There’s been a lot of talk online about finding the best approach for bringing Zend and Doctrine 1.x together. This video is my humble approach of combining some of the learning brought about over the last few weeks on Zendcasts, as well as suggestions from Doctrine developers. The goal of this video is to show…

There’s been a lot of talk online about finding the best approach for bringing Zend and Doctrine 1.x together. This video is my humble approach of combining some of the learning brought about over the last few weeks on Zendcasts, as well as suggestions from Doctrine developers.

The goal of this video is to show how you leverage the existing resource loading tools in Zend to have a model structure that reflects Zend’s best practices. This video builds on the last Doctrine video, but if you’re familiar with both frameworks, you should be able to follow along. Enjoy!

Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository.

Also, a big thank you to ServerGrove for extending their support of Zendcasts for January. ServerGrove specializes in Zend Framework hosting and they’ve offered a 10% rebate on hosting with coupon code “zc”. If you’re looking for a host, be sure to check them out. They’ve also added an additional coupon for “Mini Hosting” plans, get $2 off by using code “zcmini”.