Latest Ignatianspirituality Podcast Episodes

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Introducing "Preach: The Catholic Homilies Podcast"

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - June 19, 2023 07:00 - 29 minutes
We have an exciting new podcast from America Media to share with you. It’s called “Preach: The Catholic Homilies Podcast.”  On each episode listeners will first hear an inspiring homily, especially delivered for the podcast, and then take a privileged peek into the heart and mind of the preacher ...

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Tom Weston SJ presents "Using Ignatian Spirituality to Recover"

White House Retreat Podcast - August 04, 2022 16:08 - 57 minutes ★★★★ - 15 ratings
Recorded in July 2022 at the Ignatian Spirituality Lecture Series presented by White House Retreat. Fr. Tom Weston, SJ presents "Using Ignatian Spirituality to Recover"   #AA #Recovery #12steps

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Imagine S4.E8. - Paul's dramatic encounter with Jesus changed him–and the world

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - May 01, 2022 10:00 - 25 minutes
The conversion of Paul–from persecutor of Christians to missionary disciple–is one of the most dramatic in the Christian tradition. In this episode of Imagine, we’ll reflect on the story as told in the Acts of the Apostles. In the years following Jesus' death and resurrection, Saul of Tarsus was ...

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Imagine S4.E7 - Having doubts about the resurrection? So did the apostle Thomas.

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - April 23, 2022 14:46 - 22 minutes
From the very beginning, people doubted the resurrection of Jesus. In this episode of Imagine, we’ll focus on one apostle, Thomas, who couldn't bring himself to believe the testimony of the other disciples who had encountered the risen Jesus. The story of "doubting Thomas" is found only in the Go...

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Imagine S4.E6 - Conversion takes time. Ask the disciples on the road to Emmaus

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - April 16, 2022 10:00 - 24 minutes
In this episode, as we continue reflecting on stories of conversion, we’ll look at the resurrection appearance of Jesus to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, found only in the Gospel of Luke. In this story, two disciples are walking away from Jerusalem after the death of Jesus. As they try to p...

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Imagine S4.E5. - Converting at the moment of death

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - April 09, 2022 10:00 - 25 minutes
In this episode of Imagine, we’ll focus on the story of Jesus’ crucifixion as told in the Gospel of Luke. In this version of the crucifixion, Jesus is nailed to the cross and placed between two criminals. One of the criminals joins the crowd in taunting him. The other defends Jesus, recognizing h...

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Imagine S4.E4. - Jesus encounters the woman at the well

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 26, 2022 15:03 - 22 minutes
In this episode, we’ll reflect on the story of the woman at the well, found only in the Gospel of John (Chapter 4:4-42). While traveling through Samaria, Jesus encounters a woman alone at a well and asks her for a drink of water. Jesus’ interaction with her is shocking for both the woman and his ...

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Imagine S4.E3 - A sinful woman walks into the room. What do you do?

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 19, 2022 10:00 - 22 minutes
Imagine the tension in the room as a known sinner walks in and starts weeping at Jesus' feet. She's a mess. Simon, the Pharisee hosting the party, is not pleased. “If this man were a prophet," he says to himself, "he would have known who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him; that sh...

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Imagine S4.E2 - Levi the tax collector dropped everything to follow Jesus. Would you?

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 12, 2022 17:42 - 22 minutes
Sitting at his customs post, Levi the tax collector must have gotten some angry glares. After all, tax collectors were despised for collaborating with the Roman authorities and were unwelcome in the Temple or at dinner with upright Jews. But Jesus looked at him in a different way; in a way unlike...

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Imagine S4.E1 - Jesus Calls His First Disciples at the Sea of Galilee

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 05, 2022 11:00 - 19 minutes
When Jesus calls to a group of fishermen at the Sea of Galilee, they leave everything behind to follow him. The story is simple, but powerful. What was it about this man and his invitation that inspired them to go with him? In what ways have we heard the simple call to, “Follow me”? IMAGINE: A Gu...

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer artwork

Imagine Season 4: Called and converted by Jesus

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 02, 2022 05:00 - 4 minutes
Lent is a time of personal and communal conversion, when we acknowledge that God calls each one of us to draw closer and we examine the ways in which we need to grow in response to that call. Calling and conversion are also major themes of the Ignatian Year, which marks the 500th anniversary of S...

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Introducing: Hark! The stories behind our favorite Christmas carols

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - December 22, 2021 17:01 - 36 minutes
Imagine is proud to share the latest podcast in the America Media family: Hark! The stories behind our favorite Christmas carols. Subscribe to the entire Hark! podcast series online, on apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. O Come, All Ye Faithful is a rousing, controversial and some ...

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Imagine S3.E8 - Jesus Appears by the Sea and Heals Peter

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - April 04, 2021 04:00 - 24 minutes
The resurrected Jesus reveals himself to Peter and the disciples by the sea. After catching nothing through the night, a man tells the disciples to cast their nets again, and they catch a huge number of fish. They realize that it is Jesus and eat with him on the shore. Afterwards, Jesus asks Pete...

