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Do This In Memory of Me

Audio Divina - May 29, 2024 00:00 - 13 minutes
Body and Blood of Christ: The account of Jesus' final supper with his disciples, a Passover meal, challenges all Christians to celebrate Eucharist in his memory, and to be a Eucharistic people. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina,...

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In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Audio Divina - May 21, 2024 23:00 - 13 minutes
Trinity Sunday: The final words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew introduce something entirely new into the message of God's saving presence among us: a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a L...

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The gift of the Spirit and our Mission

Audio Divina - May 14, 2024 23:00 - 12 minutes
Pentecost Sunday: The Gospel of John tells of the gift of the Spirit on two occasions: at the Cross and at the Resurrection. One founds the Church, the other sends it forth in mission. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lec...

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Living the in-between-time. - The Ascension of the Lord

Audio Divina - May 07, 2024 23:00 - 11 minutes
The Ascension of the Lord: Early Christians found the fearful flight of the women that ended Mark's Gospel (Easter Night) hard to accept. They thus added a longer ending, telling of the ongoing presence of Jesus among his disciples. In his company they repeat his ministry and his mission "to the...

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The love commandment - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Audio Divina - April 30, 2024 23:00 - 13 minutes
Sixth Sunday of Easter: Continuing the theme of abiding in the true vine from last Sunday, Jesus issues the command to love. Christians are to love as Jesus loves. He has chosen them, they did not choose him. But now we are the friends of Jesus, members of his intimate circles, no longer his ser...

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I am the true vine - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Audio Divina - April 23, 2024 23:00 - 15 minutes
Fifth Sunday of Easter: Jesus continues to identify himself with images that come from Israel's history. Israel was seen as God's vine. But Jesus is the "true vine." Only through dwelling in Jesus does the disciple receive life, and bring life and fruitfulness to others. Presented by world-ren...

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I am the Good Shepherd - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Audio Divina - April 16, 2024 23:00 - 14 minutes
I am the Good Shepherd: Catching up a theme dear to Israel, the Messiah as a shepherd, that comes from the story of King David, Jesus makes it known that he is not just the shepherd Messiah, but the "Good Shepherd," who lays down his life for his sheep, only to take it up again. Presented by w...

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Witnesses of repentance and forgiveness of sins - Third Sunday of Easter

Audio Divina - April 10, 2024 00:00 - 16 minutes
Third Sunday of Easter: In a way that repeats what happened to the disciples walking to Emmaus, Jesus is present to his disciples, offering them peace, joy and sharing a meal with them. Then he commissions these disciples, who have themselves experienced repentance and forgiveness, that they are...

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Faith is born in the earliest Church - Second Sunday of Easter

Audio Divina - April 02, 2024 23:00 - 16 minutes
Second Sunday of Easter: Today’s reading focuses upon The risen Jesus’ gift of peace and to frightened disciples. Most importantly, it blesses all subsequent disciples who, unlike the first disciples and Thomas, believe without seeing. John wrote his Gospel for them.  Presented by world-renown...

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We do not know where they have put him - Easter Sunday

Audio Divina - March 29, 2024 10:33 - 12 minutes
Easter Sunday: Neither Mary Magdalene or the two disciples recognise that Jesus has been raised, even though the see the emptiness of the tomb and the burial cloths. But the Beloved Disciples, even though he does not see Jesus, believes. “Blessed are those who do not see and believe.” Presen...

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Early in the first day - Easter Vigil

Audio Divina - March 29, 2024 10:31 - 12 minutes
Easter Vigil: The women who have been at the Cross and seen the burial have no idea of a resurrection. But an empty tomb and the Easter message announce that Jesus has been raised and a failed discipleship will be restored. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J...

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A crucified King - Good Friday

Audio Divina - March 25, 2024 23:00 - 28 minutes
Good Friday: A story of Jesus' lifting up and enthronement as King on the Cross. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for Good Friday, Year B. Gospel Reading: John 18-19 This ...

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I give you an example - Holy Thursday

Audio Divina - March 24, 2024 23:00 - 15 minutes
Holy Thursday: Jesus symbolically shows his limitless love for his own in his self-gift for “his own.” His loving care for others is the way all his disciples are called to follow. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-...

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My God, why have you abandoned me? - Passion Sunday

Audio Divina - March 19, 2024 23:00 - 21 minutes
Passion Sunday: The passion account of the Gospel of Mark is full of violence and pain. But in his suffering he shares bread and wine with those who deny, betray and flee, and exercises his Messianic role on the Cross. He cannot “come down from the Cross.” That would be failure. Presented by ...

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The hour has come - Fifth Sunday of Lent

Audio Divina - March 12, 2024 23:00 - 16 minutes
Fifth Sunday of Lent: With the arrival of non-Jews who wish to see Jesus, he recognises that the hour of his lifting up and glorification on the Cross has come. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled refle...

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God so loved the world - Fourth Sunday of Lent

Audio Divina - March 05, 2024 23:00 - 14 minutes
Fourth Sunday of Lent: The heart of the message of the Gospel of John: the reason why God sent his Son into the world: to love, and not to judge. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the g...

