Latest Drain the swamp Podcast Episodes

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Whether Trump is playing 5D chess or not, we can't jump on board his pro-vax and RINO endorsements

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - June 09, 2021 01:28 - 30 minutes
Just because we are Trump supporters who believe that he's the greatest president of our lifetime, if not the last 150 years, doesn't mean that we have to get behind everything he says and does. While many put out the theory that he's secretly playing 5D chess behind the scenes, if we are going t...

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Dr Karlyn Borysenko calls out Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire for Trolling AOC Instead of Battling CRT

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - June 07, 2021 19:51 - 34 minutes
The latest buzzword that Conservative Inc is fight against is Critical Race Theory. Dr Karlyn Borysenko, who is a leader in the fight against CRT, is now questioning whether Conservatives actually want to defeat it, or whether they just need something to complain about.

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

There are only three issues Conservatives must focus on... and they all involve China

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - June 04, 2021 22:35 - 32 minutes
As Conservatives, we cannot allow ourselves to go back to business-as-usual and focus on all of our pet issues. We need to unify around three primary points: Election Fraud, COVID-19 & Vaccines and then eliminating China's grip on America. Everything else can come later...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

California Health Department admits mRNA COVID-19 injections cause serious heart conditions

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - June 02, 2021 01:32 - 41 minutes
While many doctors, medical experts and even this show have all been warning about the dangers of this mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine,” the mainstream narrative has been that the shot is 100% safe, as Dr Anthony Fauci has stated repeatedly. Unfortunately, our concerns have been proven true, and the CDC a...

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Bet you can’t name a single thing the Democrats are doing that’s good for America

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 28, 2021 20:13 - 35 minutes
Joe Biden and the Democrats are implementing their stated agenda in record time. Can you point out a single issue that is a net positive for America?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The Arizona Audit is not the end game... it's just the first step in fixing the 2020 Election

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 27, 2021 21:14 - 42 minutes
Conservatives across the country are putting their hope and faith in the Arizona Audits. While they appear to be doing an amazing job taking a deep forensic dive into what actually happened in the 2020 Election, we as Conservatives cannot view this as the end game. Once the fraud is proven, the b...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Dan Crenshaw, Ben Shapiro & the establishment GOP falsely accuse Marjorie Taylor Greene of antisemitism

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 27, 2021 03:17 - 37 minutes
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene recently compared mask mandates and vaccine passports to the gold star that the Jewish people were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. Instead of taking up the cause against these sinister tactics, the establishment GOP took the opportunity to smear MTG, proving t...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The Three Paths Forward for America... Which Will We Choose?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 25, 2021 20:26 - 46 minutes
The future of America hangs in the ballots. Which direction we head is completely up to us. We can either concede to the Left and head into socialism; we can hold our ground and split our nation in two; or we can expose the corruption and red-pill a massive wave of Americans and preserve our nati...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The Stolen Election of 2020: The Left's Lies About the Arizona Audit Point to a Coverup

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 20, 2021 20:29 - 45 minutes
CNN and many other mainstream media outlets are taking a statement by Ben Cotton, one of the people tasked with the Arizona Audit, out of context to claim that conservatives have been lying about the coverup. The fact that they cannot be honest gives even more credibility to the belief that the 2...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Gavin Newsom the "Science Denier" is Ignoring the CDC Guidelines

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 19, 2021 21:50 - 41 minutes
Throughout all of the COVID-19 "pandemic" we constantly heard that those with legitimate questions about how our government was responding are nothing more than science deniers for going against the CDC guidelines. Now that California Governor Gavin Newsom doesn't like what they are saying, he's ...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Mindy Robinson is Asking All of the Right Questions About the Capitol “Riots”

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 19, 2021 01:08 - 47 minutes
Why are Conservatives so afraid to ask legitimate questions about what happened at the Capitol Building on January 6th? Mindy Robinson recently released an important article on The DC Patriot asking all of the questions that still remain unanswered.

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

COVID-19, BLM and Gas Shortages: Are the Dems Creating this Chaos Intentionally to Establish their New World Order?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 17, 2021 21:26 - 1 hour
As the saying goes, the Left is creating "order out of chaos." 2020 was nothing if it were not chaotic, and we are seeing the Left using this to further their agendas and take more power. The question is: Are they creating the chaos they claim they want to fix?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Every aspect of life has gotten dramatically worse since Biden took office... is this all a part of the globalists' plan?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - May 12, 2021 19:17 - 40 minutes
Since Joe Biden took office, war has broken out in the Middle East where Trump had brokered a peace deal. Gas prices have soared after we were energy independent during the Trump administration. The economy is horrific. Taxes are going up. Constitutional rights are being taken away. Is it all jus...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The danger of the war on disinformation

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 19, 2021 18:13 - 41 minutes
The new buzzword among the Left is “disinformation.” The Elites are doing everything that they can to combat this supposed evil. While we should all should care about the truth, silencing and censoring speech you don’t like is not the answer. What is the solution? More speech. Right Speech. Use ...

