Latest Eclipses Podcast Episodes

StarDate artwork


StarDate - July 14, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
A few star patterns are easy to pick out. There’s Orion, with his prominent “belt.” There’s the Big Dipper. And on summer evenings, there’s Scorpius. It really does look like a scorpion skittering along the horizon. Some of the stars that outline the scorpion are related – they were born from t...

StarDate artwork

Moon and Spica

StarDate - July 13, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
The Moon gets especially cozy with the star Spica this evening. From much of the United States, in fact, the Moon will pass in front of the bright star, blocking it from view for a while. Astronomers will keep an eye on the event – called an occultation – to learn more about Spica. In earlier d...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - July 12, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
It would take a couple of hours to fly from Chesapeake Bay, on the coast of Virginia, to the forests and swamps of eastern Texas. But about 35 million years ago, some brownish-green bits of glass made the trip in just minutes – the result of a massive collision between Earth and a space rock. T...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - July 11, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
A dwarf planet far from the Sun may spend most of its time outside the Sun’s influence. In fact, it might have come from interstellar space – from another star. Sedna takes more than 11,000 years to orbit the Sun. It’s passing through the Kuiper Belt – a wide “doughnut” far beyond the orbit of ...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - July 10, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Pluto is the largest known member of the Kuiper Belt – a wide zone beyond the orbit of Neptune, the Sun’s most remote major planet. But Pluto isn’t the most massive member of the belt. That distinction goes to Eris – a fellow dwarf planet that may be a lot like Pluto. Eris was discovered almost...

StarDate artwork

Dwarf Planets

StarDate - July 09, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
The planets of the solar system come in three varieties: the rocky planets, like Earth; the giant planets, like Jupiter; and dwarf planets, like Pluto. The first two groups are well known. Except for Pluto, though, the third group is pretty much anonymous to everyone except scientists who study ...

StarDate artwork

Moon and Regulus

StarDate - July 08, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
If astronomers at the star Regulus could pick up radio broadcasts from Earth, right about now they’d be hearing something like this: [1945 audio clips] They’d just now be hearing about the final days of World War II because Regulus is a bit more than 79 light-years away. That means it takes mor...

StarDate artwork

Cygnus Loop

StarDate - July 07, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
About 10,000 years ago, a massive star in Cygnus, the swan, blew itself to bits. For a few days or weeks, it blazed as the brightest object in the night sky other than the Moon – bright enough to see even during the day. Today, its glowing remains are still visible – a colorful bubble that’s mor...

StarDate artwork

Little Guys

StarDate - July 06, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Three tiny constellations are stacked up in the eastern evening sky this month: the arrow, the dolphin, and the little horse. There’s not a single bright star among them. But under moderately dark skies, at least one of them is pretty easy to make out. The arrow is at the top of the stack. It’s...

StarDate artwork

Brown Dwarfs

StarDate - July 05, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
The Sun and the planet Jupiter are the heaviest objects in the solar system. But there’s a huge gap in their masses – the Sun is more than a thousand times heavier. There’s a class of objects between those masses. Known as brown dwarfs, they’re much heavier than Jupiter, but no more than seven ...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - July 04, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
It may sound strange to hear during the heat of the summer, but Earth is farthest from the Sun for the entire year right now. Our planet is receiving almost seven percent less energy from the Sun than it did when it was closest to the Sun, in January. The average distance to the Sun is 93 milli...

StarDate artwork

Unsteady Giant

StarDate - July 03, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Betelgeuse grew dramatically fainter a couple of years ago. The supergiant star blasted out a giant blob of gas, which cooled to form a dust cloud that blocked part of the star from view. And a similar star might recently have gone through the same process. RW Cephei is at least 900 times the d...

StarDate artwork

Moon and Jupiter

StarDate - July 02, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
The four big moons of Jupiter probably are all about four and a half billion years old. But two of them look much younger. That’s because their surfaces are constantly repaved – one by fire, the other by ice. The fire moon is Io. It’s the most volcanically active body in the solar system, with ...

StarDate artwork

Moon and Planets

StarDate - July 01, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Mars and Jupiter are siblings. They were born at the same time, from the same cloud of material that encircled the embryonic Sun. Yet there’s absolutely no family resemblance – they could hardly be more different. Both planets appear near the Moon at dawn tomorrow. Mars looks like a bright oran...

StarDate artwork

Moon and Mars

StarDate - June 30, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
The moons of Mars aren’t much more than big boulders that look a bit like potatoes. Phobos is about 17 miles long; Deimos, only about nine miles. But they’ve been the subject of a big scientific debate for decades — a debate about their origins. One possibility says they’re asteroids that were ...

