Latest Lives in the balance Podcast Episodes

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Solving Problems Collaboratively Has Never Been More Important

Dr. Ross Greene - September 08, 2020 15:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
And we're back...with the first segment of Parenting Your Challenging Child of the fall, after a very tumultuous summer. We responded to two moms with specific concerns about how to approach unsolved problems using Plans B and C, but a lot of the themes were the same as usual, whether related to ...

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Back to School Podcast for Parents

Dr. Ross Greene - August 18, 2020 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Whether the schools in your neck of the woods are opening or not, the pandemic continues to present parents with major challenges. Here's your opportunity to vent, ask questions, and share ideas, and get some guidance from Dr. Greene, Kim Hopkins-Betts, and Deb Hagler, M.D.

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Ending Restraint and Seclusion in Schools: A Followup Discussion

Dr. Ross Greene - May 26, 2020 23:00 - 58 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
We had quite the response to the free screening of The Kids We Lose, and our first followup discussion of the film just wasn't enough. So we're doing it again. And we'd especially like to hear from those of you who have reduced or eliminated restraints and seclusions in your schools.

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Fireside Chat with Dr. Greene

Dr. Ross Greene - May 21, 2020 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
COVID-19 is clearly a formidable disease, and many have suffered because of it. And the pandemic has definitely added some new expectations to the mix for kids, parents, and educators: too much togetherness, distance learning, and social distancing among them. Yet the way to approach these expect...

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Discussion of The Kids We Lose with Dr. Ross Greene

Dr. Ross Greene - May 14, 2020 23:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Thanks for participating in the free screening of The Kids We Lose. This one-hour, online discussion with Dr. Ross Greene is your chance to ask questions about or comment on the film. To participate in the discussion directly, call (347) 994-2981.

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Fear and Trembling Before the First Plan B

Dr. Ross Greene - May 05, 2020 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
On this program, a very endearing grandma called in to get some guidance before trying her first Plan B with her grandson. Yes, Plan B is a different animal, but perfection is not the goal. She sounds like she's it's time to take the leap.

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Three Plans, Two Ways to Apply Them

Dr. Ross Greene - April 07, 2020 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
After checking in regarding how everyone is fairing with the COVID-19 restrictions, we talked in detail about the emergency application of Plans A, B, and C thanks to an emailer's question.  We also addressed whether the lagging skill of chronic irritability and/or anxiety can be addressed throug...

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Collaboration in Trying Times

Dr. Ross Greene - March 27, 2020 16:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Collaboration and empathy have never been more important. But let's get practical: school is closed, your kids are home, and you need some guidance! Listen in on this special edition of Parenting Your Challenging Child!

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Surviving School Vacations

Dr. Ross Greene - March 03, 2020 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Great conversation today about surviving school vacations, expectations for connecting with family, and what to do when you find yourself in the heat of the moment when out in public

Dr. Ross Greene artwork

Pick Your Messy

Dr. Ross Greene - January 07, 2020 16:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
We followed up on a B Team conversation about how do you know your expectations are reasonable?  Thanks to two emails, we tackled the notion that "too much power" is given to kids when we use Plan B, those addictive screens, and the idea that lagging skills are for lenses.

Dr. Ross Greene artwork

Holiday Cheer

Dr. Ross Greene - December 03, 2019 16:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Holidays are a tough time for families, perhaps especially those with kids with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. But it doesn't have to be that way, especially if parents are being responsive to the hand they've been dealt.

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Young kids, impulsive kids, & getting started with CPS

Dr. Ross Greene - October 01, 2019 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Started out with some technical difficulties but ended up with a fantastic episode!  Thanks to a caller, we talked about how to get started with the model, uses of the model, and wording of unsolved problems.  We also answered two emails - one about how the model works with young kids and one abo...

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Back for the 2019-20 School Year with a Bang!

Dr. Ross Greene - September 10, 2019 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Lots of great updates from the Summer, then we covered an email from a parent who was interested to know how we view the ADHD diagnosis.  Thanks to a caller, we took a deep dive into using Plan B with screen time.

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A mishmash of topics

Dr. Ross Greene - May 07, 2019 15:00 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
On our last program for the 2018-19 school year, we talked with a caller about her son's school frustrations and how to best work with the school.  Covered two emails as well - one asking about the PDA diagnosis and how to work with non-verbal kids, the other asking what to do when kids don't tal...

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One mom, 2 boys and a lot of unsolved problems

Dr. Ross Greene - April 02, 2019 15:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Thanks to a caller, we covered a lot CPS territory today including the need for a meeting of the minds among a child's team to make real progress, when to seek help to get to that consensus, and the importance of how to word unsolved problems.

