"Love makes the World go round!" is a saying I heard growing up. At least in Lisa and Chase's case it does make their world go round  along with their now teenage girl. God's Love for us created a world and a Universe whether it, "technically", made the world go round or not, Love has certainly been a main theme through out the Bible. Love was why God sent His only Son to earth to live a humble but powerful life. Love is why God let him die for your sins and mine. But, Love, is why he created us to Love him but also saw that Mankind needed a Love relationship. Adam and Eve was God's idea. He intended for us to fall in Love. And Lisa and Chase fell in Love. Here is their story. 


Hosted by: Doug Edwards
Theme Song: "The One and Only" by The 808 (Listen to more here: the808music.com)

Edited by: Doug Edwards Recorded by: Doug Edwards