Previous Episode: 122 Real vs Counterfeit
Next Episode: 124 Mission Undefined

While climbing a snow capped volcano, the climber asks the Sherpa, “Can you get me to the volcano’s summit?” The Sherpa replies, “Yes. If you will follow me completely, stay on my path, and do everything I do." The climber asks, "What happens if I don't?" The Sherpa answers with, ”You will die."

My takeaway? Trust the Sherpa (ha ha)! Now that is serious leadership and what you do in ministry is just...that...serious!

Two things you must know to be successful and impactful:

1. Wear the Right Equipment.

2. Follow someone who knows the way with an impeccable track record.

In this episode, I tell another story from one of my student ministry trips and the result of following the wrong people, but having the right equipment. (Ephesians 6:10-18) The Whole Armor of God, in particular the helmet.

We are in spiritual battles all the time, but I believe most of us dismiss the fact that we who serve are a threat. Therefore, always being challenged and tempted to take a wrong turn.




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Hosted by: Doug Edwards

Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 (Listen to more at:

Edited by: Ryan James Edwards at Secret Roots Music House

Recorded by: Doug Edwards

Graphics by: Ryan James Edwards