Continuing the Zestology tradition, I'm excited to share my favorite books of 2023. Plus, get ready for a 'big reveal' (cue the drumroll) about MY new book set to launch soon.

In this solo episode, you'll discover the year's top picks in:

Biohacking Wellness Meditation Microdosing Mindset Fiction And even my fave TV show... (a little bonus for you)




The Healthy AF Method - Heal, optimize, and transform your health with NLP and energy psychology. 

You're constantly searching for ways to improve your health, yet you’re stuck - unable to heal and optimise in the way you’d like. It’s exhausting to continually jump on the newest diet craze or detox program, only to find yourself running in circles, health unchanged.

I’ve been in your shoes. 

After extensive training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, diving into Energy Psychology, and writing six bestselling books now published in 13 languages, I can tell you...

Addressing limiting beliefs and a mindset that holds you back is the breakthrough that people are missing. 

The Healthy AF Method offers a proven pathway to break free from your current cycle and tap into your innate potential for growth and change.

You'll get Healthy AF through video lessons, lifetime access to the Healthy AF hypnosis library, a whole new knowledge of the world of NLP and Energy Psychology and health. ADD IN a supportive community, all at an incredibly good value. 

Join The Healthy AF Method