This week's show features stories from France 24, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK Japan, and Radio Deutsche_Welle. (29:00)

From FRANCE 24-- French citizens continued their sixth day of massive protests against Macron's pension reform. A press review on the UK's proposed anti-immigration law which has led to calls for the firing of a long time BBC broadcaster, who had compared the government action to Germany in the 1930s.

From RADIO HAVANA CUBA-- UN Secretary General Guterres condemned rich countries and energy giants for holding back the development of countries living in poverty. Syria is angered over a recent unannounced visit by US Army general Mark Milley to a US military base in the northeast of the country. Doctors Without Borders is planning to suspend operations in Haiti because of recent gang shootings. The weekend before last saw large anti-war protests in many major European capitals demanding an end to the Ukraine war and supplying weapons to Kiev.

From JAPAN- A new survey of Japanese citizens says that more want an expansion of Self Defense Forces. The new Chinese Foreign Minister lashed out at US involvement with Taiwan, calling it containment and suppression- he also said China has no plans to provide weapons to Russia in its war on Ukraine. The head of the IAEA said that Iran has not produced weapons grade enriched uranium. The number of suspected poisonings of Iranian school girls is growing, and it is unclear who is responsible for the acts. Investigators in Germany believe they may be closer to understanding who bombed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline last September.

From GERMANY- More details on the German investigation into who bombed the Nord Stream pipeline. Mauritania, on the coast of northwest Africa, agreed to begin producing hydrogen using solar panels and wind energy for Germany, the UAE, and Egypt.

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¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts

"We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn."
--Mary Catherine Bateson

Dan Roberts
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