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Imagine S3.E7 - Agony in the Garden and Peter’s Denial

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - April 02, 2021 05:00 - 24 minutes
In this episode, we’ll reflect on the events that take place following the last supper. We’ll keep watch with Jesus as he prays in the garden. Accompany Peter as he watches Jesus’ trial from a distance and witness his heartbreaking denial of his friend and teacher. Details will be taken from each...

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Imagine S3.E6 - The Woman with a Hemorrhage

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 26, 2021 06:00 - 19 minutes
“If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured.” - Mark 5:28 A woman who had been afflicted with a hemorrhage for years believes that if she just touches the garments of Jesus, she will be cured. Pray with this moment of great faith and her encounter with Jesus.  Find more reflections and resource...

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Imagine S3.E5 - The Healing of the Blind Man

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 19, 2021 06:00 - 24 minutes
“What do you want me to do for you” - Mark 10:51 As Jesus passes by with a large crowd, the blind man Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus, “Son of David, have pity on me.” When the crowd tries to silence him, Bartimaeus calls out even louder. Witness this healing encounter between Jesus and the blind m...

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Imagine S3.E4 - The Woman Caught in Adultery

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 12, 2021 07:00 - 20 minutes
“Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you.” - John 8:10-11 While Jesus is preaching at the Temple, a group of scribes and Pharisees bring before him a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. They seek to condemn her, but Jesus treats her with mercy. What can we learn about the heal...

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Imagine S3.E3 - Jesus heals a paralytic

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - March 05, 2021 07:00 - 21 minutes
“Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Rise and walk’?” - Luke 5:23 While Jesus is speaking in a crowded home, a group of people go to extraordinary lengths to bring their friend before him for healing.  Find more reflections and resources for Lent at: https://www.americamagazine...

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Imagine S3.E2 - Jesus calls (and heals) Peter

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - February 26, 2021 07:00 - 22 minutes
“Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” - Luke 5:8 Jesus calls on Peter and his partners to cast their nets into the deep, where they catch a huge number of fish. Peter responds with a moment of vulnerability. See how Jesus responds. Find more reflections and resources for Lent at: https:/...

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Imagine S3.E1 - The Temptation of Jesus

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - February 19, 2021 07:00 - 21 minutes
Released on Fridays during Lent, new episodes of "Imagine" will introduce you to a form of prayer called Ignatian Contemplation, in which you use your imagination to interact with various scenes from Scripture. First Friday of Lent: “At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, and he remain...

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Imagine S2.E6 - Visitation of the Shepherds

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - December 25, 2020 05:00 - 21 minutes
“When the angels went away from them to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.’” Angels announce the birth of Jesus to the poor and lowly shepherds of the region. Join them to visit the...

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Imagine S2.E5 - The Nativity

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - December 24, 2020 05:00 - 18 minutes
“She gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” - Luke 2:1-5 Accompany Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the birth of Jesus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Imagine S2.E4 - Journey to Bethlehem

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - December 19, 2020 05:00 - 22 minutes
“Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.” Travel with Mary and Joseph on the long and rough journey to Bethlehem...

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Imagine S2.E3 - The Visitation

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - December 12, 2020 07:00 - 19 minutes
“Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” In this episode, we witness the Visitation, when Mary travels to see her relative Elizabeth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Imagine S2.E2 - The Annunciation

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - December 05, 2020 12:11 - 17 minutes
“Hail Mary, the Lord is with you.” In this episode in the Advent/Christmas season of Imagine, we witness the Annunciation, as Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus to Mary and awaits her response. For more Advent content from America Media, click here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megap...

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Imagine S2.E1 - The Incarnation

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - November 28, 2020 07:00 - 20 minutes
What would it be like to witness the Incarnation from God’s point of view? This first episode of the Advent/Christmas season of Imagine focuses on a unique contemplation from the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. Pull back and meditate on all of creation w...

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33 - Feast of the Sacred Heart with Sr. Virginia Herbers ASCJ

White House Retreat Podcast - June 19, 2020 06:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★ - 15 ratings
"A New Look at an Old Devotion: Sacred Heart" by Sr. Virginia Herbers, ASCJ Join us as we celebrate and reflect on the Feast of the Sacred Heart. 

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Imagine S1.E10 - Jesus Appears to Mary of Magdala

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - May 31, 2020 08:30 - 23 minutes
Welcome to Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer from America Media, a Jesuit Ministry. This podcast will guide you through a form of prayer called Ignatian Contemplation, in which you use your imagination to see and interact with various scenes from Scripture. In this episode, we follow Mary of Magd...

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Imagine: Ep. 10 - Jesus Appears to Mary of Magdala

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - May 31, 2020 08:30 - 23 minutes
Welcome to Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer from America Media, a Jesuit Ministry. This podcast will guide you through a form of prayer called Ignatian Contemplation, in which you use your imagination to see and interact with various scenes from Scripture. In this episode, we follow Mary of Ma...

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Imagine: Ep. 9 - The Tomb of Jesus

Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer - May 31, 2020 08:00 - 23 minutes
Welcome to Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer from America Media, a Jesuit Ministry. This podcast will guide you through a form of prayer called Ignatian Contemplation, in which you use your imagination to see and interact with various scenes from Scripture. In this episode, we spend time at the...

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