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Screen "addiction," aggression, & kid not talking

Dr. Ross Greene - March 05, 2019 16:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Dr. Greene discussed the concept of screen "addiction" and whether Plan B can be helpful (it can!).  We also answered an email from a mom struggling with an aggressive 5 year old, and a family where the child will not talk to mom.

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Troubleshooting Plan B, Kids in "The Pit," Changing Lenses

Dr. Ross Greene - February 05, 2019 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
After a revisit of the role of Plan C, a caller got some ideas to troubleshoot her Plan B attempt with her daughter about stealing her sister's belongings.  A mother emailed in about her son "refusing to change."  ...and some fantastic updates about our documentary, The Kids We Lose!

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We Already Have Enough Crisis Management Programs!

Dr. Ross Greene - January 15, 2019 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
The crew fielded lots of emails on today's program, along with a phone call with a mom who needed some help with Plan B. But the key theme of the program: when you're doing Plan B, you're not focused on dealing with a child's behavior in the heat of the're solving the problems that a...

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Seductive screens, heat of the moment, young kids, & hard-n-fast expectations

Dr. Ross Greene - December 04, 2018 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Lots covered on today's show thanks to many emailed questions (despite some technical issues): My son won't get off his phone to talk, what to do when big behaviors happen - won't my kid think it's ok to act that way?, work with 3-6 year olds in a Montessori setting, and expectations that aren't ...

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Consequences, choice, self-care, not talking...oh my!

Dr. Ross Greene - November 13, 2018 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
On this episode, we covered lots of questions that came in via email - how do consequences fit in with CPS?  When is it choice and when is it not?  The importance of self-care.  Can't get my kid to talk to name a few.

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Reluctant Spouses

Dr. Ross Greene - October 02, 2018 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
On our first radio program of the fall, we heard from a mom who's having trouble getting her husband on boad with solving problems collaboratively with their child. There seems to be a lot of that going around, and the mom came away with lots of ideas. Listen to the program and you will too. 

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Skill building, the dreaded cell phone, kids not listening and refusing

Dr. Ross Greene - May 01, 2018 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
On the first Monday of every month, at 11 am Eastern time, from September through May, Dr. Ross Greene and Lives in the Balance Director of Outreach Kim Hopkins-Betts – along with parents Stella Hastings and Jennifer Tretheway -- cover a wide range of topics related to behaviorally challenging ki...

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Working Upstream & Delving into Plan C

Dr. Ross Greene - April 03, 2018 15:00 - 48 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Lots covered on this month's program including why use CPS with neurotypical kids?  Help for a father who can't get his kid to talk and specifics about Plan C.

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Reflections on the Parkland Tragedy & Other Hot Topics

Dr. Ross Greene - March 06, 2018 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Dr. Greene joined in the program today to offer reflections on the Parkland tragedy, and to partake in our continued discussion about what to do when your co-parent is not on board with CPS, as well as can you do CPS with young kids?

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A CPS Smorgasbord

Dr. Ross Greene - February 06, 2018 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Lots of territory covered on today's program: How do you keep drilling when a kid says he doesn't have a problem with the unsolved problem? What do you do when the kid talks but says a lot of things that don't seem to have anything to do with the unsolved problem? What do you do when your co pare...

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Plan C Isn't for Giving In...It's for Stabilizing

Dr. Ross Greene - January 02, 2018 16:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
We covered some important territory on today's program...on one call, a mom needed some reassurance that the Plan C she was doing with her daughter represented her conscious, deliberate effort to stabilize things...and that getting some Plan B back into the mix is her next step. 

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Parents Do Well If They Can

Dr. Ross Greene - December 05, 2017 16:00 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Alas, the holidays are upon us, and it's the time of year when people are often nicer, kinder, gentler, more patient, and more empathic. So what's going wrong this year? Good to be reminded that we all do well if we can, and that we all exhibit challenging behavior (some more severe than others) ...

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Getting Going and Bumps Along the Way

Dr. Ross Greene - November 07, 2017 16:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Thanks to the questions of a caller and a few emailers, we discussed how to get started with the CPS model, what to do if a solution isn't working, what to do with "I don't know," and how to handle defiance in the heat of the moment.

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A Little Bit of Everything

Dr. Ross Greene - October 03, 2017 15:00 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
Siblings that don't play well together, the word "no," what to do in the heat of the moment, and what to do when a solution doesn't work...all covered on today's program, thanks to our B Team Parent Leaders and the fantastic questions we received from listeners!

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Bringing the Joy Back to Parenting

Dr. Ross Greene - September 05, 2017 15:00 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 130 ratings
On our first program of the new broadcast year, Dr. Greene welcomed his new co-hosts, Kim Hopkins-Betts (Director of Outreach at Lives in the Balance) and Jennifer, a B Team leader and parent. They were able to respond to several emails, including one from a mom who's been struggling with her beh...

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