Latest Gutenberg Podcast Episodes

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A Second, Subterranean, Satellite

Paper Cuts - June 01, 2024 16:00 - 1 hour
You never know what you'll happen to find beneath the earth in these oddball little pulp stories we read here on the show. Could it be some sort of monster? Perhaps a whole society of people we've been missing out on interacting with? Maybe, even, depending on the day, some sort of giant aeomeba...

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A Very Sleepy Satellite

Paper Cuts - May 25, 2024 16:00 - 1 hour
Don't let my sleepy, dozy demeanor fool you here, gang, I had just had a long day at the time! This tale is quite the ride, a whole second planet just hanging out within the easy reach of an airplane? Wild!    I mean, the physics of something like that would be turning the world upside down,...

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An Embarrassment of Riches

Paper Cuts - May 18, 2024 16:00 - 1 hour
Indeed, we do stumble into quite the bevy of delights as we delve farther and farther into the past with this particular issue of Astounding Stories. Sure, it's already quite the delight to discover a new saga in the tale we've heard previously in Earth, the Marauder, but in addition to that, we...

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Astounding Stories, August 1930

Paper Cuts - May 11, 2024 19:46 - 1 hour
As I've been known to mention a great many times, I absolutely love the wonderful short stories on hand in these old pulp magazines. Sure, they're not exactly always a hit, but when the author nails what they're going for? It's really going to shine! I mean, picture just how many incredibly famo...

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Guarding Gus

Paper Cuts - May 04, 2024 16:00 - 1 hour
Welcome, welcome welcome, to season 3 of Paper Cuts! As you heard in the opening of the podcast, we're shifting our release model. Rather than innundating you with approximately eight hours of material all at once, that you then have to sort out how to listen to, we're instead cutting the stream...

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The Lost World

Paper Cuts - April 29, 2024 02:12 - 2 hours
Ah, the very last episode of this season! We start to get into the lush world of Arthur Conan Doyle's most popular (non-sherlock) writing, and discover that HOO BOY does that professor have some feelings on the matter of the people he met and the places he went. Well, that, and he really doesn't...

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To Choke a Morlock

Paper Cuts - April 29, 2024 01:48 - 3 hours
Unsurprisingly, I really breeze through books I know well here on the show, but unfortunately, that also means a goodly sized number of my favorites really are here today, then gone next week. So, while we really did have a blast reading The Time Machine, it's all over now. Well, that is, if it ...

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The Time Machine

Paper Cuts - March 31, 2024 22:00 - 1 hour
Once again, I return to a personal favorite of mine, this time in The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells. As I note in the episode, I absolutely fell in LOVE with h.g.'s writing as a kid, there's just so much to enjoy, even divorced of context as I originally read it. The Time Machine in particular, th...

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And So the Wizard Baked a Cake...

Paper Cuts - March 31, 2024 17:00 - 2 hours
First off, major points to the wizard of oz movie, not only is it the delightful classic we all love to see, they really didn't miss much in the way of adapation, in my humble opinion. Sure, sure, they cut the porcelain people, but they're not really of much consequence to the story at large. My...

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Paper Cuts - February 29, 2024 22:00 - 2 hours
We're off on a journey into what the author, L. Frank Baum, calls a modern fairytale, to see another one of the real hits of the public domain, this time digging into the antics of not just Dorothy, but all her delightful friends, besides! Well, really, we meet her major enemy as well, and what ...

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Forgetha? Is that what the planet is called?

Paper Cuts - February 29, 2024 18:00 - 3 hours
With a name like The Forgotten Planet, you immediately wonder what's going to cause someone to forget a WHOLE PLANET, but this particular tale really takes us on some twists and turns before we find out just what's going on, there. As I say, a lot of these old short story collections from the pu...

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An Astounding Volume of Aliens

Paper Cuts - February 01, 2024 01:00 - 2 hours
From high in the air, there is a terror descending upon us. No, no, not like that, it's some kind of menace in the air lanes! Well, if we're getting out of the way of that, we should head to space proper! Need something really special? Why not head for someplace uncharted! Well, I've heard tel...

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Astounding Stories, July 1930

Paper Cuts - January 31, 2024 23:19 - 2 hours
Celebrating a huge milestone for the twitch audience, we dive into another issue of Astounding Stories! This time, in the July 1930 issue, we'll dive into many stories, not the least of which being one in which we learn of a world blocked from its final frontier. What lies beyond the heaviside l...

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Stony Reception from This Crowd!

Paper Cuts - December 16, 2023 04:30 - 2 hours
Our time in the Crystal Age, brief as though it has been, made for quite the tale! Loads of twists and turns have lead us throughout this stunning little pastoral view of a future that did not come to pass. How they went for our main character? Well, you've heard two thirds of it already, so I'm...

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Literacy is a Gift!

Paper Cuts - December 16, 2023 04:00 - 2 hours
As we continue the tale of our intrepid isekai protagonist, we find that he is, unlike the standard isekai lad, having trouble with the local language. That darn semantic shift, it really does come for us all! Luckily, we're not quite so impacted by this trouble, unless you're also digging up ol...

