Temperament is an important feature of social and emotional health. The word “temperament” refers to the way we approach and react to the world. Simply put, temperament refers to a child's innate personality traits, such as their level of activity, adaptability, distractibility, sensitivity, and emotional reactivity. Oftentimes, people say they can tell the temperament of a child from the cry when they make their way into the world. In this podcast we'll be talking about understanding your child's temperament and how it can affect your parenting. We'll discuss the benefits of being aware of your child's unique temperament, as well as the challenges that can arise when there is a mismatch between parent and child temperament. Join us as we dive deep to share tips on how to navigate these challenges and create a harmonious home.

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:25 - Recent Happenings: Parent Courses
►00:43 - TOPIC: Guide to Understanding Your Child's Temperament
►01:11 - What is Temperament
►03:24 - Benefits of Understanding Temperament
►04:40 -  Tips on how to navigate the challenges of mismatched temperaments

QUESTION: What is your child’s temperament? 

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#childtemperament #happyparentchildrelationship #consciousparenting #realizeyourtruenature

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