Latest Group storytelling Podcast Episodes

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E15: Loose Ends

Podcast of the Five Rings - March 03, 2024 08:00 - 1 hour
The survivors of the hunting party sat with Otomo Nobu to debrief the events of the attack. Nobu revealed that he knew Nakama was a shapeshifter. The Otomo family had long traded secrets with Nakama in order to learn about the land surrounding Closed Shell Castle. Nobu claimed, however, that he ...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E14: The Hunt

Podcast of the Five Rings - January 29, 2024 21:10 - 1 hour
Boa had just heard the news that Mamoru Nakama was planning an attack on Jikai’s hunting party. Thinking quickly, he notified Tsume and used his contacts in the castle to get an anonymous letter to Jikai warning him of the ambush. The next morning, everyone in the castle stood at the gates to se...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E13: Addicted

Podcast of the Five Rings - December 09, 2023 08:00 - 1 hour
Rin was dead, Zagra’s cell was empty, and Kaizoku was nowhere to be found. The castle immediately went into high alert and Tsume and Boa were brought before Nobu to answer for what happened.  The pair could not speak for the disappearance of their friend and merely insisted that a further inves...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E12: Invitations & Exits

Podcast of the Five Rings - October 17, 2023 21:11 - 1 hour
Tsume was brought before the lord of Closed Shell Castle, Reju Jikai, and his wife, Seppun Azusa. The lord and his lady listened intently as Tsume divulged the secret which banished them to the castle. He revealed that it was Miya Shinkako who was behind the fateful incident which injured the Da...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E11: Informant

Podcast of the Five Rings - July 29, 2023 07:00 - 1 hour
Boa sat in the castle tea room speaking with Mamoru Nakama, the shapeshifting wolf, and Dzudh Khan, the wandering monk. Nakama seemed to have marked Ide Toshio, a diplomat from the Unicorn clan, as his prey, worried that he was the cause of the over-hunting in the forest. Boa tried to get Nakama...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E10: The Poet & The Pretender

Podcast of the Five Rings - July 11, 2023 21:42 - 1 hour
Kaizoku stood in the dungeons speaking with his former crewmate, Zagra. He had a deal for him. If Kaizoku helped free him from the castle, Zagra would supply Kaizoku with Liquid Void. With just a few words, Kaizoku was immediately transported to another place. The hair stood up on the back of hi...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E9: Proving Grounds

Podcast of the Five Rings - June 25, 2023 07:00 - 1 hour
Previously on Podcast of the Five Rings… The three ronin sat in audience with Otomo Nobu, the castle steward. The lord, Reju Jikai, it seemed could not be bothered with such matters at that hour. Boa stood accused of attempting to steal from Reju Tetsuya’s private quarters. With some quick think...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E8: Ronin in the Shell

Podcast of the Five Rings - June 08, 2023 00:07 - 1 hour
The ronin were brought into the castle and taken to the training yard. After an hour, the castle taisa appeared. Reju Masaru welcomed the ronin into his ranks and explained the regimen at Closed Shell Castle. They would be brought in as new recruits, trained and mentored, and eventually given an...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E7: The Hungry

Podcast of the Five Rings - May 24, 2023 07:00 - 1 hour
With the news of Setsuo's arrest, Boa, Tsume, and Kaizoku decided to travel to Closed Shell Castle. Traveling north, the ronin discovered just how pervasive the elemental blight was upon the region. It seemed that the very land itself was protesting against something.  Camping out beside the ro...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E6: Curses, Bastards, & Forgotten Fathers

Podcast of the Five Rings - May 07, 2023 23:02 - 1 hour
Boa, Tsume, and Kaizoku dropped the issue of the child in front of the rest of the village, but Boa suggested speaking more about it in private with Kai’s mother, Hina. After their audience with the village elder, Boa and Tsume sought aid for the wounds. Their search brought them to the priest,...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E5: Reunion

Podcast of the Five Rings - April 22, 2023 07:00 - 1 hour
The woman, Aguri, beckoned the ronin to have rice and tea with her. Suspicious of her, the ronin began to question Aguri. All of her answers seemed strangely convenient. Kaizoku pretended to eat the rice and Tsume flat out refused. Boa on the other hand graciously accepted the food, and hungrily...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E4: Paid in Full

Podcast of the Five Rings - April 09, 2023 07:00 - 1 hour
The merchant scoffed at Tsume. “Very well,” he said. “If you want a duel, you can face my bodyguard, Boa. If you defeat him, I will consider your debt repaid.” But that wasn’t what Tsume had in mind. This wasn’t a test of honor. He didn’t want his fate decided by the kami. He wanted Naoki dead....

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E3: Lost Sons

Podcast of the Five Rings - March 21, 2023 03:05 - 1 hour
Tsume and Boa infiltrated the camp by pretending to be bandits. After speaking to a group of the thugs, they discovered that Setsuo’s son, Ichiro, had not been kidnapped at all, but had willingly joined the bandits and is now their leader. They decided to speak with Ichiro-- but not before wakin...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E2: Current Events

Podcast of the Five Rings - March 08, 2023 20:27 - 1 hour
Tsume, Kaizoku, and Boa were held as guests in Setsuo, the village elder’s house. The townsfolk crowded into Setsuo’s house to catch a glimpse of the ronin as they ate their evening meal. The party was introduced to the other community leaders. There was Natsumi, an outspoken and strong young wo...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E1: Shipwrecked!