StarDate artwork

The Shield

StarDate - June 29, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
A small, faint “shield” of stars scoots across the southern sky on early summer nights. It represents the coat of arms on the shield of John Sobieski, a 17th-century king of Poland and one of the country’s great national heroes. The shield is the constellation Scutum. Johannes Hevelius first dr...

StarDate artwork

Solar Protection

StarDate - June 28, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Hurricanes and other big storms can cause widespread damage that can take days or weeks to clean up. So can big space weather storms. They can knock out satellites, disrupt radio transmissions, and cause power blackouts. Especially big storms have the potential to knock out power grids for weeks...

StarDate artwork

Nessie Nebula

StarDate - June 27, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
A dark ribbon of gas and dust may be about to light up like a sequence of camera flashes. That’s because it could begin giving birth to new stars, with each star triggering the birth of more stars. The ribbon is called the Nessie Nebula — named for its resemblance to the Loch Ness monster. It’s...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - June 26, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
After the New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto, in 2015, it still had some gas in the tank and some tread on the tires. Mission scientists wanted to take advantage of that by flying past another object in the outer solar system. But they didn’t know where to send it — there was no roadmap to ...

StarDate artwork

Moon and Antares

StarDate - June 19, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
You might think that astronomers would know just about everything there is to know about the brighter stars in the night sky. That’s not the case, though. In fact, some of those stars can be especially vexing. An example is Antares, the orange supergiant that marks the heart of Scorpius, the sc...

StarDate artwork

William Lassell

StarDate - June 18, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Building the Albert Dock in Liverpool gave a man a powerful thirst. Workers drank up to a dozen pints of beer a day — and that was during the work day, with beer provided by the company. And while the workers drank, beer baron William Lassell got rich. Lassell used some of that wealth to study ...

StarDate artwork

Gentleman Astronomers

StarDate - June 17, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Modern astronomy is a job for professionals. Amateurs discover comets and make many other contributions. But most of the cutting-edge research is done by professional scientists using expensive telescopes and other equipment. In the not-so-distant past, though, many major discoveries were made ...

StarDate artwork

Cat’s Eyes

StarDate - June 16, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
A pair of cat’s eyes glows just above the north-northwestern horizon as darkness falls. The glowing eyes drop from sight in a hurry. And they’ll drop even lower during the coming nights, before disappearing entirely in the evening twilight. The “eyes” are the stars Pollux and Castor. They mark ...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - June 14, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Archaeologists know of only a few major artifacts of the pharaoh Khufu, who ruled Egypt more than 4500 years ago. The list includes some small statuettes — some of which might have been created long after his reign. But one artifact is at the opposite end of the size scale: the Great Pyramid of ...

StarDate artwork

Flat Universe

StarDate - June 13, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Our universe appears to be “flat” — like a sheet of paper stretching to infinity. If so, that would mean it’s finely balanced — a sort of “just right.” Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity, known as General Relativity, allows the universe to assume one of three basic shapes. One shape is “closed...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - June 12, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
When it comes to understanding a star, it’s all a matter of perspective. The angle at which you view the star makes a big difference in what you know about it. Consider Vega, the leading light of the constellation Lyra and one of the brighter stars in the northern sky. It’s in the northeast at ...

StarDate artwork

Kapteyn’s Star

StarDate - June 10, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Our home galaxy is a cosmic melting pot. While many of its stars were born in the Milky Way, many others came from outside. They were born in smaller galaxies that were captured by the Milky Way. Over time, the smaller galaxies were ripped apart, and their stars were scattered throughout the Mil...

StarDate artwork

Omega Centauri

StarDate - June 09, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
The biggest globular star cluster in the Milky Way Galaxy may not be a child of the Milky Way. Instead, it may be a sort of orphan — the surviving core of a smaller galaxy that was captured by the Milky Way. Omega Centauri contains perhaps 10 million stars, all packed into a dense ball about 15...

StarDate artwork


StarDate - June 08, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
As you look out into the night sky, you might think that you’re seeing a true sampling of the stars — in other words, a little of everything. That’s not the case, though. Most of what you see is the Milky Way’s equivalent of the one percenters — stars that are among the galaxy’s biggest and brig...

StarDate artwork

Galactic Habitable Zone

StarDate - June 07, 2024 05:00 - 2 minutes ★★★★★ - 205 ratings
Earth lies in the middle of the Sun’s habitable zone. That’s the distance from the Sun where conditions are most comfortable for life. And astronomers are concentrating their hunt for life in other star systems in their habitable zones. There’s an idea that galaxies have habitable zones as well...

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