Today, I’m sharing my top six hacks for keeping my house in order. As a mom of three young kids who also works from home, keeping my house tidy and functioning smoothly helps me stay productive and sane.

And as I recorded this episode, we were also in the middle of the COVID-19 quarantine, and if you’re anything like me, it taken some creative organizing to keep everyone healthy and happy and home without stepping all over each other every day.

As always, I only share what I know. These are things that work for me, so maybe something in here will work for you too!

Episode 52 Topics:
-My former-retail girl tips for never running out of toilet paper
-How to get some work-like separation when everything is running together
-The family toy policy that cuts out the clutter
-Color coordinating my kids. (Just trust me).
Outsourcing to create more time