The ZaroSports team remembers the Tuesday, September 11th 2001 incident.

Alex, Kenny, Jordan, and Charlotte all go over their experiences in regards to the September 11th attacks on our nation.

This was a tough time for the country however it seemed like it united the country even further as we all mourned the losses encountered.

The country came together as one unit and it was felt through the sporting events that continued for the rest of the year and the year to come.

Alex goes over how he remembers the Yankees in the classic 2001 World Series

It really comes full circle because these events sparked a 20 year war in Afghanistan which just ended recently in a very anticlimactic way.

It may seem like long ago for some and not so long ago for others, so just for perspective think about this 3 of the participants in this episode we under 10 years old.

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