Latest Bizwomenrock Podcast Episodes

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An Inside Look at What's Been Going on With My Business - Sharing It All

Biz Women Rock - November 05, 2018 09:00 - 44 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Girl, I am taking you deep and detailed into what’s been going on in my business over the past few months!     Why?     Because I want to share with you some practical strategies I’ve been implementing that have (and have not) been working so you can have some real tools to walk away with...

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Behind the Scenes of an Online Life Coaching Business with Kali Rogers

Biz Women Rock - October 29, 2018 07:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Kali Rogers is the founder of Blush, a company who provides online life coaching support to young millennial women who are are experiencing stress, anxiety and confusion about their careers, relationships, finances or are going through a quarter life crisis.     During this interview, we div...

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LIVE COACHING: How Do I Know What to Do Next in My Biz & When Is The Right Time to Hire a Coach with Angie Brown

Biz Women Rock - October 22, 2018 07:00 - 38 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Angie Brown is experiencing the same thing a lot of entrepreneurs experience in their first phases of business: being so overwhelmed by all the strategies and ideas that she keeps learning about through podcasts and such, and not knowing which ones are the ones she should spend her time on.   ...

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How to Monetize "Woo Woo" Services With Kerry Kott

Biz Women Rock - October 15, 2018 07:00 - 36 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Kerry Kott is the creator of The Universe Made Me Do It.  She provides intuitive coaching and support that helps her clients understand what’s “really going on” in order for them to transform through pain - both physical and emotional.  Her podcast, also called The Universe Made Me Do It, is jus...

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How Domestic Abuse is Fueling Her Business Mission with Rosie Aiello

Biz Women Rock - October 08, 2018 07:00 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Rosie Aiello began her entrepreneurial career shortly after leaving her husband after 25 years of abuse.  Back then, she consulted for companies, organizations and entrepreneurs who wanted to learn how to be more efficient with their time, as she provided time management and organizational tools...

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Growing a Product Business in the Cannabis Industry with Colette Florido

Biz Women Rock - October 01, 2018 07:00 - 40 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
When Colette Florido’s dad started showing signs of dementia...and especially when his dementia took a turn for the worst...she decided to find out more about the benefits of marijuana to see if it could help her dad.     After a looooooong process of research - finding out which varietal of...

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Optimize Your Business Results By Knowing Your Cycles with Pleasance Silicki

Biz Women Rock - September 24, 2018 07:00 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Pleasance Silicki is all heart and soul.  She is formally trained in Ayurvedic medicine, a teacher of yoga and uses those principles to build a life she loves every single day.  She was a former school principal and then owned her own yoga studio for years. Now, she helps women build lives they ...

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Work Life Balance: How to Achieve It with Suzanne Brown

Biz Women Rock - September 17, 2018 07:00 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
I don’t believe in this thing called Work/Life Balance...rather, I like to refer to it as intentional management of my values.  But Suzanne Brown I invited her on to share why she does and, more importantly, HOW we can truly achieve it.   Suzanne should know a thing or two about wo...

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How to Niche to Earn More Revenue and Create Your Ideal Life with Mindy Totten

Biz Women Rock - September 10, 2018 07:00 - 38 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
They say that the Riches are in the Niches...but how does this actually work?  Today’s conversation with Mindy Totten will give you a really practical and robust answer to that question!   Mindy is a bodywork therapist who specializes in Cranial Sacral Therapy...a very specific technique tha...

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How To Stand Out Online in a Saturated Market with Amy Coats

Biz Women Rock - September 03, 2018 07:00 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
If you have an online business - or are in any way marketing your services online (which is all of us, right?) - then today’s episode will give you practical answers to the question I receive the most:   How do I stand out online in a saturated market?   Amy Coats is the fabulous woman e...

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LIVE COACHING - How Do I Make My Business Work in 3 Days a Week with Maelisa Hall

Biz Women Rock - August 27, 2018 07:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Maelisa Hall owns QA Prep, where she provides education and support to other therapists through her Meaningful Documentation Academy.  She’s been a therapist for over a decade and through QA Prep, she’s able to help other therapists with one of the biggest pains of their practices...the paperwor...

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Make More Money With Your Current Clients with Whitney Bishop

Biz Women Rock - August 20, 2018 07:00 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Whitney Bishop is a brilliant business strategist who focuses her genius helping Non-Profit Leaders.  Her company, The Non-Profit Leaders Network is contracted by non-profit organizations searching for professional development that makes a difference for them.  Think team trainings, masterful me...

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How to Charge a High Premium for Your Services with Karen Rowe

Biz Women Rock - August 13, 2018 07:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Karen Rowe is a full service ghostwriter...she helps elite executives write books in 3 days or less in a signature program she calls Book at the Beach.     Before Karen created this $15,000 program, she was doing any kind of writing she could just to pay the bills, often charging just $2,000...

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Why I Launched a Podcast Network - A Case Study With Katie

Biz Women Rock - August 06, 2018 07:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
BIG NEWS!  I've just launched a brand new podcast called the MEDITATION FOR WOMEN podcast, full of guided meditations specifically created for the special journey we women are on.   I would so appreciate you supporting the show by SUBSCRIBING, RATING & REVIEWING IT, and SHARING IT!   You...

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How to Attract & Hire Great Employees with Amber Hawley

Biz Women Rock - July 30, 2018 08:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Amber Hawley is the CEO of Fremont Counseling Services, who specializes in Couples Therapy.  She’s had her company since 2011 and started hiring employees 2 years later. I recently watched from afar as Amber hired - and happily bragged about - two amazing new employees and knew she was in the pr...

