Latest #rajeshnagjee Podcast Episodes

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Time Compression Is A Function Of Mastery

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 13, 2020 07:00 - 4 minutes
Practicing an important skill over and over to achieve mastery creates effectiveness and efficiency in all that you do.

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Creating Leaders, Empower Them, Get Out Of The Way

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 12, 2020 07:00 - 3 minutes
The fastest way to grow your organization is to create leaders, empower them, get out of their way and let them get on with it. Inspect progress diligently to keep everyone on track. Support them and enable them to win.

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Most Business Owners Become The Chief Problem Solvers!

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 11, 2020 07:00 - 5 minutes
Most Business Owners thrive on the challenges of solving problems and become a bottleneck. They are constantly tired and exhausted. Is there a better and easier way?

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Unleashing The Power Of Communities

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 10, 2020 15:00 - 6 minutes
Communities are older than 5,000 years, whereas Organizations are about 200 years old. Harnessing the power of Communities helps to accelerate business growth by being more of your authentic self.

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor artwork

Differentiate Or Die! There Is No Other Way!

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 09, 2020 07:00 - 4 minutes
How do you find new ways to differentiate your offering? And unless you differentiate your value proposition in your target market's mind-space, it will be difficult to achieve bigger growth.

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The Power Of Generics To Grow Your Business

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 08, 2020 07:00 - 5 minutes
Most Business Owners miss the power of generics. They are totally focused on the specifics that make their product or service unique. Unless the generics are powerfully aligned, it is impossible to achieve bigger growth.

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor artwork

Have You Caught New Shiny Object Syndrome?

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 07, 2020 07:00 - 5 minutes
Business Owners are constantly looking for what will give them an edge to grow their business. Along the way, most CEOs catch a highly contagious New Shiny Object Syndrome!

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor artwork

These Three Pillars Of Business Success.

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 06, 2020 07:00 - 6 minutes
Focusing on these three pillars will help to accelerate sustainable growth.

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor artwork

Simplify Business. They Made It Too Complex! Unnecessary!

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 05, 2020 06:00 - 4 minutes
Things work well when they are simple. Complexity adds confusion with too many theories and approaches. Simplify business. Make it work!

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Why Do So Many Businesses Fail To Generate Cash?

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 04, 2020 07:00 - 4 minutes
Most Business Owners are troubled by inadequate cash generation. What is the root cause?

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Scaling Up Mindset Versus A Startup Mindset?

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 03, 2020 07:00 - 5 minutes
Most Business Owners stay locked in a Startup Mindset. Only a ScalingUp Mindset will lead to achieve bigger growth.

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Are You Working Too Hard? Your Team Isn't Pulling Their Weight?

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 02, 2020 06:00 - 4 minutes
Most CEOs feel they are working too hard. Their Core Team isn't pulling their weight. Quite frustrating!

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Overcoming Core Team's Resistance To Chance

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - March 01, 2020 06:00 - 4 minutes
CEOs struggle to overcome their Core Team's resistance to change. Is there an easy way?

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Why Is It So Difficult To Align Your Core Team?

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - February 29, 2020 05:00 - 3 minutes
CEOs constantly struggle to align their Core Teams because of this one common default underlying condition that creates frustration, helplessness and overwhelm. There is an easy fix!

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This One Powerful Way To Access The Power Of The Mastermind

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - February 25, 2020 16:45 - 37 minutes
The Mastermind Process has immense power to unleash creativity and innovation and tilt the probability of success in your favor. In this episode, you will discover an easy way to access the deep promise of the mastermind and what it can do for you.

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Why World Class CEOs Participate In A Mastermind

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - February 21, 2020 11:15 - 5 minutes
World Class CEOs know that harnessing the business acumen and experience of peer CEOs is the only way to achieve big growth consistently and at an accelerated pace. However, there are several pitfalls on the way.

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Scaling Up Mindset - Why Most Companies Fail To Scale Up

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - February 21, 2020 11:10 - 8 minutes
Most CEOs haven't distinguished a StartUp Mindset from a ScaleUp Mindset and continue to operate, for years together, in a StartUp Mindset - leading to incremental and slow growth. They fail to achieve bigger growth.

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Why World Class CEOs Swear By Their Masterminds

Rajesh Nagjee - CEO Mentor - February 18, 2020 15:25 - 5 minutes
Why Masterminds are absolutely essential to accelerate bigger growth. CEOs feel lonely at the top. Pivotal decisions benefit from a 360-degree viewpoint to avoid costly mistakes from blind spots.

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