Latest Aryastark Podcast Episodes

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

803i "The Long Night" Game of Thrones Instant Cast

Game of Thrones Podcast - April 29, 2019 04:47 - 26 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
We discuss our immediate thoughts on The Long Night, the most recent episode in the final season of Game of Thrones. We both agree that the episode was beautifully shot, action packed, and all hope seemed lost. We will do a deep dive later this week with our full recap. If you would like to send...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

802 "A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - April 27, 2019 16:10 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
And now our watch begins....this was a great episode. A nice closure for all of our favs. We will be back this Sunday with our instant cast!    

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

802i "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" Instant Cast

Game of Thrones Podcast - April 22, 2019 05:03 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
We discuss our immediate thoughts on tonight's episode. We will be back late this week with a full recap. If you would like to be apart of the podcast, hit us up- [email protected]

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

801 "Winterfell" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - April 17, 2019 16:28 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
We are looking forward to watching and discussing the final season of Game of Thrones. In the season premiere, we didnt get any deaths, but we know they are just around the corner.  This season we will make predictions on who will die and who will sit on the Iron Throne....if there is a throne...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

801 Games of Thrones Instant Cast

Game of Thrones Podcast - April 15, 2019 02:51 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
We discuss the final season premier of Game Of Thrones. We will be back Tuesday with a full recap. Send your feedback in to- [email protected] Thank you for listening!

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

707 "The Dragon and the Wolf" Game of Thrones Season Finale Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 31, 2017 01:10 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This was a great season finale to a great season! Game of Thrones gave us everything we have been waiting for, and some. Arya and Sansa dislocated Littlefinger... literally! Jon and Daenerys go half on a baby! The Night King penetrates The Wall and the dead make their way to the stinky north, ac...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

707i "The Dragon and the Wolf" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones Season Finale

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 28, 2017 03:30 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Here is our instant cast for the latest Game of Thrones, “The Dragon and the Wolf”. We will be back Tuesday evening with our full recap and would love to hear your feedback. Be sure to hit us up at [email protected] twitter- @theverdictsin website- t...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

706 "Beyond The Wall" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 23, 2017 01:25 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Arya confronts Sansa with the note sent to their brother Rob Stark, begging him to bend a knee to her beloved Jpffrey. Dany saves Jon and crew, but she paid for it with the life of one her children. We only have one episode left in the season, and cant wait to see how it ends. We will be back ...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

706i "Beyond The Wall" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 21, 2017 03:18 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Here is our instant cast for the latest Game of Thrones, “Beyond The Wall”. We will be back Tuesday evening with our full recap and would love to hear your feedback. Be sure to hit us up at [email protected] twitter- @theverdictsin website- theverdic...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

705 "Eastwatch" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 16, 2017 03:57 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This episode was a great addition to the amazing battle of "Spoils of War". We get to see the aftermath of Drogon. Jaime is convinced there is no winning this war. It took Daenerys twenty minutes with one dragon, it might only take five minutes with all three. Jaime also mentioned the skill leve...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

705i "Eastwatch" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 14, 2017 02:37 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Here is our instant cast for the latest Game of Thrones, “Eastwatch”. We will be back Tuesday evening with our full recap and would love to hear your feedback. Be sure to hit us up at [email protected] twitter- @theverdictsin website- theverdictsin.c...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

704 “The Spoils of War" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 09, 2017 05:01 - 59 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Arya is back in Winterfell, and Sansa glad to have her younger sister home and safe! Jon and Daenerys may come together and fight the White Walkers... only if Jon bend a Knee. Good luck with that one!!! The war was everything that's good in life, and the shortest war ever. Daenerys is in a great...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

704 "The Spoils of War" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 07, 2017 02:56 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Here is our instant cast for the latest Game of Thrones, “The Spoils of War”. We will be back Tuesday evening with our full recap and would love to hear your feedback. Be sure to hit us up at [email protected] twitter- @theverdictsin website- theverd...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

703 “The Queen's Justice" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - August 02, 2017 03:51 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Queen Cersei is playing the most advance level of chess. She is clearing the board and serving up sweet justice! It is a treat getting Jon, Tyrion, and Daenerys in the same room at the same time!!! We wish Jon was a little more open with The Mother of Dragons... He did take a knife in the heart ...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

703 "The Queen's Justice" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - July 31, 2017 02:59 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Here is our instant cast for the latest Game of Thrones, "The Queen's Justice". We will be back Tuesday evening with our full recap and would love to hear your feedback. Be sure to hit us up- [email protected] twitter- @theverdictsin website- theverd...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

702 "Stormborn" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - July 27, 2017 00:36 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
What would Theon do? Is that what she ask ourselves when faced with a difficult lose lose situation? We discuss the latest episode of GoT and that incredible love scene. You can send your feedback in to [email protected] Thank you for listening!

