the life of a leader & how the discipline of Sabbath is the key to healthy leadership, eve...

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5 Marks Of A Mature Leader

JUST LEAD Podcast - August 15, 2022 09:00 - 14 minutes
On this episode of the X with Q Leadership Podcast we're talking about the 5 Marks of a Mature Leader. • Responsibility • Confidence • Consistency • Character • Security Lean in & let's go! LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Pastor Q on Instagram (@markquattrochi) Leave a Review Privacy Policy AS...

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Social Skills, Leadership Styles, & Everyday Etiquette with Patricia Rossi

JUST LEAD Podcast - August 08, 2022 09:00 - 40 minutes
Join us for this extended cut with our special guest, Patricia Rossi. Drawing upon her twenty-plus years of experience in social and emotional intelligence, Patricia created the First Impressions, Lasting Impact Model to help others navigate the ever-changing social environment by maximizing the...

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Stop Using The "B-Word!" with Todd Hopkins

JUST LEAD Podcast - August 01, 2022 09:00 - 38 minutes
This week's episode features special guest, Todd Hopkins. Todd Hopkins is the founder and CEO of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services, an award-winning janitorial franchising company and one of the most respected brands in its industry. Office Pride, with headquarters in Palm Harbor, has 14...

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Crafting Values That Inspire Action

JUST LEAD Podcast - July 25, 2022 09:00 - 10 minutes
This week, we drop into a conversation between Pastor Q and top-notch leadership coach and author, Lance Witt. In this segment, we discuss how to craft values that inspire action in your life & organization. Core values aren't enough; they must be attached to lived-out behaviors, no matter where...

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3 Keys On How To Lead Effectively In A Fast-Paced, Growing Organization

JUST LEAD Podcast - July 18, 2022 09:00 - 9 minutes
This week, we drop into a conversation between Pastor Q and top-notch leadership coach and author, Lance Witt. In this segment, we discuss a key equation for living life to the fullest. Clarity + Courage + Calendar. It takes all 3 to set into motion a string of meaningful moments that lead to a ...

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JUST LEAD Podcast - July 11, 2022 09:00 - 14 minutes
Aretha Franklin said it best, “RESPECT, I need a little respect.” Yet for many leaders, respect can feel all too elusive. How do we get a little respect? How do we make sure our efforts to receive respect are garnered in a healthy way? And what happens when a leader is less than respectable? All...

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