Latest Mathmatics Podcast Episodes

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

What Can You Learn from an Incident Meteorologist?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - May 28, 2024 04:30 - 30 minutes
Have you ever wondered how firefighters keep track of where a wildfire is heading? They use incident meteorologists to help them understand how the winds, temperature, and precipitation affect the movement of the wildfire. Our guest, Jon Fox, an incident meteorologist with NOAA, the National Oce...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

What is the Deep Space Network?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - May 19, 2024 20:36 - 35 minutes
Have you ever wondered how NASA talks to all of its spacecraft that are way out in space? They use the Deep Space Network! Do you know what that is or how it works? Our guest, Rémy Morgan, is a Network Analyst for the Deep Space Network and she tells us all about how they keep track of multiple ...

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What Purpose Do Museum Collections Serve?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - May 14, 2024 04:30 - 29 minutes
How many museums have you visited? A lot? Have you ever thought about why the museum curators choose those specific topics for exhibits? It's a fascinating tale and one that our guest, retired museum curator, Douglas Noble, knows tons about. Take a listen to this fascinating episode and learn ho...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

What Happens When We Get too Much Precipitation?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - May 07, 2024 04:29 - 29 minutes
  Have you ever wondered how floods occur? Or maybe what happens when we get too much snow? Today's guest has the answer! Robin Fox, a surface hydrologist with the National Weather Service, is here to chat with us about things precipitation, most of all what to do if you get too much. Lot's of g...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How do you Make Peas Taste Great?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - April 30, 2024 04:30 - 35 minutes
Have you ever wished that your peas could taste better? Perhaps you've avoided eating them because you don't like how they taste. Well, Christine Lewington, Founder and CEO of PIP International, the best tasting pea protein, is here to talk with us. You'll learn how pea protein is made, and even...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

Why are Whales Important?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - April 23, 2024 04:40 - 31 minutes
Have you ever wondered why whales are important to the planet? On  our special Earth Day edition of the podcast, we talk with Dr. Emme Devonish, an Amelia Island Whale Ambassador, as she discusses how whales contribute so many things to our ecosystem. You can learn a lot about right whales who l...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Do Birds Fly?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - April 16, 2024 04:40 - 28 minutes
Have you ever watched birds soaring in the sky and wondered... How do they fly like that? Our guest,  Alex Troutman, wildlife biologist and science communicator, is here to explain it all. A lifetime birding enthusiast, Alex turned his interest in birds into a job as a scientist. He now shares a...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Will AI Affect Learning to Code?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - April 09, 2024 04:30 - 42 minutes
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on everyone's minds these days. What is it? How can it help me? Is it a good thing to learn to use? Our guest,  Peter Kuperman Founder and CEO of HATCH Coding, answers all of those questions and more! Peter gives us a very user-friendly analogy for how to think of...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Do Dolphins Recognize Humans?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - April 02, 2024 04:27 - 26 minutes
  Have you ever wondered how dolphins respond to their trainers? Do they actually recognize humans? Learn the answer on today's show from dolphin trainer Griselda Mora as she explains how smart dolphins are and talks about how you can become a dolphin trainer one day!  Participate in this ep...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

What's it like to be a Civilian Astronaut?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - March 26, 2024 04:30 - 32 minutes
Have you ever wanted to go to space?  Meet Chris Sembroski, civilian astronaut member of Inspiration4, a historic orbital mission that took four civilian astronauts to space. Chris shares his amazing experience with us. Hopefully, he'll inspire one of you to head to space, too! 

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Do You Study Exoplanets?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - March 19, 2024 04:30 - 33 minutes
What types of planets are way out in space and how do scientists study them? We have the awesome Dakota Tyler, astrophysicist and science communicator at DT Star Kid on our show to talk all about the fascinating field of exoplanets. You won't want to miss this out-of-this-world episode! 

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How Much is there Still to Learn About the Ocean?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - March 12, 2024 04:30 - 38 minutes
How much do we know about the ocean? And how much is there still to learn? TONS! Aquanaut and scientist Brian Helmuth is on our show today to talk about all of the amazing things he has learned about while studying the ocean for his entire career. Listen and celebrate our 200th episode with a re...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

What Would it Look Like if We Lived in Space?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - March 05, 2024 05:30 - 29 minutes
What do you think it would look like if we lived in space? Would we have houses? Mobile homes? Moon buggies? What kind of food would we eat? Entrepreneur and Axiom astronaut John Shoffner is here to talk to us about what it's like to live in space for a short time. And he challenges us to partic...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How do Old Wind Turbines Blades Become Art?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - February 27, 2024 05:30 - 38 minutes
Have you seen those giant wind turbines across the country? Ever wondered what happens to the blades when they have to be replaced? They can be recycled! Take a listen to our guest, Brian Donahue, with Canvus, a company who manufactures furniture out of old wind turbine blades. You may have some...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

