Previous Episode: UNCHARTED 1.0

With Wilkinson traveling and exploring the world, High Kiu calls in on this episode and we play host to Chief Ayma- our friend in feminism😌- who is also somewhere across the world too.
We have asked her to air her views on any and every structural or institutional bias that may play out against women in everyday Nigerian/African society. 
Chief Ayma is a Nigerian trying to navigate life especially with the certain limitation gender roles has brought. We track from things as complicated as marriage and pregnancy, to the mundane, such as getting an apartment. 
Listen in, join the conversation. Share with us why you might disagree. 
Would you consider it necessary that a female be married or have male guardianship to prove capacity in any way? How do pressures of society affect your beliefs?
Let us know on the social media handles @YPees, let's talk. 
Xoxo 😘❤


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