Jordan Jones is the CEO of Skara CBD, which he cofounded with the Vegan Influencers behind the award-winning Netflix Documentary "Game Changers".  He is an imaginative entrepreneur with incredible critical thinking skills and a beautiful mindfulness practice.

In this episode:

We lay out the backstory that many millennials can relate to - rejecting what our parents told us. Then walk through the journey of rebelling, living a crazy life and then coming full circle to a soul-nourishing and fulfilling life that's defined by giving back. Jordan drops knowledge bombs from his wealth of mindfulness knowledge and honestly, we just fucking had fun with it. A fun conversation that a lot of millennials will relate to.

About Skara: The heart and soul of our company is founded on one key perspective: When you harmonize yourself, you can harmonize the world around you. We aspire to give our customers the tools to improve their lives and in turn, improve the lives of those around them.

We're committed to ensuring that all of our content, products, and partners are aligned with our vision to harmonize in order to uphold the integrity of our mission and brand.

We source from the cleanest, reliable hemp crops we can find, all US-based, from seed, soil, plant all the way to the extracted oil we put in our tinctures.

Our ingredients are: Full Spectrum Hemp Extract, Agave, Orange Oil, Lemon Oil, and Hempseed oil. All of which are natural with no additives.

We take pride in the fact you can both consume our tinctures sublingually as well as topically, in hopes to promote better skin health, mental health, and spiritual health.

You can also find us on instagram @shopskara and our website