Where Could We Find Life in the Solar System?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - February 20, 2024 05:30 - 33 minutes
We now know that the universe is vast and filled with billions of stars. But where could we find life? It's such a big place to search, so why not start with our own solar system. What are we doing to search for life here? Natasha Carr, a PhD candidate studying physics and space science at the U...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Long Can Humans Live Underwater?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - February 13, 2024 05:30 - 28 minutes
Humans have live over a year in space, but how long can they live underwater? Not many people can answer that question, but our amazing guest can. Known as Dr. Deep Sea, Dr. Joseph Dituri has spent 100 days living underwater. He is on our show to tell us what it was like and how exciting it was ...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Can You Use Music to Get Kids Excited About STEM?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - February 06, 2024 05:30 - 39 minutes
How can you get kids excited about STEM? Put it to music! That's exactly what our guest today has done. Victor Villegas is a Digital and Technology Coordinator for Oregon State University by day and the "DroneSinger" at night! You'll want to tune in to hear how Victor turns STEM topics in to ama...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

Why Do Science at Sea?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - January 30, 2024 05:30 - 29 minutes
Have you ever wondered how scientists learn about the ocean? They do science at sea! We have Science Communicator Erin Winick Anthony who is currently onboard the Joides Revolution ship as the scientists study cores of the ocean floor to learn about climate change (Jan 2024). This episode includ...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Can You Prepare for the Total Solar Eclipse?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - January 23, 2024 05:30 - 30 minutes
Are you aware that there will be a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024? This amazing event doesn't happen very often, so you should really try to see it. But how can you prepare to see one? Dan Schneiderman, Eclipse Partnership Coordinator at the Rochester Museum and Science Center is here to g...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Do You Study the Smallest Things?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - January 16, 2024 05:30 - 32 minutes
Welcome to the 8th season of Solve It for Kids! We start our new season off right by exploring some of the tiniest things in the universe... particles you can't even see. Dr. Katy Grimm, associate professor of physics at Cal State University East Bay and her research is performed at CERN, the Eu...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

The BEST of Launching a Rocket!

SolveItForKids Science podcast - January 09, 2024 05:30 - 31 minutes
The Solve It for Kids Podcast team is on their last week of holiday break. Please enjoy this out-of-the-world episode about launching rockets. You'll hear clips from guests who are talking about getting ready for a launch, moving rockets, and what it's like to blast off in a rocket.  Look for ...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

The BEST of Energy and Engineering

SolveItForKids Science podcast - January 02, 2024 05:30 - 28 minutes
Happy 2024! The Solve It for Kids Podcast team of Jennifer and Jeff are still on holiday break. We have left you a few clips from some of our favorite episodes about energy and engineering. Get ready to ... learn how to get energy from the wind, learn how drinking water gets to your house, and a...

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The BEST of Extreme Places to Live

SolveItForKids Science podcast - December 26, 2023 16:18 - 28 minutes
The Solve It for Kids podcast is on holiday break! Please enjoy some snippets of our favorite shows about Living in Extreme Places! You'll "visit" an underwater habitat, Mars, and learn how plants live in extreme environments. Wishing you all a very Happy Holidays. See you in the new year! 

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The BEST of Amazing Animals

SolveItForKids Science podcast - December 19, 2023 11:25 - 26 minutes
The Solve It for Kids podcast is taking a holiday break! Please enjoy clips from three of our favorite episodes about amazing animals! You'll learn about how to help native bee populations, how to count penguins, and also why some jellyfish have stinging snot. Happy Holidays! 

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

How Do You Build a Space Station?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - December 12, 2023 05:30 - 40 minutes
Twenty-five years ago, last week (December 6, 2008), the International Space Station was created. Bob Cabana, astronaut and Associate Administrator of NASA, was on that special mission. He is with us today to talk about what it felt like to be a part of that historic event, his amazing career at...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

Do Animals have Feelings?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - December 05, 2023 05:30 - 31 minutes
Have you ever wondered if your pets or animals have feelings?  Dr. Carl Safina, best-selling author, a TED speaker, and a leader in the field of conservation biology. He is on our show to give his expert insight into just what our animals might be thinking. Don't miss this fun and exciting episo...

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What it's like to Blast off on a rocket?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - November 28, 2023 05:30 - 34 minutes
How would it feel when blasting off to space? We have the amazing Astronaut Nicole Stott on our show today to tell all about this and also to share many more awesome experiences that she has had while in space. Don't miss this out-of-the-world episode! 

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Do All Jellyfish have Stinging Snot?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - November 21, 2023 05:30 - 39 minutes
Do all jellyfish have stinging SNOT? This is a question you probably never thought to ask, but now really want to know the answer to, right? Well, take a listen to the awesome Jennie Janssen, assistant curator at the National Aquarium and President and cofounder of MIAZS as she explains this rat...

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Why is the International Space Station so Important?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - November 14, 2023 05:30 - 30 minutes
The International Space Station, (ISS) orbits the Earth 16 times every day. But it's so much more than just a spacecraft. The ISS is a laboratory in space that provides awesome information about living and working in microgravity. Listen to Erin Winick Anthony, science communicator, founder of S...

SolveItForKids Science podcast artwork

What Skills do Space Entrepreneurs Need?

SolveItForKids Science podcast - November 07, 2023 05:30 - 30 minutes
Have you ever considered being a space entrepreneur? What is it? And How can you become one? Our guest, Vered Cohen-Barzilay, CEO of Out of the Box Space Innovations  will explain how YOU can become a space entrepreneur yourself! 

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