Latest Knoxcountypodcast Podcast Episodes

Almost in Agreement artwork

Ep. 317 Economics are EVERYTHING

Almost in Agreement - May 25, 2024 13:49 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I wander through another week of local, reginal, and national news... Website, facebook, X

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Ep. 316 Dont tell me my kid is trans

Almost in Agreement - May 18, 2024 14:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I break down the week that was. 

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Ep. 315 Drive to the future...

Almost in Agreement - May 11, 2024 14:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I discuss the future of cars, guns in schools with a 5th grader...and how to best run a three legged race...

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Ep. 315 Modern monitary Theory...stuff n junk

Almost in Agreement - May 04, 2024 13:39 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I take turns taping and watching hockey...not the result in the Preds game we wanted but I had fun taping this episode...we've got fun stuff going on both localy and nationaly that have my attention and its time to stop pretending money can just appear....or do...cant say part of me does...

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Ep. 315 Omnibus is BS

Almost in Agreement - April 27, 2024 22:14 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
$100 billion dollars...I can't type the Dr. Evil voice but you get it...GONE POOF...or I guess Boing will get a huge chunk...anyway Sam and I chat that, local government, Teachers with Guns and More. 

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Ep. 314 Burning Man

Almost in Agreement - April 20, 2024 14:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Oh snap...we did it Holleroo was a great success, Big Jon sits in for a recap of week 1 of TCAP testing, sam and I wander the random objections to housing...and oh so much more. 

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Ep. 313 Short show Crazy week

Almost in Agreement - April 13, 2024 14:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I in quick, and fairly tranquill, episode cover teachers with guns, stealing kids to get abortions, Arizon before it was a state, and more on the 'feelings' about the economy. 

Almost in Agreement artwork

Ep. 312 Hospitals for Cash

Almost in Agreement - April 06, 2024 04:20 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I check in on progess in and around Farragut...both the Board of of Mayor and Aldermen reconcidering (quite contentiously) their vote agains the new growth plan, as well as a major announcmnet about the beginings of a potentially MASSIVE project on I-40...we devolve in to Certificat of n...

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Ep. 312 Farragut Tells Jacobs to shove it

Almost in Agreement - March 30, 2024 13:37 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
IF you didnt already know, the people and their governing body, of Farragut are more important than the rest of us...and don't mind tell you...I think the state thinks we're dumb, Sam thinks I'm crazy...and chaos insues...we get going on so many things, I totally forgot to talk about the bridge ...

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Ep. 311 Get a Hair Cut

Almost in Agreement - March 23, 2024 14:13 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
BiggiE sits in to discuss modern hair and fasion...then Sam and I fall down another rabbit hole of sucky governmenty randomness...its all good fun. Website Facebook

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Ep. 310 Tyson V Paul

Almost in Agreement - March 15, 2024 14:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I work through a couple of state level laws being know the get rid of Gloria bill...which you know...I can't say the idea is the worst...however the State GOP's transparency is a little hard to swallow, speaking of state GOP being full of it, hey Memphis...we know better...y...

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Ep. 309 Drugs are fun! re-release

Almost in Agreement - March 09, 2024 15:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I did it...we voted...ok we'll I did at real supprises, but some supprises an exciting SOTU...I guess... EDIT:  Technical 3/10

Almost in Agreement artwork

Ep. 309 Drugs are fun!

Almost in Agreement - March 09, 2024 15:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I did it...we voted...ok we'll I did at real supprises, but some supprises 

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Ep. 308 What the hell is this flyer for?

Almost in Agreement - March 02, 2024 14:32 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I talk about delegate election flyers, Super Tuesday is on the horizon, a door knocker tells me he doesnt like imigration.   Facebook, X, Website

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Ep. 307 KCS teach mustard gas

Almost in Agreement - February 24, 2024 15:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I get a little testy again over the correct pronunciation of Concord VT.  Jon stops in for a quick hello and tells us how he might have learned how to make mustard gas at school.  A TN rep talks about killing ALL the kids in Palistine and snakes on a plane...sorta. check it...

Almost in Agreement artwork

Ep. 306 Eutopian Losses

Almost in Agreement - February 17, 2024 13:53 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Another win for me...sorta...Sam and I wrestle with the stupidity of requiring you to buy HOT beer, early voting has started and what it actually means to have a drivers license. Ok I'll be honest I lose my mind on Sam a couple of times...I do love the man...but DAMNIT he knows how to get me cra...