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When a Divorce Stops Your Business Momentum with Sara Lingenfelter

Biz Women Rock - July 23, 2018 07:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
I could easily tell the “success story” of Sara Lingenfelter - how she started her business by becoming a Virtual Assistant, quit her job and then filled up her client docket so she made more money with VA clients than she had ad her job.  How she then upped her game and became - and charged app...

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Manifesting for Your Business with Jen Mavros

Biz Women Rock - July 16, 2018 07:00 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
“Get out of your head and into your heart.”  This is one of the core concepts Jen and I discuss on today’s epic podcast episode and I couldn’t be more inspired to share it all with you!   Jen Mavros helps you manifest soulfully aligned desires and dreams in your life and business.   And duri...

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What Led Her to Become a Self-Published Author & Teacher with Laura Petersen

Biz Women Rock - July 09, 2018 07:00 - 53 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
When Laura Petersen decided to write and self-publish a book in 30 days, there was no option for her not to do it.  And after her book How to Grow Your Podcast Brand & Business with Compelling Copy hit #1 in Amazon for a few significant categories, it was no surprise that others came to her to s...

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How to Create a Movement with Michelle Mazur

Biz Women Rock - July 02, 2018 07:00 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Creating a movement is so much more than simply growing your business.  It means sharing your core message with the world in a way that inspires them to take up your torch and share that message with others.     The 5 Second Rule… Start With Why…   Sound familiar?  These are Mel Robbin...

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Being True to Yourself on the Business Journey with Vegan Chef Leslie Durso

Biz Women Rock - June 25, 2018 04:30 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
After spending a week in Italy with Vegan Chef Leslie Durso, there was no way I could NOT bring her on the podcast!  Leslie describes herself as a “level 5 Vegan,” meaning that she’s intense about all things vegan - no meat, no dairy, no animal byproducts, plant based...the whole package.   But ...

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I’m Pregnant & Lessons Learned From My Italian Adventure

Biz Women Rock - June 19, 2018 04:30 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
It wasn’t the logical thing to do.     Leave my business, my clients, my daughter, my hubs, my bird and the whole flow of my everyday life for 2 weeks.     And it’s not like it was for business, either.  No promise of a return on my investment that would show up immediately in my numbers...

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The Journey of Finding Your Purpose with Cathy Heller

Biz Women Rock - June 11, 2018 04:30 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
This episode will be soul food for you.  Cathy Heller and I are discussing the truth about the business journey not from the vantage point of strategy or how-to.  But from the heart. From the space of knowing that you are unique and have a purpose here in this world unlike anyone else’s and how ...

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How to Build Award Winning Team Culture with Patrick Moraites

Biz Women Rock - June 04, 2018 04:30 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
There aren’t that many men that make it into the featured spotlight of the Biz Women Rock podcast interviews - not because I don’t think there are incredible men out there doing great work - but because I’m just so damn committed to spotlighting kick ass women entrepreneurs.   But I decided ...

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Make Good Money From a Self-Published Book with Lily Nichols - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 31, 2018 04:30 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Lily Nichols wrote her first book Real Food for Gestational Diabetes  in 2015 with no intention of making money.  As a Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist and someone who had built a practice helping women through gestational diabetes, she wrote it because she was so desperate to get her revol...

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Almost 3 Decades as a Mompreneur with Kim Garst - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 28, 2018 04:30 - 36 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
I’ve had the privilege of knowing Kim Garst for quite some time now and this time, the social media diva is having a conversation with me that has nothing to do with social media.     When she had her first son 27 years ago, she took one look at her newborn and decided in an instant that all...

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Maternity Leave, Mommy Groups and Quarterly Planning with Arianna Taboada - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 24, 2018 04:30 - 30 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Arianna Taboada is a Maternal Health Consultant for Entrepreneurs and she had been working with moms for quite some time before she herself became pregnant.  She helps moms prep for maternity leave, because, let’s face it, there’s no perfect maternity leave formula for those of us who run our ow...

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Surrendering to the Seasons of Mompreneurship with Mary Kathryn Johnson - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 21, 2018 04:30 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Mary Kathryn Johnson has had an online business since 2003.  At that time, her sons were young - a toddler and a baby - and she just DID IT ALL.  The tech, the fulfillment, the marketing for her online maternity wear store and taking care of her kiddos full time.     Fast forward to 2018 and...

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How to Prep Your Business for Baby (and the Reality of Having a 6 Week Old) with Jill Stanton - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 17, 2018 04:30 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Jill Stanton and her husband Josh are the creators of the very popular podcast Screw the Nine to Five.  Over the past 5 years, they’ve successfully run Screw University, their membership community, put on live events and also provide online courses to help business start up and successfully get ...

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Grace for the Business and Babies Journey with Jaclyn Mellone - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 14, 2018 04:30 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Grace for the Journey.  That’s the phrase that kept coming to me during today’s interview with Jaclyn Mellone.  She’s the co-host of the podcast All Up In Your Lady Business with Jessica Stansberry, a Marketing and Mindset expert and the creator of her new program, Go To Gal.     Jaclyn foun...

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From 500 to 8,600 YouTube Subscribers in 9 Months with Jessica Stansberry - MOMPRENEUR SERIES

Biz Women Rock - May 10, 2018 04:30 - 43 minutes ★★★★★ - 297 ratings
Video Marketing, creating schedules that work for you (and are ever evolving) and potty training...we’re talking about it all on today’s episode!  Jessica Stansberry is a rock solid “infopreneur” who helps people create video marketing that makes and impact and makes them money! She also has two...

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