Cathy and Todd discuss Gen X slang and intertwine the most popular phrases with clips from the most memorable pop culture moments. They discuss how language changes over time and break down the most popular Gen Z slang, offering suggestions on when to use it (or when not to).

Cathy and Todd discuss Gen X slang and intertwine the most popular phrases with clips from the most memorable pop culture moments. They discuss how language changes over time and break down the most popular Gen Z slang, offering suggestions on when to use it (or when not to).

Todd and Cathy are hosting a live discussion about the “man or bear” debate on Monday, May 20th at 7pm CT through the MenLiving platform – all genders are welcome, see below for link to join.

For the full show notes, visit


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Monday Night Wildcard- Why did “Man or Bear” Go Viral? (all genders)

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Avid Painting and Remodeling 630-956-1800

Time Stamps

(00:02:42) Join Team Zen

(00:03:54) Sign up for Cathy’s Substack

(00:09:38) Slang

(00:36:40) Todd’s English class in high school **

(00:45:15) Gen Z Slang

(00:46:00) You’re primitive **

(01:03:00) To Netflix and chill **

(00:48:32) Painting and Remodeling Needs?  Jeremy Kraft from Avid Painting and Remodeling 630-956-1800

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Avid Co DuPage County Area Decorating, Painting, Remodeling by Avid Co includes kitchens, basements, bathrooms, flooring, tiling, fire and flood restoration.
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Todd Adams Life & Leadership Coaching for Guys


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