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Ep. 305 Dear leader Jamie

Almost in Agreement - February 10, 2024 15:08 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Lawer Jamie is back in the studio to chat about some SCOTUS issues...a terrible take by Seth on Special ED issues in Public schools...and Elon Musk is the only tech guy trying to slow down AI...but we're all too mad about his politics to listen.... Website, X, Facebook

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Ep. 304 Swifties Unite

Almost in Agreement - February 03, 2024 14:16 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam's got a bone to pick with the NFL and its use of Taylor Swifts fandom...or he doesn't Im not sure...'it's funny and sad' he says...Groundhog day brings out what became a sports episode. UT vs NCAA, NFL scripting seasons, and more.  Website, Facebook, X

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Ep. 303 Plow your own street

Almost in Agreement - January 27, 2024 15:04 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I get down to the nitty gritty about Zachary's rediculous kidnapping isnt already illegal bill, KCS snow plows for now reason, and a public offical who isnt quailified but...legality isnt important for its fine they keep the job. Website, Facebook, X

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Ep. 302 Snow and stuff...

Almost in Agreement - January 20, 2024 15:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Let it snow, let it snow, let it...for the love of god! Lets get back to life...Too many exciting things happening to be stuck in your house...there's a whole world out there...or bundle up and listen to this amazing podcast about...snow... Facebook, X, Website

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Ep. 301 Becky Massey and the '24 session

Almost in Agreement - January 19, 2024 20:35 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Becky Massey....never disapoints, comes in with some cool stuff going on in our state Senate...we look at some upcoming bill she is taking lead on as well as her thoughts on some of the most talked about potential bills in this cycle.    Website Facebook x  

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Ep. 300 Jenny O in the house.

Almost in Agreement - January 13, 2024 15:00 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Jennifer Owens stops by to finally talk about vouchers amoung other things...Sam stumps me with an on the spot annology...although upon further thought I think I know the answer...and well Jennifer brought me Im episode of the far. 

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Ep. 299 2024 is HERE So much to do

Almost in Agreement - January 06, 2024 15:47 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
By golly we made it...2024 and the crazy is just getting started...unelected officals in TN are making up laws as they see fit, UT continues its growth plan regarless of the city or county.  The county's growth plan is under fire and no one wants to step up and put their big kid pants on and tak...

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Ep. 298 The end of the year is upon us

Almost in Agreement - December 30, 2023 14:58 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Nothing like a look back at the year that was...poorly...we do our best, but we chat some top events from 2023 and wander in and we we hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season and look forward to another great year with AiA!!!

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Ep. 297 Wrapping up for Xmas

Almost in Agreement - December 23, 2023 13:50 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Specail guest Tim Burchett US House Tn D2 sits in to talk about little green men and the emergance of the new 'green party' in DC.  Sam and I chat that School letter grades, 'No Growth Knoxville' and much much more.   Facebook, X, Website 

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Ep. 296 Going off the grid

Almost in Agreement - December 16, 2023 14:25 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I discuss going off the grid, we bring in Jon for a chat about the confusion over time travel.  I decided I'm starting a politcal group, "No Growth Knoxville" just to put a name to how people really feel, maybe i'll start a We again go down some 'posturing' about how the...

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Ep. 295 Nukes Everywhere

Almost in Agreement - December 09, 2023 14:51 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I sit down with a special guest 'Jon' and chat about vouchers, UFO's, Anti-semitism according to congress and much more. Website, Facebook, X

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Ep. 294 Matt goes bye

Almost in Agreement - December 02, 2023 14:03 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
On this weeks episode you will learn how to buy all Matt's old crap...but the sale is today only so act fast!!! We also discuss V. Ashe and freinds suing the state over a poster that tells you what the law is to vote in a primary. Gov. Lee announces his plans to roll out 'school scholorships' M...

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Ep. 293 Diversity is access

Almost in Agreement - November 25, 2023 14:49 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Sam and I are back...we chat 'forced advocacy' in sports, Gloria Johnson's senate run, the quiet removal of 'Diversity' in offical names on UT's campuses, and a thief who got caught by his underware. Facebook, Twitter, Website

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Ep. 292 11% or so bothered...

Almost in Agreement - November 11, 2023 14:31 - 2 hours ★★★★★ - 8 ratings
Congrats Knoxville...11% or so of you bothered voting...for those that did good on you, for those that didn't hope your ok with what you've got...Sam and I chat elections and so so so much more. Website Facebook X

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