In this solo episode, I present my case for why we should take mindfulness into consideration for everything we do, especially business and career. It also goes into my background and storyline, that led me to create the podcast and what's driven me as well as those who have studied with, and worked with me and K&J Growth hackers. You'll see the dirty details, backbreaking founder stories and crazy spiritual journey that inspired me to bring this knowledge to the forefront and put amazing minds on the digital stage to share their incredible value with you.

Official bio

Jonathan Maxim is an app founder, growth hacker and yogi nerd - who spends his free time teaching entrepreneurs to meditate. After leaving his “big corporate job”, he founded an app that gives users rewards for working out and grew it to 25K users. Currently serving as managing director at K&J Growth Hackers - a boutique marketing firm serving clients like Xfinity, TikTok, US Dept of State and University of Delaware.