Latest Mensdiscipleship Podcast Episodes

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Radically Free To Be Me

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - June 03, 2021 09:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this podcast I explore what it means to have radical freedom in our lives.  We often times put ourselves in a cage limiting our own personal freedom.  There are four things that I am working on in my own personal life to bust out of my cage. 1.  Live a life of risk being willing to fail. ...

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Say Yes To Your Adventure

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - May 27, 2021 09:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this podcast episode I share why it's important to build adventure into our lives.  I talk about my experience at the CO2UT gravel bike race in Fruita, Colorado and how adventure in our lives helps us to feel fully alive.  

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Isolation Destroys Solitude Transforms

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - May 20, 2021 09:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells and Brothers podcast I talk about the difference between isolation and solitude.  They both require time spent alone, but one is destructive and the other one is transformative.  We get to choose if we want to spend time in isolation which leads to quiet desperati...

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5 Takeaways From My Silent Retreat

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - May 06, 2021 09:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share  my experience at a four day silent retreat at the Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House in Sedalia, Colorado. There were five key takeaways for me.  1. Gain Perspective 2. Silence...The Path to Radical Inner Transformation 3. Love O...

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5 Ways to Live From Our Heart

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - April 29, 2021 09:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share what I have learned on my book writing journey so far.   I have discovered 5 way to live from my heart that has shown up in this process of writing my first book. 1.  Follow My Own Inner Wisdom 2.  Speak My Own Truth 3.  Let Go o...

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Letting Go Of An Old Identity

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - April 22, 2021 15:45 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this podcast I share my story of letting go of an old identity and stepping into a new possibility of feeling great and living free.   You will learn the importance of letting go of an identity that isn't serving you any longer and step into who you are truly created to be.  

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Three Pillars to Being a Better Man

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - April 08, 2021 09:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share three pillars that will help us to be better men. Pillar 1...Brotherhood Pillar 2...Optimal Health Pillar 3...Purpose At our core we all want to be better men.  It takes courage to take a look at our lives to see what isn't worki...

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How to Date In An Evolved Way

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - April 01, 2021 08:00 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
My guest on this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast is Riana Milne.  Riana is a Certified Global Life and Love Trauma Recovery Coach, Certified Mindfulness Coach, educational speaker and a number one bestselling author.  The name of her podcast is Lessons in Life and Love. We explore v...

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Another Senseless Tragedy...Why?

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - March 25, 2021 09:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In my latest episode of my Barbells & Brothers podcast I share my thoughts on the recent tragedy of the mass shooting in my home town of Boulder Colorado.   I pray for all of the victims families and that there is healing for those families and our community and world.  

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No Pain...No Gain...No More

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - March 18, 2021 09:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share how I am transitioning from a no pain no gain mantra to with joy with love mantra for optimal health and fitness and finding overall happiness in life.    

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Believe In Yourself

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - March 11, 2021 10:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
This episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast is all about believing in ourselves.  Don't let self-doubt win.  We are being guided on this great mysterious journey of life.  Have faith in yourself because of your faith in God.  

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Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - March 04, 2021 10:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
As I am about to turn 54 years old, I share my thoughts on contentment and what I have learned along the way.  Contentment is learning to accept life as it is.  The good, that bad and the ugly as it is all a part of the journey and path to spiritual growth.  

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5 Strategies to Practice Radical Simplicity

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - February 25, 2021 10:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share with you 5 strategies to simplify your life.   1.  Simple Minimalism 2.  Simple Fitness 3.  Simple Nutrition 4.  Simple Spirituality 5.  Simple Mind

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Creating Silence, Stillness and Solitude

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - February 11, 2021 10:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
This episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast is all about the importance of creating silence, stillness and solitude in our lives.  It's a game changer.  The art of slowing down and listening.  

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Embracing Our Tender Side

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - February 04, 2021 10:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I explore what it means to embrace our tender side as a man.  So many men feel shame around having a tender and sensitive side.  That has been my story and I am discovering that it is a part of many men's story.  Being tender does not make us we...

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Being in Brotherhood

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - January 28, 2021 10:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I talk all about the importance of being in brotherhood and how isolation and loneliness can impact our health.   Iron sharpens iron.  

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Silence is Betrayal

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - January 21, 2021 10:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this podcast episode I share my dream of helping men get out of quiet desperation to living a life of divine inspiration.   I am in the process of crowdfunding a book and message that God has put so strongly on my heart.   You can find out more about the book and how to pre-order through ...

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Divine Inspiration

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - January 14, 2021 10:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share what it means to be divinely inspired.  I discuss how we can move towards what inspires us feeling fully alive.  So many men are stuck in quiet desperation feeling hopeless.  This podcast is about helping men get out of quiet desperation...

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My One Word for 2021...JOY

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - January 07, 2021 10:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share my one word I want to live by in 2021, joy.  I share my story behind why this word is important to me and encourage you to choose one word that inspires you to live your best life in 2021.

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Letting Go

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - December 31, 2020 10:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
This episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast is all about letting go.  I talk about the importance of letting go of control, ego, fear and hurts as we step into 2021.  When we let go of things that no longer serve us it creates opportunities for us to step into who God created us to be.  It's...

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5 Strategies to Transform Your Life

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - December 17, 2020 10:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I talk about 5 Strategies to Transform Your Life.  As we come to a close of 2020 and get ready to enter a new year, this is a great time to think about how 2021 is going to be your best year yet.  

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Living Life Unleashed

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - December 10, 2020 11:00 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I talk about getting rid of our self-imposed leash by taking a chance on ourselves.   We put limitations on our lives because of this deep need for safety and security.  God wants us to live wild and free full of passion and mischievousness fo...

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Getting Our I AM Right

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - December 03, 2020 10:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I talk about getting our I AM right.  What we say after these two words defines how we live our lives.  The words we speak to ourselves are powerful.   I share a powerful list of I AM statements from the Bible. You will be encouraged to replac...

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Perseverance: Keep Running the Race

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - November 25, 2020 14:32 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share seven relevant scriptures that will inspire and encourage you to keep running the race.  It is a time for perseverance for all of us.  We all could use a little extra dose of encouragement during these challenging times as the holidays a...

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Finding Hope During a Pandemic

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - November 19, 2020 10:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
We are all experiencing COVID-19 and mask fatigue at this point.  Maybe you are even feeling hopeless.  In this Barbells & Brothers podcast I share my thoughts of how we can find hope during these most challenging times.  

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Overcoming the Master Addiction...Control

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - November 12, 2020 21:14 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I talk about my battle with this feeling of unhappiness and heaviness that I have struggled with the vast majority of my life.  I will share what I am learning on this journey and my path out of sadness to inner peace and joy.  

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Living with Courageous Conviction

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - October 29, 2020 15:04 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share 12 ways to live with courageous conviction through the life stories of Brandon Burlsworth, Desmond Doss, Tim Tebow and Jesus.  

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Wave the White Flag

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - October 22, 2020 09:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
One of the hardest things I have found on my journey of being a Christ follower is giving up control.  I struggle with living independent of God instead of being dependent on Him.  In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share my journey of learning to surrender to God in every area...

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I Want to Ride My Bicycle

Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - October 15, 2020 09:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of Barbells & Brothers I share my passion for cycling and three reasons why you should pursue your passion.

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Barbells & Brothers with Troy Ismir - October 07, 2020 09:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 21 ratings
In this episode of the Barbells & Brothers podcast I share with you the importance of living out our passions, desires and cravings through our purpose in life.  We all have cravings in life.  What would happen if we craved living out our purpose on a daily basis?

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