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A Crystal Age

Paper Cuts - August 31, 2023 22:46 - 1 hour
I must admit, when I got around to editing this episode, I genuinely didn't remember much about the opening of this book. It definitely leans into that old problem that these public domain books have, where at the time, the opening would have been quite thrilling, but something's changed in the ...

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The Five Jars

Paper Cuts - August 31, 2023 22:26 - 2 hours
Fall is a great time to dive into tales of the supernatural, and what's more supernatural than your local fair folk, hm? Well, don't get me wrong here, fall's just the best time, I can enjoy a wild tale of a man who's on a journey to see and hear things far beyond what he ought to be experiencin...

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Martian Rays of Rebellion

Paper Cuts - July 20, 2023 18:30 - 2 hours
We travel farther into the wild world of the red planet, led on and on and on by our dear protagonist, John Carter, who definitely is NOT a Mary Sue and you SHOULDN'T flame Borroughs on AO3 about it, no way. I goof, but seriously, this is a fantastic example of how a wildly overpowered main char...

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A Princess of Mars

Paper Cuts - July 20, 2023 18:00 - 2 hours
Ok, Ok, enough short stories for now. Let's dive into a book that was SUPER popular for its time, and one that honestly, I'm shocked had its popularity killed by the botched disney adaptation. I mean, for context, Edgar Rice Borroughs' other major work, Tarzan, is EASILY recognizable and often p...

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The Micro Water Eater

Paper Cuts - June 11, 2023 19:47 - 1 hour
Definitely didn't forget to click publish, nuh uh, no way!   This batch of stories gets kinda wild in its concepts, very much a creeping horror in its science fiction! Not only do we discover the almost religious terror that can be inspired by the unknown, but we also discover that you REALL...

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Fall of the Lost Kazoofalum into the Pit

Paper Cuts - June 11, 2023 19:34 - 3 hours
Guess who forgot to click publish on this? it's me! I did that! This week, we dive into another couple of short stories, this time hitting up two huge Halloween favorites you may have read in English class, Fall of the House of Usher and The Pit and the Pendulum! I'm a known enjoyer of Poe's g...

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Ring for the Cask of Sleepy Hollow

Paper Cuts - May 30, 2023 23:27 - 2 hours
Another batch of short stories in this episode, gang! Some personal favorites of mine this time (I know, I know, I say a lot of the books on here are my favorites, but I genuinely DO love the creeping horror of Amontillado, and Ring Once for Death inverts a trope that I think sorely needs invert...

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Alice Through the Looking Glass

Paper Cuts - April 01, 2023 00:50 - 3 hours
Wierdly enough, I remember as a kid reading Through the Looking Glass much more often than the original tale. There was always something about the way it went, I just preferred it. Or maybe it was just easier to find in the collection of children's stories my grandma left on my bedside table whe...

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Moonset Mindset

Paper Cuts - April 01, 2023 00:37 - 3 hours
This time, we finish up The First Men in the Moon! Just what happens to our intrepid hero when he lands upon our earthly shores once more, and more importantly, will he save his more scientifically minded comrade? No spoilers, but I think the ending we got was a great way to set end things off! ...

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A Gilded Chain Still Binds

Paper Cuts - February 10, 2023 19:00 - 2 hours
The Cavorite is working its lovely gravity defying magic, and so Idina Menzel isn't the only one soaring to new heights around here! The moon is a most peculiar place, with odd blue lights, odder little mushroom lads that would do NUMBERS on tumblr today, and outright strange folk tending weird ...

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The First Men in the Moon

Paper Cuts - February 10, 2023 17:00 - 3 hours
A new book is always a lovely sight around here, and that goes double for starting a new book from a favorite author of mine. H.G. Wells is solidly a member of the english canon for a reason, sure, but he's also just plain and simple a nostalgic author for me to read. Sure, I really only zoned i...

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Return of the Cowboy

Paper Cuts - December 10, 2022 18:58 - 2 hours
In this, our pentultimate dive into Dracula, we find that there's no shortage of good old fashioned american gusto. Yep, our good friend Quincy Morris has returned to the story, and in stereotypical fashion, rather than listening to the expert on the matter of vampiric weaknesses, he just straig...

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Dracula Falls

Paper Cuts - December 10, 2022 18:00 - 5 hours
Listen, I'm not normally one for the whole style of epilogue that comes up at the end of this book, but I really think it shines here! Not every book earns just how that end changes the context of the original final scene, but given the absolute MESS the gang went through, I think they deserve a...

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Distractions DELETED

Paper Cuts - November 10, 2022 21:00 - 1 hour
If you can believe it, this episode was originally at least an hour longer! I put in a lot of leg work on this one, splicing sentences, cutting distractions and side-tangents, and most of all, refining the crackle for the Seward sections of the book.  I really like how this one came together, e...

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Paper Cuts - November 10, 2022 19:00 - 1 hour
We were all waiting on bated breath for this one, I think. When is the mask on this terror going to come off, how are things going to resolve with Lucy, when's Van Helsing going to show up, the tension was ratcheting rapidly! Just because we've reached a small resolution on those, dear listener...

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