A passion for pastries ushers in the chocolate businessFiguring out storage and shipping for chocolatesWord of mouth and direct marketing with newsletters 


Elaine: "That's been a bit challenging in terms of the physical space because we don't have a very large space, so that is one thing that we are now running into is the fact that we're limited, in some ways, by the physical space that we have."

Elaine: "Interspersed with that newsletter will be other things that are kind of happening, so our newsletter list is broken out to a general everybody list and a smaller local list. So the smaller local list might get more newsletter because they're on the general list and the local list."

You can connect with Elaine and EH Chocolatier in the links below:

Website - https://www.ehchocolatier.com/Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ehchocolatier/