Latest Afterdivorce Podcast Episodes

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Special Guest: Stacy Francis - When Wealth and High Conflict Divorce Intersect, the Financial Essentials

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - September 13, 2023 16:38 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
With High Conflict Divorce comes significant challenges; legally, emotionally and financially. When wealth is added to this mix, the complexities can feel astronomical. These complexities can come in the form of financial control and withholding, complicated high risk or international investme...

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Divorce Trauma Recovery: EFT: The Secret Sauce of Staying Present and Regulating…On a Dime! with Theresa Levine

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - September 01, 2023 17:57 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
This entire series is designed to speak with practitioners in modalities that cut through months or years of therapy, helping clients rapidly regulate so they can engage in and benefit from divorce coaching. Today we look at Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) which is a combination of ancient C...

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JBD Team Talks: Divorce Restructures the Family - About Family Systems

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - August 30, 2023 04:20 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
If you are going through a divorce - or contemplating taking this step - and you have children, this podcast is for you. There are many who hold the position that divorce harms children. There is also a lot of information out there that claims this is not necessarily true. Under the best circum...

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Divorce Trauma Recovery: A Fast and Effective Approach to Regulate Your Nervous System with Elisabeth Kristoff

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - August 24, 2023 18:33 - 55 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
When living with and divorcing a dysfunctional high conflict personality is fraught with triggering experiences and reactive engagements. And this dynamic didn’t start with your marriage, it began earlier in life with trauma that ‘set you up’ to be in a high conflict relationship. So how do yo...

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Voices of Celebration: How I Reclaimed My Sanity, Self Esteem and My Life!

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - August 22, 2023 12:19 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
While navigating divorce, fear of the unknown often drives us to replace our uncertainty with a catastrophic worst case scenario about our future. However, our greatest fears rarely come true. Today’s session is designed to provide you with hope and encouragement as you hear one woman’s journey...

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High Conflict: Essential Legal Guidelines for Navigating a High Conflict Divorce

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - August 16, 2023 13:35 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Entering the legal process of any divorce feels frightening and overwhelming. For those entering high conflict divorce, the fear and confusion is escalated due to years of living in a dysfunctional marriage and the complexities involved when divorcing a high conflict personality. There is ofte...

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Divorce Roadmap: How to Negotiate a Sound Financial Settlement

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - August 06, 2023 16:11 - 54 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
As you enter divorce negotiations it is imperative that you have a good handle on your financial picture and the value each asset represents. The fear and uncertainty of what your financial reality will be post-divorce can be paralyzing. Getting educated and enlisting professionals to support ...

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All Things Parenting: Real Life Amicable and High Conflict CoParenting with Jessica and TH of the ExExperts

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - August 01, 2023 20:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Today's conversation highlights both the unique differences one faces when coparenting with a high conflict ex and the common challenges that we all face coparenting no matter when level of conflict we've experienced with our ex. Jess and TH are the founder of Exexperts. They were friends in m...

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Meet the Coaches: Founder, Karen McMahon's Story

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - July 01, 2023 14:09 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
This episode is being shared from the Divorced People podcast which Karen McMahon was recently interviewed on. Divorced People is a podcast about divorce, marriage, and relationships. The host, Nicole Quallen, a divorced person and collaborative divorce lawyer, speaks with story-tellers who hav...

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All Things Parenting: Long Distant Parenting: The challenges, rewards and best practices with Carrie Norwood

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - June 29, 2023 09:05 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Distance parenting was a new term to me when I found today’s guest and given that I have been in the divorce field for over a dozen years, that surprised me. So today we are discussing “Long Distance Parenting: The challenges, rewards and best practices.” The term Distance Parenting refers to ...

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JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part III - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - June 22, 2023 13:57 - 54 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Part 3 of our series focuses on how to appreciate and benefit from the different voices in your head and their unique perspectives by using “The Brain Huddle” , a practice author Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD refers to as a “Power Tool for Peace”. The four voices or characters generated by four differ...

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All Things Parenting: Parallel Parenting: A Proven Approach to Successful High Conflict Co Parenting with Brook Olsen

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - June 16, 2023 09:02 - 52 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Welcome to another episode of All Things Parenting. You’re post divorce and survived the chaotic, complex, often times hostile and overwhelming divorce process. You thought you would be free, feel better, be less triggered and engaged with your ex. But you have kids together and somedays it fee...

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JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part II - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - June 15, 2023 09:25 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
The neurons in our brains are not all alike. Our brains think and feel in four different ways, every one of us. We may be more aware of certain ways than others, and define ourselves by the ways of thinking that are habitual...which does not always serve us well, especially when navigating div...

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Divorce Roadmap: International Divorce: What to Know and How to Proceed

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - June 09, 2023 23:02 - 59 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
As if divorce is not overwhelming enough, those facing ‘international divorce’ complexities encounter an entirely unique and complex set of challenges which are even further intensified if there are children involved. Join us as we speak to matrimonial attorneys Nicole Centracchio and Bryan R...

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Voices of Celebration: My Unexpected Unbelievable Life After Divorce and Cancer with Guest, Clare

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - June 06, 2023 20:21 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Clare was beaming when we began talking, so excited about her new lease on life. She had a marriage that had been dead for a while, with little communication or emotional support. She found herself more anxious and depressed, even praying for a way out of life...until one day, she got really sic...

