Latest Joseph hanford Podcast Episodes

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Pro surfer Bryan Jennings – Your hobby as a ministry

Overflow Today Podcast - May 09, 2012 23:29 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Surfing has helped Bryan connect with non-Christians. Hear him explain how your hobby can do the same.

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Hugh Ross-Astronomers are watching Genesis 1 right now!

Overflow Today Podcast - April 17, 2012 22:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Watch and learn how God is turning the science of astrophysics upside down!

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Extended Cut! Randy Newman-Sharing Jesus With Family Members

Overflow Today Podcast - March 26, 2012 22:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
What a challenge this can be! Watch Randy Newman, author of the new book BRINGING THE GOSPEL HOME, give you great perspectives.

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Randy Newman-Sharing Jesus With Family Members

Overflow Today Podcast - March 01, 2012 22:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
What a challenge this can be! Watch Randy Newman, author of the new book BRINGING THE GOSPEL HOME, give you great perspectives.

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Dembski – Science makes God unnecessary?

Overflow Today Podcast - December 08, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Not so fast. Ph.D. mathematician Dr. William Dembski loves science and seeing what scientific discovery points to: the necessity of a Master designer.

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Tim Downs - For evangelism, think tomato gardening

Overflow Today Podcast - November 15, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Evangelism is less intimidating if you approach it like gardening. Every day, do a little weeding here, a little watering over there... Tim Downs, author of FINDING COMMON GROUND, tells you how.

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Rick James: Blend story+facts. Makes a gospel smoothie

Overflow Today Podcast - October 31, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Author Rick James explains how to blend gospel stories with apologetic points, making a tastier gospel presentation. His book is titled JESUS WITHOUT RELIGION.

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Tim Muehlhoff - Be counter-culture

Overflow Today Podcast - October 04, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Are you willing to be “counter-public” regarding social justice issues AND regarding views of religion that contradict Jesus?

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Illogical!! "Jesus was a great teacher"

Overflow Today Podcast - September 19, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
"I think Jesus was a great moral teacher, but nothing more." Watch Josh McDowell explain how to help your not-yet Christian friend see that this is not a reasonable statement.

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Special Offer!

Overflow Today Podcast - April 25, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Special Offer! Forgiveness Now = Rejection Never Author Steve Schaefer explains how we can offer others a future ending to their present story. Lock in forgiveness now, enjoy judgment day favor later.

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New Atheism­Tactics and Flaws

Overflow Today Podcast - April 11, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
What is new atheism? Norman Geisler scrutinizes and shows you great responses to new atheist arguments you’re hearing in our culture.

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Got Science? Genesis 1 and Evidence

Overflow Today Podcast - March 28, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Is there any shred of scientific evidence that life was CREATED by design? Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of SIGNATURE IN THE CELL, shows you reasoning techniques and scientific evidence, both.

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Why Be Mad at a Myth?

Overflow Today Podcast - March 18, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Slam Poet Phil Long artistically and sincerely asks the more hostile segment of the atheistic community: “Why are you so mad at a God you don’t believe in?”

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Are Good Works Worthless?

Overflow Today Podcast - March 07, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Most religions and cults say one earns his way to heaven. Christians disagree. But do Christians believe we can receive salvation and then go sin and cheat at will? Mike Fabarez. Pastor of Compass Bible Church in Aliso Viejo, California, answers with a diagram you can draw to challenge others.

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Genesis to Justice - 4 Circle Drawing

Overflow Today Podcast - March 01, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
1,000 pages of Bible drawn on a napkin? Author James Choung draws 4 circles to communicate the fall of man, then Jesus and the cross, up through today’s issues like social justice.

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Why Die for a Lie

Overflow Today Podcast - February 21, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
WHY DIE FOR A LIE? Why would eyewitness disciples of Jesus, who would know if his resurrection was a lie, voluntarily be executed for such a lie? Professor Gary Habermas explains how this is evidence for the resurrection.

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Easy Monday Witness

Overflow Today Podcast - February 11, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Easy Monday Witness – Your friends are asking you to tell them about your faith every Monday in an easy way. But neither you nor they realize it. Kevin Harney, author of the book ORGANIC OUTREACH FOR ORDINARY PEOPLE tells you how to respond. We talked to Kevin at the National Outreach Conventi...

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Behind Tough Questions

Overflow Today Podcast - January 29, 2011 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
What if a friend comes to you and says “Hey are you a judgmental or mean-spirited person like so many other Christians?” Author Rick Richardson tells why you don’t need to fear tough questions.

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You're Wrong to Convert Others!

Overflow Today Podcast - November 30, 2010 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Watch philosopher Paul Copan explain how to quickly dismiss this objection to evangelism and missions.

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All Religions Lead to the Same Place!

Overflow Today Podcast - October 18, 2010 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Leading apologist Greg Koukl tells how to explain the illogical nature of that statement.

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Non-Christian Advice on Evangelism

Overflow Today Podcast - October 08, 2010 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Doug Pollock tells how your not-yet Christian friend can give youu evangelism insight.

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DRAW 3 CIRCLES - Gospel Illustration

Overflow Today Podcast - September 16, 2010 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
Learn how to draw a quick picture explaining how faith alone, apart from good works, is what redeems. Explained by Larry Moyer, author of the book 21 THINGS GOD NEVER SAID, from Kregel Publications

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DNA Evidence for a Creator

Overflow Today Podcast - April 01, 2010 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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Non-Christians are God's Masterpieces

Overflow Today Podcast - March 12, 2010 07:22 - Video ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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Confessions of an Evangelist

Overflow Today Podcast - December 28, 2009 07:22 ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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Updated- Big Bang Backs Bible Belief?

Overflow Today Podcast - December 11, 2009 06:53 ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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Religion Causes Violence and Wars!

Overflow Today Podcast - October 19, 2009 15:24 ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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Christians are Judgmental !!

Overflow Today Podcast - September 21, 2009 17:25 ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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Journeying Alongside Your Friend

Overflow Today Podcast - May 08, 2009 04:56 ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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But I've ALWAYS Been a ___________!

Overflow Today Podcast - March 17, 2009 07:49 ★★★★ - 4 ratings
How to OVERFLOW into your non-Christian friends lives.

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