Connecting with your children is vital. Showing them how much we care and love them is a must.  But have you ever thought of connecting during those dreadful tantrums? Have you ever tried give them more love while they’re screaming and crying? In this podcast, we talk about the importance of connection during these tantrums. Join us de let you in on a secret from tantrum to

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:11 - What does Yuntaku mean?
►00:37- TOPIC:  From Tantrum to Tranquility: Connection Is the Key from No-drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel and Tina Bryson
►00:50 - Recent Happenings: Tamo has a consistent workout schedule and encouraging Akko to join
►02:29  - Brain consists of the upstairs and downstairs’ brain 
►03:15 -  Proactive vs Reactive Parenting 
►03:58- Why Connect to your Child first? 
►05:01- How do you connect? 4 step process

QUESTION: Do you have any methods for connection that work for you? 

► Copyright Chillhop Music -

#tantrumtotraquility #nodramadiscipline #riseinlove #realizeyourtruenature

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Instagram: @akkoandtamo