In this the first of four studies on Jesus' prophetic ministry in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:1-25:46) Zane Hodges looks at Matthew 24:1-14. 

Structure of the Olivet Discourse:

1. Prelude: Matt 24:1-2

 2. Exposition/Explanation: Matt 24:4-35 Jesus answers disciples' questions: "When will these things be?" and "What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the consumation of the age?" 

Survey/overview of the Day of the Lord: Matt 24:4-14. Matt 24:4-8 beginning of sorrows (birth pangs). Matt 24:9-14 great tribulation. 

3. Application: Matt 24:35-25:46.  Introduction 24:35-44. Answers disciples' question: "When will these things be?"

Matt 24:45-51 and Matt 25:14-30 parables addressed to church age saints.

Matt 25:1-13 and Matt 25:31-46 2nd and 4th parables addressed to tribulation saints.

Other passages mentioned: Daniel 9; Revelation 8-9, 11; 1 Thessalonias 2; 2 Thessalonians 2.