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Local Idaho GOP allegedly demanding Library Trustee censor books

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 15, 2021 18:28 - 31 minutes
The Left has been waging a war against conservatism for decades. It has now come to the point to where conservative ideals are worthy of being censored, cancelled and deplatformed. However, in a surprising turn of events, Kootenai County’s Republican Central Committee is allegedly demanding that ...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The deplatformed conspiracy theorists are being proven true… will Big Tech “replatform” us?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 14, 2021 20:55 - 40 minutes
The mainstream media and Big Tech have labeled anyone that does not go along with the mainstream narrative as “wild conspiracy theorists that are a danger to society.” To combat this imaginary enemy, they’ve resorted to cancelling us, completely deplatforming us off of their platforms. The idea i...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

America, formerly the home of the free... but at least there's still a few brave

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 12, 2021 19:02 - 28 minutes
Many saw the tyrannical shutdown of GraceLife Church in Canada with fences and 200 police officers simply because the church continued to gather throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns. Many Americans saw that as confirmation of how good we have it here in America. That would never happen here, they sa...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Should Big Tech be liable if the concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines turn out to be true?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 09, 2021 18:28 - 30 minutes
There are a lot of valid concerns regarding the COVID-19 vaccines that have been rolling out, yet the Big Tech and Social Media companies have been censoring anyone that happens to raise those concerns. Content creators are expected to only promote the mainstream narrative that they are perfectly...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

What could be more conservative than getting into decentralized cryptocurrency?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 08, 2021 18:42 - 25 minutes
The American government has been playing Monopoly with the dollar, printing money at will. This leads to inflation, which devalues our buying power. In response to this, many are turning to cryptocurrencies, which are a decentralized monetary system. When you think about it, what could be more co...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

No, Clarence Thomas, the answer to Big Tech censorship is not government regulations

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 06, 2021 18:12 - 22 minutes
Censorship and de-platforming are serious concerns for conservatives, after thousands of voices on the right have been kicked off of Big Tech platforms. Even President Trump has been banned virtually everywhere. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas suggested that the answer to this problem is go...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Mark Zuckerberg's involvement in rigging the 2020 Election proves Conservatives need a Big Tech exit strategy

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - April 05, 2021 19:36 - 28 minutes
According to The American Conservative, Mark Zuckerberg funneled money through The Center for Technology and Civic Life to fund many of the strategies used to rig the 2020 Election against President Donald Trump. As conservatives using Social Media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, we are indi...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The secularization of the Republican Party may lead to the downfall of America

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 24, 2021 18:25 - 27 minutes
We all know that the Democrats’ platform is godless and rooted in atheism. The Republican side is supposed to be rooted in conservative Christian values, holding true to the Founding Fathers’ vision for America. Unfortunately, the GOP is becoming secularized and turning it’s back on our Creator. ...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Joe Biden thinks he’s a tough guy… he’s not

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 19, 2021 18:56 - 30 minutes
When President Donald Trump was in the White House, the Democrats continually accused him of being a bully on the world’s stage, claiming that he was going to get us into World War III. Fortunately, he proved them wrong. Now that Alleged President Joe Biden is in office, he’s attempting to talk a...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Gaslighting: MSM wants you to believe that CGI Joe Biden is real… they are clearly lying

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 18, 2021 22:53 - 27 minutes
Alleged President Joe Biden recently “appeared” on the front lawn of the White House to briefly speak to reporters. However, the strangest thing happened… it appears that this was a CGI green screen illusion to fool the American people. Now the MSM is wanting you to not believe your own eyes as t...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Alleged President Joe Biden's border policy is only benefiting the cartels

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 12, 2021 22:24 - 36 minutes
We've seen a drastic change in border policy among the Joe Biden "presidency." The result? More kids in cages, more aliens trying to get across the border and the cartels are gaining even more power. With the coyotes using and abusing these illegal immigrants, as well as using them for sex traffi...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The spiritual blindness of free Americans demanding socialism

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 09, 2021 20:54 - 28 minutes
During this episode of Let’s Talk Right Now, Jeff Dornik points out the parallels between the nation of Israel desiring a king and America today desiring socialism. We should use this as a warning, as we do not want history to repeat itself.

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The March 4th Inauguration conspiracy theory may have been a PSYOP by the Left to discredit Trump supporters

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 08, 2021 21:17 - 35 minutes
March 4th was the day that many Trump supporters had circled on the calendars. According to a conspiracy theory that spread like wildfire, that was the day that Donald Trump was supposed to be inaugurated as the 19th President of the United States, taking us back to a Constitutional Republic afte...

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

The Left are acting like the COVID-19 vaccine is the Mark of the Beast

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 04, 2021 21:12 - 41 minutes
The book of Revelation predicts that in the End Times, everyone will have to take the Mark of the Beast. If you do not take it, you will not be allowed to buy or sell. Does this sound like the COVID-19 vaccine?

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik artwork

Jack Posobiec is spot on... Corporate America is supporting the Chinese Communist Party

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 02, 2021 21:47 - 28 minutes
Jack Posobiec posted a tweet that stated, “If you are listening to someone talk about the threat of the CCP and they don't talk about corporate America's role, then you are listening to an idiot.” We are facing a national security threat with our dependance upon the Chinese Communist Party, and w...

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CPAC is not the conservative movement Trump supporters need

Let's Talk Right Now with Jeff Dornik - March 01, 2021 19:29 - 30 minutes
Donald Trump spoke at CPAC this weekend, providing his vision for the future of the Republican Party. He proved that he is the leader of the conservative movement. Unfortunately, CPAC was nothing more than the establishment crowd latching onto Trump while attempting to take us back to “business-a...

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