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All Things Parenting: When Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids with Diane Dempster

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - May 31, 2023 02:01 - 41 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Today we are discussing what happens when Divorce Collides with Raising Complex Kids. If you are raising a complex kid, you know the unique challenges you face. These difficulties may even have played a role in the dissolution of your marriage. Today we’re joined by my dear friend and colleag...

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JBD Team Talks: You're Not Crazy Part I - Exploring the Voices in Your Head

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - May 25, 2023 19:11 - 54 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
It is an all too human tendency to react to stressful situations in counterproductive ways, to attack out of intense emotion without a clear purpose, to accommodate long after it's healthy to do so, or to avoid addressing situations that are destructive. While these are rarely wise strategies, ...

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Divorce Roadmap: Children and Divorce: When Special Needs Kids Are Involved

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - May 17, 2023 08:38 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Raising special needs children has a unique set of gifts and challenges. When negotiating divorce, it is essential that you can advocate for the support they will continue to need. Guest, Randi L. Karmel, PLLC, specializes in this area and discusses the pitfalls inherent and possibilities ava...

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Voices of Celebration: My Emotionally Vacant Marriage Transformed into a Compassionate CoParenting Partnership with Nicole

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - May 16, 2023 06:30 - 38 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
After 2 decades in a marriage that was kind and amicable yet completely lacking the emotional intimacy Nicole desired, she made the difficult decision to divorce. What followed was a painful negotiation that left her questioning if her then husband even cared about her. As someone who always sea...

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Healthy Romantic Relationships: Healthy Sex - How Past Experience Informs Future Pleasure

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - May 09, 2023 16:23 - 56 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
In Today’s episode of Healthy Romantic Relationships we discuss “The Psychological Aspect of Healthy Sex - How Past Experience Informs Future Pleasure. We are exploring What is the healthiest way to engage your sexuality as you enter dating and healthy relationships? Karisa opens with a powerf...

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Life After Divorce: A Roadmap to Deep Inner Peace Using the Four Characters in your Brain

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - May 03, 2023 13:29 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Today Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and I are discussing “A Roadmap to Deep Inner Peace: Understanding the Four Characters in your Brain”. We are exploring Jill’s concept that our brain has “Four Characters”. She shares the role (dare I say personality) of each of these characters. She also shares a p...

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All Things Parenting: The Business Partnership Approach to Successful CoParenting with Janet Price

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 28, 2023 19:21 - 49 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Welcome to The Business Partnership Approach to Successful CoParenting. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs we are called to do. In healthy marriages, parents come from different parenting experiences and values and can be challenged to find common ground, how are you to co parent when d...

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Divorce Roadmap: Negotiating Child Custody to Create a Win Win

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 25, 2023 15:22 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Your emotions are tender and your fears heightened while negotiating custody. Notice your nightmare stories around custody that fan your fear and create tension and conflict, derailing your negotiations. Matrimonial attorney Josh Hecht shares strategies to cut through the acrimony, negotiate ...

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JBD Team Talks: When Your Spouse Shows Up Like A Kid

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 19, 2023 09:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
How do you handle coparenting when your spouse (or soon to be ex) is behaving more like a kid? There may be underlying issues like substance use, neurodiversity or they just may be (much) less responsible than you wish they were. How do you navigate things like shared custody and lifestyle dec...

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Divorce Roadmap: Children and Divorce: How to Navigate a Child-Centered Divorce Standard vs. High Conflict

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 19, 2023 00:51 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
How do you choose the approach to negotiating custody with your children’s mental and emotional health front and center? Children can experience significant emotional damage as a result of divorce, but they don’t have to. While it is understandable that you want to fight for your fair share o...

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All Things Parenting: The 3 A's to Conscious CoParenting with Mikki Gardner

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 17, 2023 16:18 - 54 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
I am so excited to chat with today’s guest about her 3 A’s to Conscious CoParenting. How you VIEW your child and their behavior, your ability to self regulate amidst the storm and the skill of presence and responsiveness as you address your child’s behavior is a brilliantly powerful way to pare...

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Meet the Coaches: My High Conflict Divorce changed the Trajectory of my Life w/ JBD Coach, Tammy Oswald

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 11, 2023 19:56 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Tammy shares her personal and professional experiences related to divorce in this episode. She grew up as a child of divorce with an absentee father, living in poverty and experiencing physical and emotional neglect as a result. Having no contact or support from her father, Tammy’s mother work...

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Divorce Roadmap: Children & Divorce: The Child's Bill of Rights

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 07, 2023 16:04 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Learn how you can parent through divorce in a way that protects your children from the animosity between you and your spouse and honors their rights. Dr. Mark Banschick, a child psychiatrist shares the negative impact and long term affects children experience when parents do not protect them f...

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All Things Parenting: Step Parenting - 3 Keys to Setting Your New Family Up for Success w/Mike and Kim Andersen

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - April 06, 2023 15:39 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
If you found divorce and coparenting with your ex challenging, today’s guests share the added complexities in merging two families where the children can fall into mine, yours and ultimately ours. After 2 decades of coaching Step Parents, today’s guests share the secret (and vital necessity) to...

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Divorce Roadmap: Divorce Finances - 5 Essentials to be Financially Prepared

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast - March 29, 2023 09:46 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 97 ratings
Your finances are certain to change during and after divorce and therefore raise fear in just about everyone facing this transition. Today we speak with Elizabeth Polizzi, a financial expert who specializes in strategizing around the finances of divorce. She discusses how vital it is to be inf...

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