Podcast of the Five Rings - February 21, 2023 04:38 - 51 minutes
A terrible storm rolled in from the bay, wreaking havoc upon the land. Wind and rain battered the landscape while distant thunder warned wayward travelers.  Upon some forgotten road in some distant valley walked two figures, each baring vestiges of a former life. There was Naoki, once a reputab...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S3E0: A Game of Twenty Questions

Podcast of the Five Rings - February 07, 2023 05:07 - 1 hour
This session zero includes the ronin-adapted Game of Twenty Questions from Path of Waves and gives an inside look into the choices made by the players when creating their new ronin characters: Shiroi Tsume, the "treasure hunter"; Kaizoku, the pirate with many enemies; and Boa, the corn-fed farme...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E41: Ambition (Season Finale)

Podcast of the Five Rings - July 02, 2022 00:20 - 3 hours
It suddenly made sense. Buro put the pieces together. The vacant stare, the quiet disposition, the resigned attitude. The woman threatening to kill him was not Kachiko— someone who looked remarkably like her, but not her. “What’s the meaning of this?” Buro asked. The mystery woman introduced he...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E40: Unto Death

Podcast of the Five Rings - May 23, 2022 22:08 - 1 hour
The leaders of the clans sat awestruck, staring at the lifeless body of Hantei 38th. The head of their celestial order was dead. “You have until tomorrow morning to lay down your arms, yield the city, and return Kachiko to me,” Shoju ordered. “I will allow one messenger from each clan to ride ho...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

Patron Thank You Song

Podcast of the Five Rings - April 22, 2022 03:22 - 2 minutes
No one asked for it, but you're getting it anyways. Here is a "Thank You" song for all of our lovely Patrons who have been supporting the show so far. Y'all the best <3

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E39: To Defy the Heavens

Podcast of the Five Rings - April 14, 2022 17:28 - 1 hour
Chaos erupted in the Emperor’s audience chamber. No one in attendance could believe the news they had just heard. Bayushi Kachiko and Doji Hoturi had been having a secret love affair— and she was pregnant with his child.  Hantei 38th had heard all he could stomach. The order which he and his fo...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E38: Like Porcelain

Podcast of the Five Rings - February 24, 2022 04:19 - 1 hour
The day had come. Bayushi Shoju and his army were here. Confusion ran through the city as samurai and commoners alike tried to make sense of what was happening. Waves of people tried to flee Otosan Uchi, only to be turned around by the Scorpion army which had taken control of the roads exiting t...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E37: 11th Hour

Podcast of the Five Rings - February 07, 2022 02:21 - 1 hour
News came poring in throughout the night. Developments unfolded one after another, as the samurai of Hollow Hill waited with bated breath. The careful ettiquette and polite beureacracy of court began to fall apart. The Mantis declared war on the Lion, citing evidence which proved leaders in the...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E36: Many Faces

Podcast of the Five Rings - December 17, 2021 03:50 - 2 hours
Tomo, Buro, Kenshi, and Akari decided they needed to warn the great clans of what was coming. Kenshi traveled to the Lion Embassy, and using his new powers as a Kitsune shapeshifter, transformed into a bird and flew to Akodo Toturi’s private chamber. Appearing in the windowsill, he came to him....

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E35: The Second Son

Podcast of the Five Rings - November 30, 2021 03:55 - 1 hour
Kenshi, Tomo, and Akari broke free of their imprisonment with the help of Tsuruchi and his Wasp samurai. As they escaped through the tunnels  beneath Otosan Uchi, they found that the recent tremor had closed off several key passages. In their confusion and haste to find the surface, the samurai ...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E34: Trapped

Podcast of the Five Rings - November 17, 2021 17:27 - 1 hour
Kenshi and the Emerald Magistrates traveled through the tunnels beneath Otosan Uchi with their captive in tow. Little did they know, their prisoner had been putting out secret messages to the saboteurs lying in wait in the caves. When Kenshi and his crew came to an especially narrow corridor, th...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E33: In the Dark

Podcast of the Five Rings - November 04, 2021 00:27 - 1 hour
With map in hand, Kenshi and his retinue of Emerald Magistrates began to explore the tunnels beneath Otosan Uchi. They spent hours carefully navigating its passages and caverns, learning its secrets, and making sure to not draw unwanted attention.  The bard and his magistrates found a lone sent...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E32: Metamorphosis

Podcast of the Five Rings - October 18, 2021 19:35 - 1 hour
Ide Makujin and Buro arrived in the emperor’s audience chamber to arrest Bayushi Kachiko, who was in the middle of her morning briefing with the Son of Heaven. Courtiers, servants, and bodyguards looked on as Makujin and Buro put forth their case to have Kachiko arrested for conspiring against t...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E31: Divided

Podcast of the Five Rings - September 21, 2021 04:04 - 55 minutes
Tomo, Akari, and Yoshi sounded an alarm as they ran through the tunnels deep beneath Otosan Uchi. The cavern quickly filled with lightly armored soldiers clad entirely in black with swords strapped to their backs. “Stop right there,” the leader said, blocking the path. In the dim lantern light, ...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E30: Emerald and Topaz

Podcast of the Five Rings - September 07, 2021 00:58 - 1 hour
After a heartfelt goodbye, Kenshi, Buro, Tomo, and Akari parted ways in the Ekohikei, with Kenshi and Buro traveling toward the Unicorn embassy to speak with Ide Makujin, and Tomo and Akari heading toward the Scorpion embassy to take Yoshi’s armor. Once in the Unicorn embassy, Kenshi and Buro d...

Podcast of the Five Rings artwork

S2E29: The Voice of Reason

Podcast of the Five Rings - August 22, 2021 23:37 - 1 hour
Kenshi and Buro stood in the remains of Shosuro Izuki’s hovel. They concocted a plan to get a message to Tomo inside the city. Using a technique he learned from his Fox training, Kenshi imparted a message to Squee to find Tomo and bring him to them. Buro opened his cage, and with a blessing from...

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