This week's show features stories from NHK Japan, Sputnik Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba. (29:00)
From JAPAN-Broadcasts of NHK Japan have been suspended in Russia, though they are available on the internet. The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Ukraine met in Turkey but failed to make any agreements. The US Congress passed a $13 billion aid package for Ukraine including $3.5 billion in weapons and $3 billion to deploy US troops to neighboring countries. South Koreans elected a new more conservative president. The war in Ukraine is threatening the global food supply, especially in war torn areas like Yemen.

From RUSSIA- On his program called Going Underground Afshin Rattansi spoke with Medea Benjamin from Codepink. She discusses how Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine has strengthened NATO and given it purpose after embarrassment in Afghanistan, her concerns about sanctions against Russia hurting the working people, not just oligarchs, Russia's assault as an illegal invasion of a sovereign country, the US confiscation of $7 billion of Afghan Central Bank assets, and the war in Yemen.

From CUBA- President Maduro of Venezuela met with US representatives over the weekend to talk about oil supplies. President-elect Boric of Chile promised to work for truth, justice and reparations over the Pinochet years. Lula da Silva is suing those who accused him of corruption now that all charges against him have been annulled. China has warned the US against creating an Asian NATO. Tony Blair has admitted that he may have been wrong about his decision to invade Iraq.