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Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

The Law and the Wall and the Conclusion to HisStory - Old Testament (Ezra-Nehemiah)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:42
Do you ever feel that it simply doesn't pay to believe in the God of the Bible? He simply can't deliver on what He promises. Nehemiah and Ezra were both slaves in Persia, but God kept His promises to them. He brought Nehemiah home to rebuild Jerusalem and Ezra home to rebuild obedience to the Law...

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

he Beauty Queen Who Saved a Nation (Esther)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:41
Hate for the Jew--from Pharoah in Egypt, to Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon, to Xerxes in Persia-- right down to the present desire to blow them out of their land--Anti-Semitism remains a deadly poison in our 21st century. This explains why it is imperative of us to go back to the message of the 5th ce...

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Dreams of a Stone and of Wheels (Ezekiel-Daniel)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:41
The wheels of Nebuchadnezzar’s chariots rolled over Daniel and Ezekiel’s beloved city, but both of these young Jewish prophets in Exile in Babylon saw the Lord prove that He controlled the wheel of history and that in the end a "stone cut out without hands" would destroy not only Babylon but all ...

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A Soiled Bride for a Divine Bridegroom (Hosea-Malachi)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:40
They are called the Twelve Minor Prophets but their message is major. From Amos to Malachi Israel’s prophets thunder divine judgment against God’s people because they have broken the promise they made to God at Sinai. How then do each of these hell-fire and damnation prophets find a tender, sweet...

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The Suffering Servant and the Gift of a New Heart (Isaiah –Jeremiah—Lamentations)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:39
Dr. Bruce Waltke was my major teacher at Dallas Seminary in Old Testament. He studied in Israel for a couple of years and once a week went and read the Hebrew Bible with a learned rabbi. One afternoon they read Isaiah 53 together with the wager, the Rav would fit the details of the passage identi...

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The Collapse of a Kingdom (I-II Kings, I-II Chronicles)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:38
When you face the failure and inconsistency of God’s family, do you ever wonder whether God does have the power to accomplish His purposes on the earth? From Solomon to Jehoichin, the Kingdom of Judah was supposed to be the history of God’s Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Instead it became a history ...

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Down But Not Out In Suffering (Job)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:37
Your business goes bankrupt, your children and grand children are destroyed in a horrendous hurricane, and then your health completely fails. Your wife visits you in the hospital and says, “Honey, why don’t you just curse God and die!” Close friends show up to give you more support. Just their si...

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

A Holy Passion (Song of Songs)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:37
Check out the Internet. You can find all kinds of techniques that claim to give you the magic formula that will produce “super sex.” The Creator of sex chose instead to write a series of passionate love poems that teach a lot more than physical techniques. In Proverbs we have Solomon on the skill...

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The Son with Street Smarts (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:35
What would God tell his children about the sting of a con artist or the seductive words of a whore? If you think that God wants us to raise His children naïve about the world, you need to take another look at the wisdom literature in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Discover how God preserves His good ...

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The Sweet Singer and a Prophet in Israel–The Crucified yet Alive Son of David (Psalm 16, 22)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:34
On Cold Case or CSI on a weekly basis corpses are exhumed and valuable clues are discovered to capture a killer, but the clues have to be found in the midst of the dust of deteriorating flesh. Is there a man who beat the curse of death? Turn to Psalm 16 and let’s join King David as he predicted t...

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

The Promise to David (1-2 Samuel)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:34
Henry the 8th rebelled against the Pope, formed a new church, divorced and beheaded his wives--all to insure that he would have a male heir to sustain his throne. He failed. His daughter Elizabeth reigned and in the end the Tudor dynasty failed. But there is a dynasty that will never end. Who sta...

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

A Bride for Boaz (Judges-Ruth)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:33
A widow abandoned her family, her country, and her gods. What drove her to abandon everything and hike with her aging mother-in-law to a small town called Bethlehem. Its one of the most beautiful love stories ever told. This love story is about far more than woman meets man and they live happily ...

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The Scarlet Thread: A Prostitute Becomes Queen (Joshua 2:17ff)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:32
The city is cursed. Its inhabitants mock God until their stone walls collapse at the sound of Israel’s praise. Why would God choose one woman, and a prostitute at that, to be the one survivor—a survivor that became part of King David’s line?

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

The Prophet (Deuteronomy)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:31
The news presents video of Muslims killing because of their devotion to Mohammed. For them he is the greatest prophet. Jews argue that Moses is the greater—he spoke face to face with God. But Jesus claimed to be the greatest. Who do you believe is the greatest prophet and why? God’s Message of gl...

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament  artwork

The Star from Jacob (Numbers 24:15-19)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:30
He was an immoral materialist. A prophet with a hunger to make a buck yet somehow when he opened his mouth God spoke. Buried in Israel's wilderness wanderings in the Old Testament Book of Numbers chapter 24 is a powerful Messianic prophecy delivered 1400 years before Jesus. It's the prophecy of t...

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The Passover Lamb and The Death of A Firstborn Son (Exodus 12)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:30
The Passover-it's a high holy day for Jews and has been so for 3400 years. From the first Passover in Egypt until 70 AD lambs were sacrificed and Jews remembered God's protection of their firstborn by the blood of a lamb and then their deliverance from Egypt. From the destruction of their Temple ...

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My Life for My Brother (Genesis 26-50)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:29
Can a person really change? Can a man be jealous, greedy, and power hungry at 20, and then at 40 be caring and willing to sacrifice himself for another? In Sunday school you learned the story about Joseph and his many-colored coat but did you know that the real story during the second half of Gen...

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Sacrifice a Son (Genesis 12-25)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:28
A sudden illness, the loss of a job, a child that leaves the faith--right when life seems to even out and run smooth often times of testing invade. Imagine waiting years to have a child, finally your barren wife laughs with the birth of her firstborn, and then before the boy reaches adulthood God...

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All Aboard (Genesis 4-11)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:27
"Brother Claims No Responsibility in Brothers Disappearance!" "Husband Jokes with Wife about the Murder of a Teen!" "Murder Becoming More Normal than Birth!" Faced with headlines like this, what would a righteous divine judge do? Our present no-fault, no-punishment culture needs to hear the messa...

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The Serpent and the Seed (Genesis 1-3)

Truth Encounter: HisStory Old Testament - August 13, 2014 01:26
"Once upon a time"--from earliest childhood those words rivet our attention. From Homer to Shakespeare to Spielburg why does a good story capture our attention and what is the most powerful story of all Dave Wyrtzen begins a new series titled His Story-- Discovering God's Glory and Grace. Turn to...

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