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Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork


Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - April 11, 2022 14:00 - 10 minutes
Benson cuts his foot badly, and a dog named Mandy takes care of him and takes him home, But no-one understands and they drive Mandy away. The next day, Benson and his mother set out to make amends, and find a true home for Mandy.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Are you ok?

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - April 09, 2022 14:00 - 5 minutes
Benson's friend Phillip is acting strangely, and Benson wonders if there is something wrong. Something very sad has happened to Phillip, and Benson and his friends, try to make him feel better.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork


Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - April 08, 2022 14:00 - 5 minutes
Benson is feeling frustrated because he has so many things he wants to do, he can't decide which one to do. Then the decision is taken out of his hands, and he finds he has nothing to do after all - which means he ends up doing something he never even thought of!

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Wombat Picnic Day

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - April 08, 2022 14:00 - 8 minutes
It's Wombat Picnic Day, when all the wombats gather to have races, lamington-making competitions, and most important of all, the Best Young Digger competition, Benson wants to win more than anything, but then he finds there is something more important than winning.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Orange Scrunchie

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - April 05, 2022 14:00 - 9 minutes
Arnette acuses Benson of stealing her orange scrunchie, and Benson thinks she's lying because she doesn't like him -- or is she ? Is Benson really a thief?

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Roly's Story

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - April 03, 2022 19:00 - 6 minutes
Roly asks Pascoe to tell him his own story, from where he was born, because his own mother is no longer around to tell him.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork


Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - March 18, 2022 13:00 - 10 minutes
Benson makes a new friend who knows all sorts of cool stuff- but will be Nugent's friend mean that he has to leave his old friends behind? When Nugent invites Benson to go camping and asks him to do something he doesn't want to do, Benson has to make a hard decision.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Becoming a Superhero

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - March 16, 2022 13:00 - 8 minutes
Benson finds a red cape, and when he puts it on, he feels like a superhero. He and Roly set out to do good deeds, beginning with rescuing a tawny frogmouth.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Cleaning Rampage

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - March 14, 2022 13:00 - 7 minutes
Benson's mother starts with the washing up and gets carried away, and ends up cleaning everything in sight, the walls, the cushions, and everything, and even Aunt Moss and Aunt Lillibet.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Feeding the Spirit

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - March 12, 2022 20:00 - 8 minutes
Aunt Moss is feeling a bit down and tired, so she and Benson go on a trip to an art gallery to nourish her spirit. Her artist friend, Imelda, helps Benson understand how you can tell a whole story with just dots and lines, and Benson finds a way to feed his own spirit.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork


Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - March 11, 2022 21:00 - 5 minutes
Calling people names is a bad idea - especially because sometimes the names stick, and you don't know what might happen.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Portal

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - March 05, 2022 05:00 - 12 minutes
Every year, Benson and his family go to a magic part of the bush, where sometimes they find flowers that no-one has ever seen before.  This year Benson gets the most important job of all.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Bathplug

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 20, 2022 13:00 - 7 minutes
Benson and Nils and Nella find a perfectly ordinary bathplug in the ground in the middle of the bush. What could it be for ? Why is it there ? Benson finds out !

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Bonnie Lou's Gumnuts

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 18, 2022 13:00 - 6 minutes
Bonnie Lou wants to make a necklace out of gumnuts. With Aunt Lillibet's help, they make necklaces, bracelets and a whole family of gumnut people.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Making Pies

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 16, 2022 13:00 - 7 minutes
Aunt Lillibet is making and apple pie, and Benson suggests that if his mother made one too, they could compare them and see whose method is best. Benson's mother foils his plan to have two apple pies to himself by inviting a whole part of friends to the pie-tasting.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Pink and Green Pencil

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 14, 2022 13:00 - 4 minutes
After Benson goes to play at his friends Mick's place and there is an unfortunate incident with a pencil that upsets Bonnie Lou, Benson and his mother discuss what makes people cry.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

How Old is Old?

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 13, 2022 01:00 - 5 minutes
Benson and Nanna talk about how old things really are, rocks and sand and trees, and grandmothers.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Scottish Dancing

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 10, 2022 13:00 - 6 minutes
Aunt Lillibet and Aunt Moss learn scottish dancing, and what is scottish dancing without the bagpipes ?

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Roly's Family

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 09, 2022 05:00 - 10 minutes
Roly discovers he has an aunt and a cousin of his own. They think that living with wombats is bad for him, so he should live with them. Roly has to decide what is the best thing to do.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Melon Baller

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 06, 2022 13:00 - 5 minutes
Nanna sends Aunt Lillibet a melon-baller, which she thinks is silly and pointless, but everyone else seems to find it very useful for all sorts of things.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Book Party

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - February 05, 2022 05:00 - 9 minutes
It's too hot to do anything, so Benson's  mother suggests they have a book party, where everyone brings their favourite book.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Tree Pirates

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 30, 2022 13:00 - 9 minutes
Aunt Lillibet doesn't like the way trees are being cut down and turned into furniture and firewood, so she decides to grow her own forest. But then, her young trees start disappearing during the night. Who could the culprits be ?

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Birthday Races

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 28, 2022 23:00 - 7 minutes
Aunt Lillibet doesn't want to have a birthday because she is feeling too old, but Benson's mother finds a way to make her birthday fun, with all sorts of games and races, where Aunt Lillibet wins all the prizes.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Storyteller

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 21, 2022 13:00 - 9 minutes
Benson meets Pascoe, the story-teller, who knows stories about everything and listens to everyone's stories and passes them on. They go on a long walk with Roly and Benson's mother, and find that stories can tell you a lot about places,  people, the past and danger!

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Garlic Swedes

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 19, 2022 13:00 - 5 minutes
Cousin Lance invites everyone to come for a special lunch, and everyone brings something special to share. But no-one's dishes work out the way they planned. Everyone's disappointed, until Lance has an idea.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork


Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 18, 2022 10:00 - 7 minutes
Benson helps aunt Lillibet to prune the wisteria vine; Uncle Elton and Elmer hold a protest; Aunt Moss teaches a basket weaving class.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

The Crossroads

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 14, 2022 13:00 - 7 minutes
Benson's mother tells him not to go down the main track because there may be a snake there, but Bonnie Lou runs on ahead, and Mick runs after her to save her. Soon they are both in trouble. What should Benson do ?

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork


Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 12, 2022 13:00 - 7 minutes
All Benson's friends seem to have super-powers, that they could use to save people and do heroic deeds, all except Benson !

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Aunts and Great Aunts

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 10, 2022 13:00 - 5 minutes
Roly wonders where to get an aunt; Aunt Lillibet experiments with some new recipes.

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends artwork

Benson and the Brave Little Echidna

Stories of Benson the Wombat, his family and friends - January 08, 2022 13:00 - 11 minutes
Benson meets Roly, a brave little Echidna, and Roly comes to live with them.

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