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Destroy this Temple - Third Sunday of Lent

Audio Divina - February 27, 2024 23:00 - 13 minutes
Third Sunday of Lent: John uses the traditional account of Jesus’ purifying presence in the Temple to place his whole ministry under the shadow of the Cross and resurrection. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divi...

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Listen to him! - Second Sunday of Lent

Audio Divina - February 20, 2024 23:00 - 14 minutes
Second Sunday of Lent: As Jesus calls disciples, his transfiguration shows and tells who he is, and why all who claim to follow him must listen to him. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on t...

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He was with the wild beasts - First Sunday of Lent

Audio Divina - February 13, 2024 23:00 - 16 minutes
First Sunday of Lent: Mark’s very brief account of Jesus’ temptation tells of his re-establishing God’s original created design. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel for Ash Wed...

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Reward from your Father in Heaven - Ash Wednesday, Year B

Audio Divina - February 11, 2024 23:00 - 15 minutes
Ash Wednesday: Jesus instructs his disciples to focus upon the God who makes sense of life and love, rather than themselves and their glory. Presented by world-renowned biblical scholar Rev. Professor Francis J. Moloney SDB AM, Audio Divina, is a Lectio-Divina styled reflection on the gospel...

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"If you want to... Of course I want to!" - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Audio Divina - February 06, 2024 23:00 - 11 minutes
"If you want to... Of course I want to!" The opening cycle of Jesus' miracles comes to a close in this encounter with a leper, who is ostracised from society and regarded as ritually impure. The sick man recognises Jesus' authority, convinced that Jesus can heal him. Jesus' response breaks t...

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The Kingdom of God Must Go Elsewhere - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Audio Divina - January 30, 2024 22:00 - 13 minutes
The Kingdom of God Must Go Elsewhere: Jesus remains closely associated with the town of Capernaum as the goodness and healing of the Kingdom of God that comes in his words and deeds impact upon Simon Peter's mother-in-law. Taking her by the hand, and allowing her to serve a meal not only res...

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An Authoritative Teaching That is New - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

Audio Divina - January 23, 2024 23:00 - 13 minutes
An Authoritative Teaching That is New: No longer alone, Jesus teaches in the Synagogue in Capernaum. All wonder at the newness and authority of his teaching. Then he teaches in a different way. He overcomes the presence of evil in the demon possessed man, reducing the demon to silence, even th...

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A Vocation that Costs no Less than Everything - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

Audio Divina - January 16, 2024 23:00 - 13 minutes
A Vocation that Costs no Less than Everything: Bursting onto the scene alone, Jesus announces that the Kingdom of God is at hand. His first action is to call others to follow him. As he journeys towards a destiny that only God can determine, he asks that others join him as followers. They must c...

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What is it that you expect from Jesus? - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

Audio Divina - January 09, 2024 23:00 - 12 minutes
What is it that You Expect from Jesus?: Like all the Gospels, John opens with the call of the first disciples. The Baptist points away from himself, directing his disciples to the Lamb of God. The first disciples seek him out, and he asks them what they are looking for in him. They have their ...

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My Son, the Beloved - The Baptism of the Lord, Year B

Audio Divina - January 03, 2024 23:00 - 14 minutes
My Son The Beloved: The Baptism of Jesus leads us from our celebration of the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus, to reflection upon the ministry among us that lies ahead of him. The Baptist introduces Jesus, who has not yet appeared in the story, as the more powerful one who baptises in ...

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A Child Reveals God to the World - The Epiphany of the Lord, Year B

Audio Divina - January 02, 2024 23:00 - 15 minutes
A Child Reveals God to the World: Within the Christmas cycle we meet the wise men from the East who are not Jews but know that a King has been born. Their obedient journey brings them to Jerusalem, where they learn that the Scripture says the child will be born in Bethlehem. The wise men repres...

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Unshakable Trust in the Ways of God - The Holy Family, Year B

Audio Divina - December 26, 2023 22:00 - 14 minutes
Unshakable Trust in the Ways of God: Mary and Joseph respond without question to the Law of Israel as they present their first-born in the Temple. They are told that their child brings Israel's story to a turning point, bringing salvation to Israel and all other nations. However, suffering lie...

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The Word Became Flesh - Christmas Day Year B

Audio Divina - December 25, 2023 23:56 - 14 minutes
The Word became Flesh: The Prologue to the Gospel of John is among the most profound passages in the Bible. It tells of the pre-existent union of love between God and the Word, the Word's saving gifts of light and life, and our ambiguous response. But the Word is Jesus Christ who dwelt among us,...

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Swaddling Cloths and a Manger on the Road - Christmas Night, Year B

Audio Divina - December 25, 2023 23:50 - 14 minutes
Swaddling cloths and a manger on the road: Luke's account of a birth of Jesus, as with the appearance of John the Baptist, is fixed in a given time and place. But it is surrounded by the symbols of swaddling cloths, only used for a king, a manger, from which Israel should be nourished, recogniti...

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