This week's show features stories from France 24, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan. (29:00)
From FRANCE- Before Russia entered into Ukraine, there was a meeting at the UN to attempt to scale back the conflict. Then a global press review following the beginning of the Russian military operation.

From RUSSIA- On his program called Going Underground Afshin Rattansi spoke with Ben Aris, editor-in-chief of bne IntelliNews. He discusses Vladimir Putin's motivations for recognising the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, NATO expansion causing major security concerns for Russia, Ukraine's Zelensky declaring that he won't implement the Minsk agreements- a trigger point for Putin, and Ukraine tensions posing the biggest crisis for the West since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

From CUBA- The WHO announced that 6 African nations will receive the technology to produce their own m-RNA vaccines. The World Food Program warned that 95% of Afghan people do not have enough to eat. Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak says he does not regret the killing of Palestinian citizens of the occupied territories in the year 2000, during the beginning od the second Intifada.

From JAPAN- 10 major Japanese companies with the World Wildlife Foundation are developing ways to stop using disposable plastic. European countries are trying to speed up ending their reliance on natural gas from Russia. China is going to sanction two US firms following US agreements to sell weapons worth $100 million to Taiwan. a Japanese and Taiwanese same-sex couple are trying to expand the legality of same-sex marriages. Taiwan has partially lifted bans on Japanese foods, which have been in effect since the Fukushima disaster.