Zane Hodges answers the following questions on the end times (eschatology):

4:43 Do believers receive an intermediate body when they die and go to be with the Lord until the day their physical bodies are raised out of the grave at the Rapture?

5:25 In our glorified bodies how will our relationship to time and space change?

7:20 What role will the Old Testament law have in the times following the Rapture?

9:13 Are lost people judged and condemned because they have not believed in Jesus Christ (John 3:18) or because of their works (Revelation 20:12)?

17:55 Explain Paul’s experience in 2 Corinthians 12:2-3.

19:47 When is the Judgment Seat of Christ?

22:25 Will we become part of the cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1?

23:07 Will there be a literal marriage feast in the kingdom?

24:20 Does the reference to “joy in heaven over one sinner who repents” in Luke 15:7 indicate that people who are dead in heaven are interested in what is going on here?

27:26  What degree are Gentiles going to be held to the law and what is the role of the law in the Millennium?  Is the law just to bring people to a knowledge of sin or does the law have a sanctification purpose in the Millennium?

33:30  Will the sacrificial system that is reinstated in the Millennium be performed with real animals?

39:28 How can it be that the most-high created being (Satan) think that he can overcome his Creator?

43:20 Will unbelievers, who remain on earth after the Rapture and go into the Tribulation, have a second chance to believe the gospel?

46:30 Will glorified believers sense of time be different during the Tribulation and Millennium?

48:05.  What is your view of the “outer darkness” mentioned in the parables in Matthew?

51:10 Can you explain how the looking at the serpent for healing in Numbers 21:9 is used as an analogy to illustrate believing in Jesus in John 3?

53:43 Regarding, the saints who have died and are crying out under the altar in Revelation 6:9-10, have these saints received their glorified bodies?  Also, will glorified believers know what is going on during the Tribulation?