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

702i "Stormborn" Instant Cast- Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - July 24, 2017 03:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
What an ending! Euron doesn't take back his fleet, he destroys it. This could give the advantage back to Queen Cercei. We can't wait to see Jon and Daenerys' family reunion, and also the Starks reunion!!! Thanks for listening! We will be back Tuesday with our full recap, be sure to send your f...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

701 “Dragonstone" Game of Thrones Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - July 19, 2017 03:21 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
"Tell them winter came for House Frey" - Arya Stark 701 “DRAGONSTONE” was a great start to season 7. This is what we have been waiting for! They could have ended the episode after Arya's scene and we would have been satisfied. The rest off the show was just icing on the cake!!! We will be ba...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

701i "Dragonstone" Instant Cast- Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - July 17, 2017 02:51 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
What an amazing first episode of season seven! The Stark family once again runs the north and The Mother of Dragons is coming full force to take it all. Arya think she is ready to take on the Queen of the Iron Throne, but only time will tell. Thanks for listening! We will be back Tuesday with ...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

610 "The Winds of Winter" Game of Thrones- Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 30, 2016 04:02 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
After the second watch, it is confirmed that this episode was AMAZING!!! While Gary is convinced R+L=J means Rhaegar + Lyanna =Jon. Nicole is still questioning the R. If Rhaegar is Jon's father, does this make Daenerys his aunt??? Sorry everyone who was waiting on this love connection. The...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

610i "The Winds of Winter" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 27, 2016 03:34 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Awesome season finale!!!  Jon Snow is now the King of The North, and we couldn't be more happier! The Starks are once again on the rise! They are not taking any prisoners. Down goes the Freys, the Boltons and Karstarks. The Iron Throne is the next stop! Cersei loses even when she wins. Not...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

609 "Battle of The Bastards" Game of Thrones -Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 22, 2016 23:21 - 58 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This was another amazing episode of Game of Thrones, "Battle of The Bastards". We loved the Dany, Yara, Greyworm, and Tyrion scenes. We even loved the fighting scenes. However, we are disappointed in Jon falling into Ramsey's bait. Of course our favorite part is the very sick bastard who finally...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

609 "Battle of The Bastards" Instant Cast Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 20, 2016 02:14 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Wow, that was quite the fight. Game of Thrones came provided us with another amazing episode. "Battle of The Bastards" was everything we were hoping for and more. We will be back Tuesday night will a full recap, and would love to hear from you- [email protected] Thank you for ...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

608 "No One" Game of Thrones -Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 15, 2016 00:00 - 58 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
A girl is not no one, a girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell! We loved this weeks episode of Game of Thrones, "No One". We saw Arya finish her training as a faceless man, and remember who she is. The Hound was able to get his revenge, and even made had a meal with an old foe. Tommen has completely g...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

608i "No One" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 13, 2016 02:06 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This was another great episode. There were some things we did not like, such as not seeing Arya and FA (Waife) fight, or The Blackfish fight the Lannisters. On the other hand, we did appreciate seeing The Hound get revenge, and Arya say her name.  We will be back Tuesday with our full recap, b...

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607 "The Broken Man" Game of Thrones -Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 09, 2016 21:27 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Another solid episode of Game of Thrones. With only three more episodes left in the season, we are excited to see where some of our favorite and most hated characters will end up. We would love to hear your feedback, be sure to hit us up [email protected] Thank you for listeni...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

607i "The Broken Man" Instant Cast- Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 06, 2016 02:35 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
We enjoyed this weeks episode of Game of Thrones, "The Broken Man". We will record our full recap Monday or Tuesday night, we would love to hear your feedback on the episode. Be sure to hit us up at [email protected] or twitter @theverdictsin or Thank you...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

606 "Blood of My Blood" Game of Thrones -Full Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - June 03, 2016 04:07 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This week on Game of Thrones we were re-introduced to characters that we havent seen in years/seasons. Benjen Stark is alive. Although he is different, he is still alive. Walder Frey made an appearance, but we cant wait for him to die. There are some power moves being made at Kings Landing, but ...

Game of Thrones Podcast artwork

606 "Blood of My Blood" Instant Cast

Game of Thrones Podcast - May 30, 2016 03:29 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This was a solid episode of Game of Thrones, "Blood of My Blood". We have a lot of research to do for the full recap, and look forward to discussing all the faces we were surprised to see this week. We would love to get your feedback on the episode, hit us up [email protected] ...

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605 Game of Thrones "The Door" Full Recap

Game of Thrones Podcast - May 26, 2016 03:52 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
605 Game of Thrones "The Door" was epic! There's plenty of Red Priestess to go around! It seem like everyone has one of their own! Sansa is no longer the little girl Littlefinger left with the Boltons. She lets Littlefinger know she does not need his protection anymore. We find out Euron G...

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